Beginners and Beyond


MonDAILIES (Read 45 times)




    I will be heading out for 4 miles here in a bit and with the condition of my legs I fully expect it to take forever. lol


    Recovery runs serve an important function though so I am okay with that, just looking to take it easy.


    So anyway, what's up with you today?


      Happy Monday, people. Short work week ahead, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.

      Taking a day off, after running in consecutive days for the first time in 3 weeks.


      Little Blue

        Yay, Monday!   Rain this morning, I might go for a couple this afternoon.  Today's fun is a funeral for DH's friend.  Apparently he decided that life was too much to bear, and that his three kids would be better off without him.  Should be a cheery event.

          Good morning, people.


          Rick, thank you for starting today's thread. Have a wonderful, invigorating four-miler.


          DaveP MI, have a relaxing and refreshing rest day.


          Little Blue, I hope that you have a pleasant run. (((DH's friend's family)))


          I did forty-five minutes on the AMT, instead of my planned 55:00 of running, which I'll do tomorrow, instead. I had the machine set to the maximum resistance and incline. Good times.

          From the Internet.

            Ideally I would have already run 7 with strides but the kid has been throwing up all night and now I'm feeling mildly gross too. Maybe a few easy miles later if I feel better, maybe a URD. Need to try to nap this thing away right now, blah.


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  I have 6 miles today or zero, we'll see.  I think I have a light cold, so it will depend on how my coughing is and how long will my deposition today take.



              delicate flower

                'Monday!  I called in sick to work today due to a case of the sniffles.  I probably could have worked, but I really didn't want to deal with a bunch of ladies yelling at me for being at work with a cold.  "WHY ARE YOU HERE WE'RE ALL GOING TO CATCH EBOLA!"  So I'll run, I'll swim, and I'll watch a movie or two.


                Lots and I mean lots of running on my schedule the next 13 days, both volume and intensity.  This is going to be fun...



                Former Bad Ass

                  I should have called in sick too; then I remember I had this deposition, gah!  I am leaving early tomorrow so I am probably going to sleep off the afternoon to get better.



                    I only call in "sick" when I am perfectly healthy. 


                    Seriously, I usually get sick from some fuck at work who does not tell you they are sick until they sneeze all up in your face, or shake your hand then wipe their snotty nose. My thing is I always tell people to stay the hell away from me when I am ill, a common courtesy that is not so common.


                    The two times I can recall calling in sick was for flu and the chicken pox. Both of which were like some shit out of a horror film.


                    delicate flower

                      I only call in "sick" when I am perfectly healthy. 



                      On days like that, I just tell my boss the day before that I am taking the day off.  He don't care.  I think today is the first time in 3-4 years that I have called in sick.  I actually felt worse yesterday.


                      Hip Redux

                        I slept in my recovery compression pants until they woke me up at 3am because they had gotten so damn tight.  If that's not a FWP, I don't know what is.


                        Massage on the docket today!



                        Run to live; live to run

                          Rest day


                          Hip Redux

                            Yay, Monday!   Rain this morning, I might go for a couple this afternoon.  Today's fun is a funeral for DH's friend.  Apparently he decided that life was too much to bear, and that his three kids would be better off without him.  Should be a cheery event.


                            Ugh, that's rough.  I'm sorry Sad



                              On days like that, I just tell my boss the day before that I am taking the day off.  He don't care.  


                              Right, in my case I am using sick time that I would otherwise lose.


                              Barking Mad To Run

                                Non-running day for me.  May do a weight training circuit after work.  Then again, maybe I'll just be lazy today.


                                My 14th race done on Saturday:


                                Sunday, did my longest run/walk in quite a while, 5.4 miles in one hour and threw in a few hills along the way too.

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
