Beginners and Beyond


ThursDAILIES - Foggy, and not just in my head. (Read 36 times)


delicate flower

    50 minute track workout done, which included 2 x 15:00 tempo.  7.2 miles total at 6:58 avg.  It's nice to see some sub-7:00 paces when temps are in the 80's.




      Not surprised.  half of the time I do something to a piece of my body doing something I think I'm still young enough to do, lol.


      This is a classic statement that fits so many of us older runners, especially me.   

      Half Crazy K 2.0

        Upper body weights and core.


        Long runs when not training for something, I try to do 90 minutes. In the summer, that doesn't amount to much.


        Bert-o, hopefully you don't have a HOA or similar when you come in dressed in your towel.


          I did not run this morning, lazy. Took my gear to work to leave early and run and I did not do that either, lazier. Worst case was a run after a full day of work and I could not even muster that, laziest.


          It's funny though that my body looks cut when I don't run, but soft and flabby when I do. Maybe I should just quit running, and have the body of my dreams. lol


          Former Bad Ass

            I never lose weight while running but if I stop, I do, LRB.  So, either we keep our sanity and run or we have gods bodies.  Decisions, decisions, lol


            Ran a late 4 with 4 X 100m.  Hubby got late from work but before I got back from Pilates so he ran first.



              I never lose weight while running but if I stop, I do, LRB.  So, either we keep our sanity and run or we have gods bodies.  Decisions, decisions, lol


              Ran a late 4 with 4 X 100m.  Hubby got late from work but before I got back from Pilates so he ran first.

              Time to buy a second TM?


              I lost my rama


                LOL. I can see the headlines now... Neked runner exposed when towel gets caught in the elevator doors!


                3/17 - NYC Half

                4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours
