3:20 Marathoners ... New and Improved for (the rest of) 2017 (Read 372 times)

    PJ ~ Consider 6-8 strides (20-30 secs) @ LT-8K pace (first few slower, blah, blah) as part of an otherwise very short, easy run. Just enough to clear the cobwebs.

    Strict WTF adherent

      So do we start a new thread for 2018, or keep this one and possibly rename it?

      Running Problem

      Problem Child

        rlk: pre marathon I like to debate wearing new loaner shoes with new fueling supplements and take selfies next to goal time pace groups. I also do a jog down the bathroom line to the furthust one I can find to avoid lines and get a warm up.  Oh as for nearing time (insert tan emoji here) that’s awesome. I’m kind of jealous. He seems like he is a SUPER dork and a nice guy.


        McBen: new thread. Who is in charge? I bet Max still claims he mailed the rulebook someone never received.


        Checked into into the hospital. Wife hooked up. Whole lot of waiting.

        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

        VDOT 53.37 

        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


        Resident Millennial

          pj- oh nice!! have fun and good luck. here's what our club nats crew is doing tonight:  "2-3 sets of 3 x 400.  Within each set you’ll run the first 400 at 5K pace, the second at 3K pace, and the third at 1500 pace.  Figure about 3-4 seconds faster on each.  You’ll get 1:00 rest after each 400 and 3:00 between sets."


          mcB- new thread would be nice but RA forums are weird so i just have this link bookmarked and i just come back to this one .... would want to make sure new thread is linked to at end of this thread.


          brew- yeah, he is kinda quiet but an interesting guy, and apparently has a good memory for faces.

          mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


            I can't remember who asked about 2018 races, but I've got a couple on the schedule.

            Charleston 1/2 Marathon (1/13) - my sister lives there and we're gonna take a little vacay.

            Knoxville Marathon (3/25) - figured I needed to stay close instead of travel for a spring marathon. May travel for a Fall/Winter race.


            brew; exciting times! best of luck today.


            pesto: does that extra 60 euros include airfare from the states?


            PJ: don't sell yourself short, you can keep those guys within reach! I remember running a 5k XC race "against" Alan Webb in high school. He disappeared so fast!


            Anybody set annual running goals aside from mileage, PRs? I know I have the goal to never run 400 miles of races in a month like Max. Thinking about some other "fun" goals aside from the routine ones.

            Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


            Cobra Commander Keen

              Brew - You'd better hurry up with that waiting. We're all getting anxious.


              RLK - I've typically used the first  mile or two of a marathon to work in to pace. Race corrals here get so packed 20-minutes early that if I'm not in the corral by then I'll be stuck behind run/walkers for a while. Case in point: At the Route 66 half a couple weeks ago I was in corral A and passed my last corral D (full marathon) bib around mile 6-7. For reference, anything sub-4 for a FM and sub-2 for a HM (and possibly slower) gets you in to corral A at this race.


              Ace - I hadn't thought of trying a "non-routine" running goal. I'll have to wait for others to chime in with theirs to give me something of an idea.

              5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


              Upcoming Races:





              Duke Of Bad Judgment

                Jim's Kat: You do not have to be present at the lottery - most people get in remotely.  If you are present you do have one extra chance to get in - there is one slot that they give to someone in the room.  Somewhere I have my playing card/extra ticket from when I attended last year.  That organization is quite good at doing things in a way that makes sense and a balances competing considerations, e.g. giving the race a family feel with the same people showing up every year (like Hardrock) vs. giving everyone a legit chance to get in (Hardrock - not so much).  I'm a fan.  If you have a question about how they do things, and can see a sensible option and a stupid option, most likely they do the sensible thing.


                Brew: Good luck today.  Yes, I still remember getting in the car with DW to head off to the hospital and thinking "life will be different when we get back from this outing"


                Keen: When are you (sort of) due?


                Ace:  Missing out big time if you forego the big stupid goals without even trying.


                New thread for 2018?  Yes, I sent the rulebook with one of those "sign on delivery" options, and have Jim's Kat's signature right here.  If she claims she doesn't have it, she's spewing alternative facts.  Speaking of which, (former Mexican president) Vicente Fox for president.  That dude makes a mean YouTube video.


                Pre-race warmup:  If there's room (Tunnel) I hobby jog and do some form drills.  If there's no room (Boise) I do some leg swings/lunges/etc. that I can do with a lot less room.  I don't know if it helps much physically but it does help me cope with the nervous energy.


