Beginners and Beyond


What, no Thursdailies yet? (Read 31 times)


Former Bad Ass


    All of my PRs were longer on my Garmin. My marathon PR was exactly 27 miles. It was the Chicago marathon so I have to believe it was measured correctly and I just ran some really crappy tangents.


    One of my MCMs was 26.8.  Damn that felt long, lol.


    It's hard to run tangents in Chicago plus the building screw up the GPS so I always end up running close to 26.6 there.



    Former Bad Ass


      Plus the signal bounces off all the buildings and whatnot. IDK if that makes it longer or shorter. There are enough people here who have run Chicago to get a good statistical sampling. Including Damaris who has run it a billion times; of course she makes it longer by running back & forth looking for alcohol stations and photo ops.


      If you are not going to PR, you might as well make the best of the whole fucking thing, IMO.


      Profile pic is one example, lol.




        If you are not going to PR, you might as well make the best of the whole fucking thing, IMO.


        Profile pic is one example, lol.


        Amen to that!



          I've been dealing with the same thing since my marathon in November.


            Oh no!


              I've had off and on hamstring pain for a few years. Lately it's more glutes and less hamstrings, but still tight and painful, especially when doing hills or speed. I can run with it but it persists. Heat helps, but it always returns.


              It was a beautiful cold sunny day here - 38 degrees with a light wind. I ran 10.


                Holy crap a lot of you are dealing with this butt/hamstring pain!! Sad


                Former Bad Ass

                  Holy crap a lot of you are dealing with this butt/hamstring pain!! Sad


                  It sure it's a pain in the butt, lol.


                  I thought I had a hamstring sprain when I had my meniscus tear, mostly because the tear was on the back "horn".  That lower hamstring section is sore AF all the time thanks to that.


                  I went to my massage therapist after work today to work on my heel pain.  Thanks to Marjorie, who has been busy and not checking here but sends her regards, I know I have achilles bursitis or heel inflammation from stepping wrong or whatever.  I think I'm just getting old.  MT worked on it and now I have it taped so yay me.



                    Holy crap a lot of you are dealing with this butt/hamstring pain!! Sad


                    Yes, but on the bright side, my plantar fasciitis, calf, achilles tendon, SI joint, groin and ankle issues are nonexistent.



                      Plus the signal bounces off all the buildings and whatnot. IDK if that makes it longer or shorter. There are enough people here who have run Chicago to get a good statistical sampling. Including Damaris who has run it a billion times; of course she makes it longer by running back & forth looking for alcohol stations and photo ops.


                      This year’s Chicago measured 26.78 on my watch, but I don’t trust that because of the building interference.



                        I've been dealing with the same thing since my marathon last October. 


                        This, for me. Well it’s been better since coming back. But took a very long time to heal.


                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          On the subject of race distance, I've done a trail "half" that is a 10k single loop, half double loop.  The "half" is 12.7 miles or so.


                            Trail races are usually off. It's harder to be precise. Usually they're long, but I think they're not often exact unless they include some road portions.


                              Trail races are usually off. It's harder to be precise. Usually they're long, but I think they're not often exact unless they include some road portions.


                              It's harder and I think trail runners care less.

