Low HR Training

Losing the Blubber...cooling the core... (Read 2314 times)


    Weigh-in May 23


    Date 4/21/2010 5/23/2011
    lbs. 184 177
    waist 42" 39.75"
    neck 15" 15"
    %bodyfat 31.0% 27.3%
    fat lbs. 57.04 48.32
    lean lbs. 126.96



    (click for body fat calculator)


    I came to the realization this year that if I don't step on the scale every day, I get all porous-brain about monitoring my weight, and even begin to avoid it when I know I'm blubbing up. I understand once a week is fine, but I think weighing myself has to become like brushing my teeth and flossing--daily habit. Of course, not freaking about the daily fluctuations in weight. I'm about the same as last year this time at the beginning of spring/summer race season--a little more bodyfat, about the same weight. I almost had put all the weight back on that I had lost last year, but took control a few pounds short of a total yo-yo.


    I plan to be checking in and reporting in every week now. Make it a habit. If any of my fellow walruses out there wish to join back in (the ice floe is sinking), don't hold back! Cool



    Beginner all over again

      I've been Walk/Jogging LHR for 10 weeks


      and I haven't lost an ounce. (I was still eating cake and candies and simple-carbs though)


      I'm giving low carb a try.  Shooting for <100 g daily


      Body Fat Calculator

       Nabs me at about 35%


      which sounds about right. 

      I could lose 25 pounds before anyone EVEN THINKING I was getting pretty  thin






        I've been Walk/Jogging LHR for 10 weeks


        and I haven't lost an ounce.


        I'm giving low carb a try.  Shooting for <100 g daily


        Body Fat Calculator


        Nabs me at about 35%


        which sounds about right. 

        I could lose 25 pounds before anyone EVEN THINKING I was getting pretty  thin



        Besides the obvious physics of weight slowing you down, the extra body fat makes your body work harder to keep cool, which is another lag on performance. It's like wearing a suit made of blubber (Walrus Body Suits ®Wink and taking a run in the sun.


        I'm not doing low-carb. I never do well with that in terms of performance. I'm just making sure I eat at least 4 times during the day with about a 55% carbs on average. Not counting calories. Just making sure to eat mostly brown rice, fruits, veggies, egg whites, occasional whole egg, and lean meats. Instead of popsicles in the heat, I've been snacking on frozen fruit (Dole). Nothing like a bowl of frozen mango chunks and blueberries (except maybe a bowl of unfrozen mango chunks and blueberries). I find if I keep the diet as whole as possible, the weight comes off without counting calories. I find that brown rice is a much better grain for my body than whole wheat. Digests much better, and keeps me from being a methane maker. Cool


        Good luck, Frances. Keep us posted.



        Beginner all over again

          I am wondering


          whether doing some MAF +10

          jogging will help me burn some calories


          I'm sense in me the beginnings of

          "I'd rather lose these 20 pounds"

          might be out-prioritizing

          "I'd rather run at MAF"


          I'm not taking about Fast

          Just maybe something that coincides with Mittleman a bit with his MEP which to me sounds like MAF +10


          I'll see over the next couple days.


            according to some articles HIIT can make you lose fat.


            this may or may not work for you...


            I lost a little body fat only two times during my "running career". 1st time was when I started out, it was a HIIT-like run-walk program, because I did the run parts at really high HR (I just didn't know until I got my HRM...I got HRM, put it on, and it showed 193bpm after a couple of run-walk intervals!). anyway, this was low mileage but I lost body fat and I was so surprised. it wasn't my goal to lose it but it does look better that I did. Smile


            then second time I lost some (not a lot because not a lot is remaining) when I did a lot of slow running this winter, by slow I mean at MAF and near MAF. I had a hard time keeping up with replacing the lost calories, so that had me drop below 110lbs!


            since then -I had to lower mileage for another reason- I'm back to 115-116lbs, same as before (body fat is same as after the first few months of that "HIIT" running, so it's just fine!).


            so I guess, for me both versions (1) HIIT with low mileage OR 2) lots of LHR running) work.


              Date 4/21/2010 6/2/2011
              lbs. 184 177
              waist 42" 39.75"
              neck 15" 15"
              %bodyfat 31.0% 27.3%
              fat lbs. 57.04 48.32
              lean lbs. 126.96



              No change since May 23. Spent 5 days eating at restaurants last week at a resort.

              I'm happy with the no change. Cool




                Date 4/21/2010 6/9/2011
                lbs. 184 176
                waist 42" 39.50"
                neck 15" 15"
                %bodyfat 31.0% 26.9%
                fat lbs. 57.04 47.34
                lean lbs. 126.96


                 body fat calculator


                Down to walrus level 1. Cool



                  Date 4/21/2010 6/16/2011
                  lbs. 184 175
                  waist 42" 39.125"
                  neck 15" 15"
                  %bodyfat 31.0% 26.3%
                  fat lbs. 57.04 46.03
                  lean lbs. 126.96


                  body fat calculator


                  Floating a little less easily in a body of water as compared to last week.




                    Date 4/21/2010 6/23/2011
                    lbs. 184 175
                    waist 42" 38.875"
                    neck 15" 15"
                    %bodyfat 31.0% 25.9%
                    fat lbs. 57.04 45.33
                    lean lbs. 126.96


                    body fat calculator


                    Same weight as last week, but waist shrank some.