                2018 races: Most of the races I want to do sell out too far in advance, so I'm already signed up for a handful next year.


                McBen: I hate football.


                Still not recovered.  Instead of alternating hard and easy days, I'm alternating days where I feel ok/feel like (steaming, fly-ridden pile o' dog poo emoji).


                Mother of Cats

                  Marathon warm-ups - I generally do my pre-run yoga/stretching routine (done before every hard run) and then jog a few stretches of 25-50m - not so much to warm-up as to make sure that everything feels comfortable - shoe laces feel tight, gels aren't rubbing, etc.  I'd hate to be a quarter mile into my marathon and realize something was rubbing/pinching.


                  New thread - yes, I'd like one for 2018.  And starting a new thread gives more people a chance to jump on.


                  Races for next year for me:  planning on Houston Half in January, Boston in April (with Philly Love Half in March as a tune-up); Grandma's Half in June, and CIM in December (Richmond Half as a tune-up in November).  Also plan to race a lot of short stuff in August-September - stuff like 5th Avenue Mile.


                  My past week: 62 miles plus 17 "miles" pool-running:

                  M: yoga and 7 "miles" pool-running.
                  T: 11 miles, including 3x1600 in 6:15, 6:13, 6:07.  Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.
                  W: 8 miles very easy to yoga (9:02), yoga, and then 4 miles very easy (9:10) plus drills+strides.
                  Th: upper body weights, core, 10 "miles" pool-running.
                  F: 12 miles, including 2x3200 in 12:50 (6:25.6:25) and 12:46 (6:26/6:20).  Then asthma doc appt.  Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.  
                  Sa: 10 miles very easy (9:22) plus drills and strides.  Also upper body weights and core.
                  Su: 16.5 progressive, split as first 5 at 8:30 pace, next 5 at 7:39, next 6 at 6:57, then .5 mile cooldown at 8:32 pace.  Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.


                  Breathing is MUCH MUCH BETTER now.  I had a good run on Sunday (not surprising, since I was on pred).   I tapered off of the pred after Sunday, and am totally off it now, but this morning's workout also went very well (1600, 800, 1600, 800, 800 in 6:06, 2:55, 6:00, 2:52, 2:53 - felt controlled and comfortable.   Significantly faster than last week, AND I didn't have to go into the well like I did last week. So this flare seems to be ended.  Yay.


                  You don't realize how much you really like breathing well until you get it back.


                  Dad or E78 - are you doing Jingle all the Way this weekend?


                  Smax - I had a whole bunch of comments that I couldn't post to your blog due to login difficulties.  My big question for you:  there's really someone named Davy Crockett?


                  RLK -  I thought CIM was a fair course as well.  It's not a slow course, but I think anyone who shows up to run that thinking they're guaranteed an easy fast day is in for a rude awakening.  I did find that the hills made the miles pass faster.

                  Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                  And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                  Cobra Commander Keen

                    Max - Due date is 12/22, but we have a (mandatory in our case) c-section scheduled for the 21st. DD1 & DD2 were 3 weeks and 2 weeks early, respectively, so I'm prepared for a baby at any time.


                    DWave - I'm glad you're breathing better now.

                    5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                    Upcoming Races:




                      Marathon warm-ups - I generally do my pre-run yoga/stretching routine (done before every hard run) and then jog a few stretches of 25-50m - not so much to warm-up as to make sure that everything feels comfortable - shoe laces feel tight, gels aren't rubbing, etc.  I'd hate to be a quarter mile into my marathon and realize something was rubbing/pinching.


                      ^^^This^^^. A handful of things ingrained in my during 20+ years in the Army: backwards planning, rehearsals, pre-combat checks.


                      DkW ~ Yes, I'm doing the 15K. (And likely Richmond HM next Nov too.)


                      9 w/ 5x1K (<6:30) w/ 90" rec tune-up today.


                      New thread for 2018.


                      Go Mrs. Brew!


                      Good luck PJ and CDave.


                      Temps about to drop 30+ degrees in a matter of days, then it will get windy just as I'm supposed to race. WTF did I do to piss off the weather gods?


