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7:46 AM

16.5 mi


1.3 mi / hr


82 bpm
133 bpm
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N Kinsman, S Kinsman, Cannon

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LONG hike on the Kinsman Range, with Shannon and Katie. Got up and out the door before 6, enjoyed our coffee and breakfast burritos in the car, and got to the Lafayette Campground parking area in ~2 hours. Our plan was to hit North and South Kinsman, and then add on Cannon (a pretty significant add-on!) if we were feeling good. Started on the Lonesome Lake trail, pretty easy going and got to Lonesome Lake itself in under an hour - it was realllly cool, foggy and a little eerie out. Then took Fishin' Jimmy up to the Kinsman juncture, a bit more challenging... headed south on the Kinsman Ridge trail and got North and South Kinsman, the sky started to clear up as we got back to North Kinsman! We ate lunch back at the juncture and decided to forge on to Cannon, the girls kept the breaks short which in hindsight was a good thing... it was a pretty long haul along the Kinsman Ridge trail as it traversed over the "Cannonballs". Finally we got to the foot of Cannon, and then it was a pretty steep and tough climb to get up. Really windy on the Cannon summit / firetower, we saw some people leaving the summit in like, PJs and flip flops so we thought it couldn't be that hard to get down... so decided to take the Hi-Cannon trail as planned. It turned out to be a very steep descent, including some spooky cliffs and a ladder on a ledge that gave Shannon some trouble... it was slow going. But, we made it back to the car before dark! Left at 5:45 and back home at 11PM, that's a full day.

3 more peaks bagged! That brings the running total to 16
