Beginners and Beyond


FriDAILIES - Do something stupid (Read 39 times)


Super B****


    I think two thirds of the population share this affliction. lol


    "Sensitivity" =/= "allergy"

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog


      I am supposed to do this workout today:


      3 x 600m/500m/400m/300m/200m - 100m jog between each interval, 3 minutes between each set. Start the 600 a little faster than 5k pace. Then cut down just a little bit each consecutive interval.


      Is there any method for running this on a track without getting lost? I think I'm going to have to program it and just run it on the road...


      Interesting workout. Why not program it on th watch and run it on the track anyways, like LRB said? Even if you rely on the watch, you can still use the track as a visual marker to know how much you have left to run.

      The closest track is 2.5 miles from my house, but if it were closer, I'd do pretty much all of my workouts there. I like zoning out and not think about my environment during a workout, just focus on the task at hand, and the track is a great environment for that.


        Good morning!

        I do at least one stupid thing a day, and today will be no exception.


        I ran 9.3 in a chilly north wind.  I have the day off, and am going to camp out at my favorite Mexican place.  I will eat 2 fish tacos, and all the damn chips and salsa.


        I hope everyone has a great day!




        Are we there, yet?

          I am supposed to do this workout today:


          3 x 600m/500m/400m/300m/200m - 100m jog between each interval, 3 minutes between each set. Start the 600 a little faster than 5k pace. Then cut down just a little bit each consecutive interval.


          Is there any method for running this on a track without getting lost? I think I'm going to have to program it and just run it on the road...


          There should be some sort of line every 100m on the track, so the only thing you need to keep track of is what distance you are running. Each straight and each curve is about 100m so all you need to do is look for the line at the beginning (or end) of the straight or curve that marks the end of the distance you are running, then jog to the next line.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






            Interesting workout. Why not program it on th watch and run it on the track anyways, like LRB said? Even if you rely on the watch, you can still use the track as a visual marker to know how much you have left to run.

            The closest track is 2.5 miles from my house, but if it were closer, I'd do pretty much all of my workouts there. I like zoning out and not think about my environment during a workout, just focus on the task at hand, and the track is a great environment for that.


            I would have to drive to a track. I don't have one within running distance. But I was thinking if I do it by GPS, the curves in the track would make it less accurate.


            And now that I think about it, I'm not even sure if the track will be clear of snow.  Probably not.  Unless I go to the indoor track but then I'd have to rely on the footpod.


              Running would be stupid for me to do.  DD and I are going to a Bernie rally.  Then I am hoping to try Day 1 in the pool this evening.


                But I was thinking if I do it by GPS, the curves in the track would make it less accurate.


                I've never had an issue with this and I spend oodles of time running around in circles on that stupid thing.


                In the time it takes you to drive to the track, you could've done your warm-up. So if it were me, I would run it on the road from home.



                  I've never had an issue with this and I spend oodles of time running around in circles on that stupid thing.


                  In the time it takes you to drive to the track, you could've done your warm-up. So if it were me, I would run it on the road from home.

                  Really? So if you run a mile on the track it lines up with your garmin? Because mine always laps before I actually get to the mile line and it always has with different garmin models.


                  Yeah, that's why I usually don't go to the track and then also I can bring the knucklehead for my warm up miles if he needs to run. Smile



                    There should be some sort of line every 100m on the track, so the only thing you need to keep track of is what distance you are running. Each straight and each curve is about 100m so all you need to do is look for the line at the beginning (or end) of the straight or curve that marks the end of the distance you are running, then jog to the next line.


                    I guess if I think of it in terms of running

                    1.5 laps

                    1.25 laps

                    1 lap

                    .75 laps

                    .5 laps

                    maybe I could keep track.



                      I would have to drive to a track. I don't have one within running distance. But I was thinking if I do it by GPS, the curves in the track would make it less accurate.


                      And now that I think about it, I'm not even sure if the track will be clear of snow.  Probably not.  Unless I go to the indoor track but then I'd have to rely on the footpod.


                      I don't care much for accuracy in a workout. But driving to a track with snow, that I would care about Smile


                        Really? So if you run a mile on the track it lines up with your garmin? Because mine always laps before I actually get to the mile line and it always has with different garmin models.


                        My track is marked in meters and has no mile marker (that I'm aware of), so I would run 4 laps and some change from the inside lane to run a mile. But that doesn't apply to me because I run in the outside lane, so I hit the mile mark before my fourth lap.



                          I guess if I think of it in terms of running

                          1.5 laps

                          1.25 laps

                          1 lap

                          .75 laps

                          .5 laps

                          maybe I could keep track.


                          Right. You could also program it in time, which is a good idea if accuracy is your concern.


                            Really? So if you run a mile on the track it lines up with your garmin? Because mine always laps before I actually get to the mile line and it always has with different garmin models.


                            My 610 did that too, and haven't tried the 620 on the track yet (snow). But do you really care if you ran 0.98 mile reps instead of 1.00s in training?

                            Last year I was doing my Hansons Thursday 10 milers on the track, so I was running the a few seconds per mile faster than needed to compensate for the GPS screwup.


                            Former Bad Ass


                              I guarantee you will not regret it.


                              Well, unless you go see it and the theater has a fire, like what happened to us last weekend.  To boot, they wouldn't give us a refund and I had to insist I didn't live there and was to leave in 5 hours.  Sigh.



                                Running would be stupid for me to do.  DD and I are going to a Bernie rally.  Then I am hoping to try Day 1 in the pool this evening.


                                Feelin' the Bern! WA Dem caucus is tomorrow, I am planning to go. Pretty curious about the process as I've never caucused before. But will probably go for Hillary. Bernie will probably win here, WA is totally his base, and he does better in caucuses anyway.


                                So after a pretty miserable & disheartening run yesterday, and feeling tired, sore, and generally beat up, I was seriously considering taking a URD today. But set the alarm for 4:15 anyway, figured I'd see how it went. Had also thought about cutting it short, but went the full 12 miles the schedule calls for. (The actual  Pfitz schedule, not the onemile post-race week schedule.) Somehow, ended up being a pretty decent run. Most of the things that have been feeling sore felt OK during the run.


                                My lingering issue: At some point in the last week or two, I started feeling pain in my right foot. It is at the top of the first metatarsal, behind the big toe. Kind of a sharp pain, can be sensitive to the touch. But inconsistent as to when it hurts. Sometimes I can feel it just walking or sitting around. During a run, sometimes hurts for a while, and then OK for a while. I think if it were anything like a stress fracture, it would be more painful & more consistent. And hopping doesn't aggravate it. Dr. Google's best guess seems to be extensor tendonitis. I assume resting it is always a good idea, but I'd rather not if I don't have to. It is more an annoyance than anything, but certainly I want to avoid making it worse. Maybe it will be fine, until it isn't. Any thoughts or similar experiences?

