Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #210 (Read 29 times)



    A Jeep Cherokee ffs.


    Take it easy with me, it's my first Jeep.


    I wasn't even thinking about a stupid car note but at 2.24% interest for 60 months (which I can pay off in 48 months for NO interest without penalty!) plus my car as a trade in and no money down, I was like FINE, literally.



      I ran 12 with URP.  Things seen on my run: an opossum, a golf ball flying across the road, an abandoned shopping cart, and about ten 9mm bullet casings. 


        ten 9mm bullet casings. 


        Where the hell are you running??



          I have a 2010 Rav4, and other than brakes and tires and oil changes and the battery, all I ever had to do on it was change an oxygen sensor. Not sure what those do, but my dashboard was like a Christmas tree of yellow lights so. I had it fixed. Most solidly reliable car I've ever owned. It just works.

            I ran 12 with URP.  Things seen on my run: an opossum, a golf ball flying across the road, an abandoned shopping cart, and about ten 9mm bullet casings. 


            I think I’d rather see copperheads


              9mm, how much is that in inches? 


              Are we there, yet?

                9mm, how much is that in inches? 


                roughly .354 inches

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






                  Where the hell are you running??


                  what's odd is this was on a parkway which is all just thick trees on both sides of the road.  I've run in that area plenty of times and not felt unsafe. (and I'll run there again)



                    what's odd is this was on a parkway which is all just thick trees on both sides of the road.  I've run in that area plenty of times and not felt unsafe. (and I'll run there again)


                    Maybe the shells are from an innocent runner chasing a bad guy away.



                      roughly .354 inches


                      Thank you. Now I get it 


                      UM 45 Ohio 23


                        If you're thinking about it, it's a first class event. There are people here who won't run it because it's Detroit. It's the stupidest shit ever.


                        You're not going to get that "wall of sound" of the bigger cities, but you also don't have the cluster bomb that is the logistics that come with them. The crowd support is plenty above board and comparable in stretches. It's easy to the start line and easy home. The finisher's medal and lanyard is gorgeous (not that that matters but if you're going to get a medal, get a medal!) I can't say anything bad about it, really.





                          Maybe the shells are from an innocent runner chasing a bad guy away.


                          so I should carry my glock next time I run there?


                          UM 45 Ohio 23


                            LOL, I must have gotten mine from the same beer station. I’ve never had a beer in a race otherwise and it never sounded good, but boy was it ever.


                            I did the same station in 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I was so dead and feeling awful that I figured it couldn't hurt to drink some beer and, besides, I'd be able to say I drank a beer (more like sipped a dixie cup of beer) during my marathon!



                              so I should carry my glock next time I run there?


                              I don't carry my phone or water when I run, but you do what you want 


                                I drank a beer when I ran Boston, just because. It was pretty awful. The college kids were at the bottom of Heartbreak Hill and it seemed like a good idea at the time, but my stomach disagreed. The fact that it was freezing outside may have made a difference. Beer when it's hot almost always tastes good, no matter how cheap it is.
