Run: Easy Previous Next


6.8 mi


7:07 mi


A run I was ill-prepared for. Tired from Phish Concert last night- didn't get to sleep until 2:30-3:00. Not very hydrated. Didn't poop before, had to go the entire time. Ate some cereal +banana bread 3.5-4 hours earlier- still too much. Ran at 8:00 at night, which was fun. By myself. Had a general idea of doing a fairly hard effort. Planned out a 6 mile loop, but messed up and ended up running more like a 7 mile loop-not a big deal. Started out going pretty fast for the first 2 and half miles or so. Struggled with some cramps and slowed down, especially when I began to suspect that I had missed a turn. Picked it up and tried to start a good striding rhythm around Taylor St, taking advantage of the downhill. Couldn't resist kicking it in again after the Pleasant St downhill. Not a fun run- definitely need to drink more, eat less, and poop before my runs. Hopefully I've learned a lesson.
