Masters Running


Fri Jan 30 Runs and etc (Read 471 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    Ummmm, BRIs - bathroom running incidents Confused....haven't seen that before. TimBo

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

    Renee the dog

      OK, the ice seemed to work wonders on my hip (as usual). Really, ice should be treated as a sacrament to all runners everywhere. Soooooo. I have a tempo run scheduled (just a 5 miler). Not sure if I'm going to do that or a progression or an easy. I figure my hip will let me know when I'm out there. Will head out in a few as Mr Nono will be off his conference call and finally grabbing lunch. Kids are napping and should be for the next hour so we should be cool, but if I left and his call suddenly has a follow up call or something I don't want to screw up his day by leaving. So I wait. Smile


      GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


        Hi lyndenrunner!! *waving*


        Runners run

        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

          Nice running guys All this talk this week of immodium... I planned on 10 mi with 4 mi tempo on a trail with some really steep hills. I decided to run this when it got warmer out at 10:30, so I had breakfast (cofee, cereal with banana&nuts) at 7:30. It is very rare that I eat before running. Last year training for Boston I had oatmeal and coffee a few hours before a 10 am long run and my stomach got sick. Later I tried bagel and water and all was ok. So today, I drive out to the trails (10 min drive) and run the first 4 mi loop to warmup. Turned out 8:18 pace and my stomach was sloshing and painful. So I drove back home for a potty break then back out for the tempo loop. Ran it hard and was in misery but it was the fastest I've ever run that loop by more than a minute (31:04, 7:46 pace AHR 162, max 172). Then 2 miles cooldown. Very sick stomach all the way back home and the rest of the day...forget cereal before a run! Overall 10.0 miles in 1:23:55 (8:24pace) got er done Smile

          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


            Ummmm, BRIs - bathroom running incidents Confused....haven't seen that before.
            Nope, silly. "Bean-Related Incidents" Steve, interesting to see if you can figure out a pre-run fueling that works better than the cereal. Obviously, having something before your run had an impact... "...but it was the fastest I've ever run that loop by more than a minute" Just something to keep in mind... I do most all of my runs after having eaten something, seeing as how I usually run later in the day. I can even have pancakes and eggs on Saturday morning, then go out an hour later an do my run. It's all a matter of what you're used to and I bet you can train your body to deal with just about anything. I can't run well without having eaten something recently... I feel draggy and I get hungry!

              I'm sorry, I just can't help it. This has been floating around the internet for a long time and I can't believe with all the talk about immodium no has mentioned it, posted it or other. Here's a link.......disclaimer.......if you have a weak stomach skip it ! If your easily grossed out.....skip it.

              Marathon Maniac #3309

                Nope, silly. "Bean-Related Incidents"
                Well, that's the first time in my life I have been called silly Roll eyes Hey, you have to admit my version worked too. TBo

                Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                Renee the dog

                  Hip was really A-OK out there. Did 5 with 3 tempo miles @ 8:30 pace in the middle. Tomorrow I'll be traveling to pick up my Mom for SuperBowl weekend, so there's no more running for me in January. 105 miles. Most I've ever run in 1 month, I believe! Cool

                  GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                  GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    105 miles. Most I've ever run in 1 month, I believe! Cool
                    Congratulations! Gordon - hiyah! Slo_Hand - just about my worst running fear.... Surprised But hey, I'm no elite. I'd bag my marathon time in favor of a port-o-potty in a heartbeat if I were facing that.

