is running on treadmill only for pussies (Read 1749 times)


    Its much easier, the impact is lesser, the weather is controlled, you can watch TV, listen to music, ogle at the opp sex, BUT ITS NOT RUNNING UNLESS YOU RUN OUTDOORS!! So when I see a picture of a someone running on a treadmill, the first thing that comes to my mind is "Pussy"! What do you think? Debate On.....
      You might take a look at the elites that have trained at least partly on tm, including the lone US woman marathoner in the Sydney Olympics. There are others, but can't remember who off the top of my head. For many people it's a time management issue with taking care of kids, working, other family responsibilities, personal safety, etc. I believe the local university track team has used tm in the past, but they have access to an indoor 400-m track now. (yes, that's not a typo - 400-m indoor) But they did much better this year, the first one with the indoor track. TM do provide good traction in icy conditions. They make sure you hold a pace / effort for particular workouts (if the goal is for certain pace/efforts, rather than learning how to maintain such). They can provide topography that local terrain may not have - whether it's flat or long gradual uphills. However, TM don't have the variable footing of trails. They don't have even moderate downhills (most have at most 3% unless jack up the rear) and uphills are usually no more than 15%. (some special models may be steeper in each direction) There's some trail-related stuff that you just can't do on a tm. And they're miserably hot. But a tm can be a useful tool for certain types of workouts. I'm an outdoor person, but do participate in a xt class about 8-10 sessions during winter, and during and after those sessions is about the only time I use a tm (maybe 5 hr/yr). I'm a fun runner. If I were more serious, I'd probably spend more time on tm when the footing outside is terrible. I keep threatening to do that every winter, but it never gets quite that bad. I've got running snowshoes and various traction devices that I'll use. I may or may not get a quality workout in, but I'm outside - away from gyms, tv's, music, etc..
      "So many people get stuck in the routine of life that their dreams waste away. This is about living the dream." - Cave Dog
        Um, no..... I'm not a big fan of hamster wheel running, but it's got uses. (icy conditions, injury rehab, time management, etc) And it's not much easier. I have never been able to run as fast or as far on a treadmill as outdoors or on the indoor track.

        Self anointed title

          No it is not only for "pussies". I have used the dreadmill, and continue to do so, as the reduced impact has allowed me to recover successfully from severe shin splints without stopping running. I don't regard it as easier than running on roads. I tend to add some gradient (1 - 2% to my treadmill runs). On occassion I have run 10 milers on the 'mill. I reckon that 50% of my running is on a treadmill. By the way.... If I am a pussy for running on a 'mill, that's fine with me. As long as you can kick my ass on a hard 20 miler in the hills I accept your premise. Wink



            I've never set foot on a treadmill, but it's still running so my vote is a resounding no.

            Greater Lowell Road Runners
            Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

            May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

            Feeling the growl again

              Running 8-10 miles on my treadmill feels a lot harder than doing it outside on all but the hottest days. The boredom if nothing else. It's also there so I can still run when I have to watch a young child and would otherwise get no run in. For both reasons I don't think someone is a pussy just for using a treadmill. Now is that an appropriate name to call someone who creates troll threads like this when they could be out running? That's another debate.

              "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


              I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                Yawn. 2/10. Lacks originality.

                Runners run


                  Yawn. 2/10. Lacks originality.
                  You're too generous. 1.5 out of 10 at best. This newest wave of trolls is so lame. I wish they'd send the varsity.

                  E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


                  Self anointed title

                    Bugger. Now don't I feel like a dick for not spotting the troll? (Just back in office after a "pussy" 8x400m session on the dreadmill... to notice that the OP's log has him/her running about 14 - 18 mpw at an average of 11min/mile+..... I don't feel so much of a pussy now.)



                    Mr Inertia

                    Suspect Zero

                      TROOOOOOOOLLLLLLL in the dungeon. I thought you should know. On a side note, spend 3 hours running hard on one and see if that shifts your opinion.
                      Mishka-old log

                        If your long run is 5.3 miles, does that not make you a pussy? What if it's a hard 5.3 miles?

                        Why is it sideways?

                          If your long run is 5.3 miles, does that not make you a pussy? What if it's a hard 5.3 miles?
                            BUT ITS NOT RUNNING UNLESS YOU RUN OUTDOORS!! So when I see a picture of a someone running on a treadmill, the first thing that comes to my mind is "Pussy"! What do you think?
                            I'm really not a fan of running on treadmills, but I can tell you that on days when its 10 degrees and the wind and ice are pounding the streets, those treadmills look pretty good. Also im my case, I wear glasses and HATE running in the rain (water beads up on my glasses and I cant see), so if I cant string together enough time to run out of doors between rain drops or if the out side conditions are deplorable (meaning too cold, windy and icy) then I will go to the treadmill (summer time - hot and humid, I say suck it up and go outside for your run). I know some people that almost always run on treadmills and are in better shape then I am so I will definitely not talk treadmills down, but normally, they are not for me. Also, there is a lot to be said for running intervals on the treadmill cause it reduces the stress on the legs and you can track the time a lot easier..... What is wrong with going for a good treadmill run and checking out the BABES???? Shocked I always thought that was one of the benefits..... Big grin Big grin Big grin I dont love TM, but they definately have their place in my training.... Wink

                            Champions are made when no one is watching


                              If your long run is 5.3 miles, does that not make you a pussy? What if it's a hard 5.3 miles?
                              Hmmm... let's not become trolls ourselves. My guess is that although this comment is aimed at bone_china, you are creating a lot of collateral damage. I know a few people who are doing the C25K and are pretty darn tough, and their long run is 3 miles. In light of that, I think that it's best we just ignore trolls, rather than try to insult them.

                              Self anointed title

                                In light of that, I think that it's best we just ignore trolls, rather than try to insult them.
                                Agreed. Unless they run on pussymills.


