Beginners and Beyond

Mondailies (Read 33 times)


    Pacific time zone reporting in. Wake up, sleepyheads.


    5 miles at 40 degrees. First day with long sleeves and gloves.




      5.5 miles at 40 degrees. Second day with long sleeves and first day with gloves.


      delicate flower

        'Morning.  I swam this morning and now my arms and shoulders are shaky tired, thanks to the workout.  I really wanted to sleep in but didn't want to fall behind on my workouts this week.  Run later.


          4mi modest hills left wand right road crown, inside ham felt like a rusty cable sliding in a sheath... sliding is better than stuck/tight


          UM 45 Ohio 23

            I did some leg strength and upper body stuff at home then went to second PT appointment at 7am. Therapist thinks I'm out of balance; left leg doesn't extend back when I walk/run and I tend to "fall" on the right leg. She did some left leg IT band massage with her forearm, which hurt like hell, and some foam rolling which hurt only slightly less. Also said the inner groin muscles on my right leg (adductors per my google search) are very tight so did some foam rolling of them. That didn't hurt as much but was still uncomfortable. Interestingly, that area, along with the right hammy, had begun to bother me this week. I scheduled a another session for this Saturday and will try the foam rolling at home during the week.


            I don't think anything she said was "new" but hopefully paying more attention to this will help prevent my all too frequent issues. At this point, I'm writing off the next month or two, and will work on getting "balanced" and injury-free so I can get to Boston next spring and fulfill that dream...


            Go figure

              Good morning runners...had an awesome and super tiring weekend working Akron Marathon. It's amazing the amount of hours and effort needed to pull something like that off.


              I wasn't able to run with Des in the morning on Friday. She was our first honoree that declined a run with the race director and a few others. Still, she was very nice at the VIP party on Thursday, and then throughout the weekend. She ended up running in our half marathon and finishing 3rd, cruising in at just over 1:22 as part of the 20 miles she was running that day. A pic of my g/f and me with her from Thursday night is in the link. (if anyone knows how to make this just a pic on here feel free to repost)


              Des pic


              After getting 12+ hours of sleep saturday night and into sunday, I ran 15 trail miles with a buddy of mine who was out doing 36 to celebrate his birthday.


              Hope you all had good weekends!

              Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


              Are we there, yet?

                A pic of my g/f and me with her from Thursday night is in the link. (if anyone knows how to make this just a pic on here feel free to repost)


                Des pic




                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles





                Go figure

                  Thanks WC...what's the trick?

                  Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Morning!  First day at the office.  I still don't have access to much of the stuff but at least they resolved one thing.


                    I have 6 miles unless I can get access to the gym here in which case I'll do the 16 I missed yesterday.  On the TM because today is a Summer day. Fall arrives on Thursday.



                      I have 6 miles unless I can get access to the gym here in which case I'll do the 16 I missed yesterday.  On the TM because today is a Summer day. Fall arrives on Thursday.



                        At this point, I'm writing off the next month or two, and will work on getting "balanced" and injury-free so I can get to Boston next spring and fulfill that dream...


                        going to skip the fall marathon then? 


                        Are we there, yet?

                          Thanks WC...what's the trick?


                          Followed your link, right clicked on pic, then clicked on "view image" and used that url to post pic.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles






                              Pacific time zone reporting in. Wake up, sleepyheads.


                              5 miles at 40 degrees. First day with long sleeves and gloves.


                              What even is that?


                                Good morning runners...had an awesome and super tiring weekend working Akron Marathon. It's amazing the amount of hours and effort needed to pull something like that off.


                                I can't even imagine.


                                Nice job cleaning up!