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                      Slo - Aagh! I've almost resembled that guy on a couple of occasions. Hence, Immodium. Perch - Don't know about you, but it's the dairy before a run that'll upset my stomach. Before my long runs, I usually eat a bagel w/peanut butter and some water. Hopeful - Nice wall! I have all my bib #s, etc., and am waiting for The Hub to put up the bulletin board in my workout room, after which I'll have a nice little shrine to myself, as well. Gordon - Hi!! ((waving madly)) Come back soon! I didn't get to read yesterday's thread yet, but sounds like marital "non-bliss" was a hot topic. The Hub never argues back with me. Just says, "Whatever" and walks away. Makes me crazy! However, our arguments are few and far between, thankfully. Yesterday was a medical day as I had to go in for an endoscopy. Veeerrry good drugs. Veerry good, indeed. Needless to say, since I wasn't allowed to eat or drink from midnight on, I wasn't in the mood to work out yesterday, and definitely wasn't afterward. We got home around 2:30, and after eating a burger in my drug-induced state (I think it was good), I passed out again 'til around 6:00 p.m. I don't think I ever drooled on myself, so that's good. I did manage 3 lead-leg miles this a.m., as well as some upper body and core work. Tomorrow I will again attempt 10 trail miles, but we'll see.

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance


                      Marathon Maniac #3309

                        Actually, I can see myself being "that guy". I think it would pretty cool, and look really hardcore....just wouldn't want to walk around very long like that after the race...nor would anyone else want me around either...stinky stinky. There, I said it...anyone else like me (well, don't think anyone is quite like me Roll eyes ) TBo

                        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                          Easy, icy 10-miler @ 8:28 with a couple of classic Pete Townsend-style windmills to keep from FOMA.

                          Be safe. Be kind.

                            Perch - Everyone talks about their morning pre-race oatmeal but my GI tract hates the stuff. dg- got the Holter monitor results - lots of cardio-jargon in it so I am going to wait to say anything until I have my consultation with the cardiologist next Wed. But I think I'm fine. Speaking of which, it sickens me to see the invoices for my brief trip to the ER. It is just ridiculous that they think they can charge the insurance companies that much. Ok...I am a huge fan of universal health care...the current system really gets my goat and makes me scratch my head about this country. This wealthy country not taking care of it's own people. How productive can sick people be? A country that believes in publicly funded education, but not health care? Anyway, a good article came out in the New Yorker last week describing how relatively painless a transition to a federally sponsered health care system could be. I hope I get to see that someday. [getting off my soapbox now] Oh yeah, I ran 4 miles on the TM. The poetry reading was a hoot! One girl was so shy she almost didn't do hers, but then did it facing sideways away from the audience. I hope poopy guy won his AG for all his trouble.

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              Good afternoon, all! Many nice runs posted already - good going people. 10 miles on the TM this morning - felt good in spite of being on the treadmill (TM's really aren't that bad Twocat, but I'm ready for warmer weather). The heart rate was reasonable too, although the Garmin ran out of juice halfway through the run so I don't know the actual AHR for the whole run. I picked up Mom's cremains this afternoon and had another good cry. I'll be taking her back to Arkansas to be with my Dad sometime this spring when the weather settles down. Good runs and a good weekend to all!

                              Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                                Sue - (((Continued pseudo-hugs!))) Enke - I'm unsure about a universal health care system, but I'm definitely not looking forward to my medical bills, and absolutely hate the way insurance is done now. I've always thought it was highly unfair that a person's health doesn't factor into the cost of insurance. By that I mean I recently had to downgrade my insurance 'cause I couldn't afford it anymore. The only factors they looked at were age and pre-existing conditions. It didn't matter that I'm basically healthy as a horse (this recent problem notwithstanding). I was actually turned down for a plan that was supposedly an upgrade (although they had a hard time showing what the upgrade was) because I was in PT for preventative measures to keep my right knee healthy. And then yesterday when I went for my endoscopy, the first thing the admitting personnel asked me for was money toward my deductible and nothing had been billed to my insurance yet, which is covering a portion of all this but doesn't kick in 100% until my deductible is paid (which is a small fortune). The Hub is very fortunate in that his employer pays for his medical insurance, which includes dental and vision. However, if I were to be on his plan, it would cost us almost $600 a month. Shocked Ha! They force you to take the family plan, even if there's only one other person. It's all very irritating, and I just got notification in the mail that the cost of my insurance will be going up again March 1. Thanks . . . Evil grin

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