                        rlk:  regarding your "smile every mile" comment, i am a firm believer in the impact of the mind on performance.  i've tested this several times on the treadmill...when my mind is distracted from running (currently this is in the form of "longmire, season 6"), my heart rate is lower than if i don't have a distraction.  the same thing is true (for me) when thinking "positive thoughts," even if my face is exuding pain and discomfort.  i wasn't in auburn, but was watching the online feed for WS.  i guess that sets a new precedent...watching people run marathons is one thing, but watching people draw names for an ultra-marathon that happens a half year from now is...umm...new territory for me.


                        max:  Cool?  I don't know about that...and I have yet to read your last two race reports.  I think a significant portion of my winter break will be spent getting caught up with your running adventures.  Did you decide to run BC again this year?  After the pleasantness of last year, I don't know how you could NOT go back.


                        There's some good weeks/racing out there that I know I missed, so congrats to all of you!


                        So most of my running as of late has been on the treadmill/incline trainer, and I've been focusing on building up mileage and doing lots of hills.  One of the things I've noticed is that the hip pain I normally experience is pretty much non-existent, and I'm trying to figure out why...if it is the variation of incline (I've been doing things like 0.5M @ +3%, -3% rolling hills, or 0.25M @ 9%, 0.75M @ -3%, with very little flat running), the temporary removal of hard workouts, or some combination of both.  Maybe my body is telling me it's time to give up on the fast stuff?

                        Strict WTF adherent

                          Marathon warm-up - Walk to the starting line. Maybe pee in a bush.


                          2018 races - LOL ... except that I'm signed up for WDW in a few weeks and NJ in (April ?). And some trail stuff if I can get my schedule sorted out.


                          RLK/Max - Regarding R2R2R2R2R2R, I'd be interested in hearing about what/how to carry for an unsupported run of that length. Gels are trouble for me.


                          2018 thread - I nominate any of our expectant fathers as TD. It will help with the boredom of having a newborn around.


                          Today's trip to the podiatrist yielded a prescription for an ultrasound. Maybe we'll find out that I'm preggo too.


                          Today's UPS delivery yielded a pair of Altra Instincts. I want to like them. But I can't. They're too small, and going up a half size isn't an option due to my clownishly large feet.


                          Today's bit of amusement: I follow several groups involved in RunDisney events, and sometimes go against my better judgement by reading their threads. The latest was on tapering, which brought an apparent consensus that you shouldn't run for a week before a marathon. That's actually better advice than they usually give.


                          ETA: OMR - How do you avoid falling off of the treadmill at those inclines?

                            2018 thread - Maybe we could get spiderpig to come back and take the helm?


                            mcB - an ultrasound of your foot?


                            keen and brew - hurry up already....


                            dw - see you at the 5th ave mile!


                            at the he armory tonight: (kind of like a big public ice skating rink)

                            ground floor - homeless men's shelter

                            2nd floor - neighborhood kids getting help with homework

                            track - 200m BANKED and SPRINGY.... lane 1 little kids... lane 2,3 runners like us.... outer lanes high schoolers running like NFL players

                            west end - hammer throwing cage... and pot smoke coming up through the vents

                            middle - 60m sprints, hurdlers, triple jumpers, high jumpers and pole vaulters

                            music blasting - boogie oogie oogie

                            what fun.


                              before I forget, good luck this weekend CD! And PJ too!


                              ace - hehe, no airfare included, but I think it may come with a cupon for a hotel. Just maybe.


                              brew - is little brew here already??!!! Hope all goes well


                              DkW - great week (and LR)! Glad to hear the breathing problems are clearing up.


                              I vote for a new 2018 thread too.


                              warm-up - definitely not for a marathon (I don't think I ever warmed up for a HM either), but DkW's idea makes a lot of sense.


                              2018 races - for now:

                              Paris Marathon on April 8 (plus a local HM as tune up in March)

                              Vienna Marathon on April 22 - depending on how I'm feeling after Paris, I very likely will just jog it or switch to the HM

                              Wachau Half Marathon in September

                              Fall FM in October - options are Amsterdam, Lisbon and Dublin. If anyone has run any of these, I'd be most interested in hearing about it.


                              yearly goals - I'm not setting any, but am interested in hearing what the group has to say in response to ace's question.

                              5K - 18:03 (5.18) | 10K - 37:58 (2.18) | HM - 1:20:45 (9.18) | FM: 2:57:59 (10.18)

                                ... trying to figure out why...


                                OMR ~ Perhaps the lack of road camber ...


                                Rovatti ~ NYC at its best! (LOL on Spiderpig!)