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6:19 PM

8.8 mi


5:41 mi


142 bpm
180 bpm
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Harvard 1200m loop

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4x2mi w/ 2’ jog, wanted to hit low 5:30s. Nominally with Eric, Shaun, Metzger but they were crushing it tonight so more or less solo. Dece workout, hit the paces, effort felt right for the most part, getting a bit higher at the end. It was pretty gusty and there were some thick snowflakes on mile 8, not the best conditions. I was drowsy all day today, need to get more SLEEP to be at my best for these workouts.

11:06 (5:32.6, 5:33.7) (1:48)

10:58 (5:23.8, 5:34.7) (1:55)

11:07 (5:33.7, 5:33.6) (1:44)

11:10 (5:30.8, 5:39.2)
