Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass



    I ran 40 miles last week of hills and “flats” alike but two days of rough weather. One had 20s and 29mph sustained winds and yesterday it was 12F feels like -3F. The TM is offended.





      I ran 40 miles last week of hills and “flats” alike but two days of rough weather. One had 20s and 29mph sustained winds and yesterday it was 12F feels like -3F. The TM is offended.


      I won't run in that shit.  I'm a fair weather runner and not afraid to admit it.  I get a lot of shit for being a wussy because I'll treadmill it in dark, cold, windy conditions while all my insane friends are outside proving their toughness.  Thankfully, I don't care about proving toughness and prefer comfort.


      Former Bad Ass

        This is better than running in Miami so for me it's not tough to run in that. You can wear enough stuff in this weather to not feel it. Something I couldn't do in Miami. Miraculously, my lungs are breathing fine!


        PS, hitting the TM is not weak either. We get our workouts however we can!


        Today it will be a balmy high 20s when I get to run.



          This is better than running in Miami so for me it's not tough to run in that. You can wear enough stuff in this weather to not feel it. Something I couldn't do in Miami. Miraculously, my lungs are breathing fine!


          PS, hitting the TM is not weak either. We get our workouts however we can!


          Today it will be a balmy high 20s when I get to run.


          I've ran in Miami on a business trip. It was miserable.  I totally agree with you.


          I had a pretty bad experience in the cold last year where the twig and berries started getting a burning sensation.  When I got home and they started to warm up, I doubled over in pain on the floor.  It was excruciating pain for what seemed like an eternity.  I momentarily thought my favorite physical activity would be lost forever due to my second favorite activity (running).


          Yeah you can get some pretty awesome workouts on the treadmill!  Last night I did 30 minutes at 7% incline.  Good luck doing that workout without a treadmill!  Yesterday morning, I decided to do a 10 minute fast finish at > 10 mph.  5:50 pace on the treadmill felt the same on the treadmill as it does outside.  Pretty sure I got a good training stimulus from that too!!  Not that I don't prefer running outside though when the conditions are favorable.  I got a good 1 hour 8 mile run in this morning in at 40 degree temps with a gorgeous sunrise.  Life is good!!


          Former Bad Ass

            Ha, I get enough hills during my runs to not wish for those on the TM. LOL.