                    A little less of the waist oil, a little more of de boof.




                      With regards to loosing the blubber....  has anyone tried increasing the protien content of their diet?  Specifically, whey protien as a supplement.


                      I'm trying to evaluate my diet and want to improve overall blubber loss.  I have things covered on the MAF side however question if an increased boost of protein would be beneficial to overall fitness and weight loss.



                        With regards to loosing the blubber....  has anyone tried increasing the protien content of their diet?  Specifically, whey protien as a supplement.


                        I'm trying to evaluate my diet and want to improve overall blubber loss.  I have things covered on the MAF side however question if an increased boost of protein would be beneficial to overall fitness and weight loss.


                        I really think the only that works is burning more calories than you are taking in.


                        As a runner, it's important to get enough carbs for your daily needs. Every time I have tried to cut carbs to below 50% of my macronutrients, I not only get really bitchy, but my running performance suffers.  I probably maintain a 55-60% carb level these days, with it all coming from brown rice, vegetables, salsa, blue corn chips (the only vicey thing) and fruits. Protein is from eggs, beef, pork, shrimp, chicken and fish. I've been doing really well avoiding wheat (no flour), milk products and sugar. I haven't been concentrating on counting calories. I have been losing aprox a pound a week.


                        In terms of how much protein I eat with my meals--about a handful. It would take up about a quarter to a third of the space the food is occupying on a regular size plate. I usually eat about cup, cup and a half of rice (cooked) and have a few cups of veggies.


                        Protein is 4 calories a gram, carbs 4 calories a gram, and fat 9 calories. You can increase your protein and cut carbs, and still be taking in the same calories. I understand about the effect of certain foods on blood sugar and how that might contribute to storing fat, and that replacing carbs with protein is supposed to help. But as a runner, there is a base level of carbs that you need, and I believe you shouldn't go below it. That will probably be different for different people. It's also important to get enough protein for muscle repair. I don't think a runner needs the same levels as a body builder. Just make sure you get some with every meal.




                        p.s. I really think staying away from sugar and flour makes things really easy in terms of weight loss.

                          as for the carb vs protein.


                          I was experimenting back in the spring, and because of some experiences I thought it wasn't a good idea to go below 50% carbs for me, but since then I realized that the problem I had then (muscle weakness) was not related to dropping below 50%. I did not get bitchy or anything, just my muscles went terribly weak. but now I think that was just a coincidence.


                          anyway, at that time I was trying to eat a lot of protein without supplementing and that's why the carbs dropped below 50% because otherwise it was simply impossible to keep the protein between 15-20% (calorie %, not weight %). it was a lot of struggle to keep the protein intake that high. my stomach did not like me eating 5 eggs in one go, etc.


                          (I have no idea how maffetone got the idea that some people may want to live on 30-40% protein. what the ... ?)


                          after that I got whey protein supplements and that allowed me to keep the carbs at the usual level (over 60%). I didn't have any problems that way. easy to plan meals, no problem with stomach.


                          but I think it can also pose problems if you try to replace your other protein containing food with it, because whey supplements just have protein and nothing else, e.g. no iron or vitamins. so I would say only use it as added extra food, NOT replacing food with it. I used it as extra. (I did not care about added calories because it was not a lot and I was not trying to lose weight.)


                          btw since then I gave up trying to keep the protein above 15%. I'm back to my usual 8-10%, and I'm just fine with that (this for me means 0.8-1.0g protein per kg of body weight). though, after harder runs I'd sometimes take 1-2 doses of liquid amino because I got hooked on the taste of a certain product and I don't have to mix it just drink it as is (with a little water) - I don't know if that helps with recovery or not but the taste is great and very easy to drink.


                            Date 4/21/2010 6/30/2011
                            lbs. 184 174
                            waist 42" 38.75"
                            neck 15" 15"
                            %bodyfat 31.0% 25.7%
                            fat lbs. 57.04 44.72
                            lean lbs. 126.96



                            (click for body fat calculator)


                            When the whales get their revenge on humanity, my chances of being used for one of their oil lamps have decreased.




                              Date 4/21/2010 6/30/2011 7/22/11 7/29/11
                              lbs. 184 174 164 164
                              waist 42" 38.75" 36.88" 36.50"
                              neck 15" 15" 15" 15"
                              %bodyfat 31.0% 25.7% 22.6% 22.0%
                              fat lbs. 57.04 44.72 37.06 36.08
                              lean lbs. 126.96





                              Came back from three weeks of big time stress having lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks, which is too fast--and the numbers show it. Only 7 pounds of it were fat. The other three pounds came from the lean side of the equation, though I think it could be divided into one part muscle weight, one part water and electrolytes, and one part peace of mind.


                              I didn't run much during that period, ate a lot less and sweated in an AC-less existence in the land of muggy.


                              A week back, I've gotten in 7 days of exercise, eating normal, have regained some peace of mind, and am staying cool. I'm still losing fat, and gained a pound of "lean" back.


                              Onward and downward.




                                I happily was at 209.9 on the scale this morning Smile  Next milestone will be a huge one :P




                                Congrats on the fat loss guys.



                                PR: 5k  31'15'' (220 lbs)