Beginners and Beyond

Mo sun, Mo heat, MonDAILIES (Read 47 times)


    My advice; wear white.

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      It's at least overcast here, I'm sure it's miserable outside. My office will be a freezing 66 degrees, so I will be walking around in a sweater & a jacket while people coming in from outside look at me like WTF. Some sort of run after work.


      Have a great Monday if that's possible!

        Good morning, everyone.


        Rick, wearing white while working with little kids? That's asking for trouble!


        HCK2.0, have a great run.


        Yesterday, I walked about around Newport, RI for about five miles before watching the final match of the Tennis Hall of Fame Championship. The dewpoint was 72F, at the lowest. That sucked.


        Today, I'm staying indoors and doing nine miles on the TM, plus weights.


        delicate flower

          Good morning!  Happy Monday!  Man, is my body tired.    But, I am in good spirits.    Indeed it is going to be a hot one today, though we've had hotter.  I'm looking at a very easy 5-ish mile run after work when the day will be its hottest because that's how I roll.  I am glad my wisdom tooth holes are finally hurting's been almost two weeks.



            It's at least overcast here, I'm sure it's miserable outside. My office will be a freezing 66 degrees, so I will be walking around in a sweater & a jacket while people coming in from outside look at me like WTF. 


            When I went to New Orleans in June of 2010 (Microsoft convention), I knew it was going to be hot. I only brought shorts, sandals, and t-shirts. Perfect for outside, but they had the A/C turned up so much in the convention center that I was freezing my ass off. Actually it was my neck: it was starting to be stiff from the A/C in the rooms blowing at us. Of course it was probably comfortable for the suit and tie crowd, but I was miserable. I'm not used to that. Around here they don't put the A/C on that cold. I still think it's weird. Right now in my office it's about 73 degrees.


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  I have 7 miles and maybe weights tonight.  I already know they will be on the TM since it's already feels like 91F and 74DP at 8am.


              My office is the warmest of all of them.  No one knows why but people here use personal heaters all over the office.  You know, cause Miami is so cold, you cannot work in an office with 73F AC.


              Little Blue

                Good morning!  RD for me, chiro and massage this morning, work this afternoon.


                Yeah, why do they have to make commercial places so cold?  It reminds me of some of my tenants.  They keep the A/C at 65, but during the winter the heat is on 80.  Can't you just set it at 74 year round?

                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  My office is 64-66 year round. It is always cold. At least in winter I don't get the WTF is wrong with you looks when I walk upstairs.


                    5.5m this morning.


                    We keep it at 75 in the house during the summer, and 72-73 during the winter.  Amazing how 2 degrees makes a HUGE difference in how it feels.  Although, even at 75, there has been no better feeling than that first step back in the A/C after a run in this miserable heat.


                    5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                    10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                    15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                    13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                    26.2 - TBD (someday)


                      After 10 days of no running (just no motivation), I ran 6.5 with the group this morning, then added 2.5 miles of about half run/half walk with DS, who has decided he wants to start running, biking and stretching more so he can do better in track next year. He's 9, so I only expect this phase to last about 3 days.

                      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                        10 miles at recovery tonight, after work. Btw, I finished the week with 61 miles, not 64 like I was hoping. I went out last night and had too much wine. I was too tired when I came home for even just a short 2-3 miler. So Dave, you win.

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        Barking Mad To Run

                          Saturday, I volunteered at the San Antonio RoadRunners Women's 5K.  I was a course Marshal and was at a really good spot to take a lot of photos of the ladies running.  So many Great Legs out there and I could not chase any of them!    Here is a photo report I did of the event:


                          After I finished my volunteer duties, I then went to nearby Fort Sam Houston and got in my own run of 3 or so miles.  I did my "Dog Alley" route and took doggie treats with me; but it was near 10 a.m. by then and the temp was already in the low 80s, so most of my canine pals were in their a/c cooled houses, smart.  I only saw one of my doggie pals out, and she was out with her human playing on a slip n slide in her yard, lol, keeping nice and cool.  It was fun watching her playing in the water; however when she saw me she did take a break and come get a treat.


                          Sunday I met up with a friend at a local park I've never been too.  I am very lucky in that San Antonio has a ton of local parks I can do off-road running in.  This one was "new" for me so I enjoyed it exploring it, and took some photos too:


                          Today is a rest day for me.   I usually run after work on weekdays but this week it will be a.m. running before work, as our "real" Texas summer is finally starting to arrive, with high temps all this week of 98 and 99 and the heat index "feels like" temp going over 100 degrees.  With all the rain we've had here this year, we've been really lucky, our temps for Texas summer have been below average - usually we have a 100-degree day by June 30 - but now Mother Nature here is starting to get back to normal.

                          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                          Barking Mad To Run

                            My advice; wear white.


                            I don't have much white running gear...guess I'll just have to run nekkid with my pasty white skin....that'll work, right? 

                            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                              8 slow, sluggish miles, on about 3 hours sleep.



                              Barking Mad To Run

                                Good morning!  RD for me, chiro and massage this morning, work this afternoon.


                                Yeah, why do they have to make commercial places so cold?  It reminds me of some of my tenants.  They keep the A/C at 65, but during the winter the heat is on 80.  Can't you just set it at 74 year round?


                                I guess my wife and I are lucky we both like it warm.  We don't even turn our A/C on in the summer until the temp hits the 90s.   And even then, we have our a/c set around 82 to 83 degrees.  We probably have one of the lowest electric bills in San Antonio during the summer, lol.  Which makes up for our 'winter', because on cold days we do crank the heat up.


                                If you ever visit San Antonio, we can put you up...but if you don't like it WARM in the house then you might prefer a hotel/motel, lol.

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt