Masters Running


Sunday, November 23 Runs and What-Not (Read 516 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning! 8 easy-paced miles for me today in 21 degrees (ave pace 10:50, ave HR 133). Mary - I wore my HR monitor upside down, but the readings seemed normal for me, for this pace and distance. I guess it's time to retire these shoes, since today's run made it 534 miles on this pair, but they felt surprisingly fine. Off to church now, but I'll check in later this afternoon....

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

      good morning holly. I don`t know where they came from or why but the early morning sky out here is blanketed with sparkling dots of bright diamonds so for me it`s running once more, thinking of boomer buddies met and unmet, especially who are havin` happy days and tough days. see you and many in the June Rock`n`Roll.
      I am done running till at least Jan 1st I have decided today. Then I will slowly ramp up to a Marathon with Holly in the Spring . . . <>to say nothing of the SeaRnR with goddesses holly/evanika/aamos\mariposai/tammy/ilene/arf frani/enke/TBA . . . See ya Jan 1st.
      timmy - I`m off the wagon after four weeks but just when you catch up to my 28 days next weekend, I`ll be back with ya for the month of December, . . . do you have anything like our New Year`s Day Resolution Run that are all about havin` fun and it doesn`t matter about being fast or not, to say nothingn of a little swimmin` too? nonrunners anonymous - COR 11/22/08 (Saturday) lamerunner - 12 erika - 20 twocat - DNF @ 19 days timbi - 21 tet - 28

      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

        Good morning Holly and Tet! I ran 15.15 miles this morning at 8:50 min/mile pace. Miles 9 through the end were at MP generally. I didn't feel all that great early on but got through it thanks to the nice weather. I saw a bunch of local runners during one mile and ran that one at 8:12. Oops. 45.5 miles for the week. I don't feel too bad after yesterday's yard work and car cleaning. The abs were protesting yestreday but seem to have calmed down. I hate yardwork. So when I do get out there everything is overgrown and out of control. Everything grows so darn easily down here. It takes a lot of effort to get things looking good again. Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Renee the dog

          Morning -- sitting around waiting for breakfast to digest before heading out for a planned 7 1/4 mi out and back -- my favorite route. Smile Yesterday, I did a quick 1 3/4 mi loop with Renee to test out some new shoes I got in...they are great -- but they'll be my springtime/summer shoes as they are too big for me now. Does anyone else switch shoe sizes between summer and winter? Good runs/crosstraining/resting to all.

          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

            No run for me today. Brew day, though. Just getting started on an Irish Red. Oh, I got a running/beer tattoo last night.

            Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

              12.2 miles at 10:13 pace to close out 40.4 miles for the week. It was brrrr cold in the beginning, but warmed up approximately one degree per mile. I've got to get some final yard work done today, as they stop picking up yard waste in our neighborhood at the end of November, and don't start up again 'til April.

              aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

              Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason


                Lou what a great tatoo! Did you design it yourself? Mmmmm...Irish Red. How do you determine what kind of beer you'll brew? Is it whatever you get thirsty for? Big grin 7.5 miles for me this morning, 9:41 pace which seems to be my comfort zone lately. 23F, no wind and sunshine. Pretty decent conditions for this time of the year in Wisconsin. I logged 38 miles this week. I've been coming so close to the 40's club - just can't seem to get over the hump. Holly - I can't believe you get that many miles out of a pair of shoes. What kind are you wearing that they last so long? Nice run this morning, Bill. After all that yard work yesterday, I think you deserve to put your feet up and watch football all afternoon. Nono - enjoy your run! The Packers don't play until tomorrow - I'm going to try and "convince" DH it's a good day to put up some Christmas lights. Have a great day, everyone.

                Marathon Maniac #3309

                  Good Sunday morning everyone! Nice run Holly, you are doing so well...and hope you are injury free now. Wow, that's a lot of miles on a pair of shoes, but I used to get that many miles till I put a limit of 350 to 400 miles on mine, to be on the safe side. TimBo coming your way in the Spring, just promise to take it easy on me... Hi Tet, don't think we have any planned Jan 1st runs around here...but lets face it, being my first run in a LONG while, Jan 1st will make it special within it's self. Guess I could still swim and make myself better in that area. But still don't want to do anything that aggravates the pushing off the wall each lap. I assume pool running would be ok. And Twocat told me NO cycling at all with the AT that I have...which is fine because I was already getting bored with that. Thanks for everything did, and are still helping me through this difficult time....the humor has helped a lot. And yes also for the Sea r&r M and meeting some great RA folk..just hard to look that far out right now, but we all know how fast time goes by, huh Bill, I am so impressed with your great running...WTG Buddie!! nono, hope you have a nice run this fine morning...and enjoy the rest of your day. Well, I guess the hard part is over as I have finally realized my running days are over for a while. And as I mentioned, cycling is over too. Now I have to decide if pool running is a good option for me. Hey Twocat (ha, I mean DNF Twokitty), did you swim or pool run recovering from your serious bout of AT? Come Monday, I will start going to the Y and at least do upper body and core work. And imagine there are a few legs workouts I could do and not aggravate my foot. Then may try pool running just to see...I just don't want any set backs what so ever. Lou...that is sooo very kewl. I was thinking about getting one too, but thought a 16 mile M would look kinda funny, lol. Wow, nice run there Predawn...greta job on long miles this morning. WTG too Jlynne on your great 7.5 mile will be in the 40/40 before you know it...heck, I will "non" run the extra two miles for ya to get you there now. And thanks for all your kind and encouraging words to me...they have not gone un-noticed! Happy Birthday Tammy...isn't it great to be only 39 years old Peerty Girl. Hope you have a great day and nice run. I am dedicating my official 22nd day "non" run to you, and a virtual run with ya Jan 1st...your pace or mine, lol (ok, that was lame) Twocat running again...what a slacker... Thanks Steve for the pool running links. These links made pool running not look so bad and boring. Great to see you running well again. My thoughts are with Erika, and ALL the walking wounded right now...this is tough I know. I don't think Erika is going to give up till I get my butt into the pool, lol...glad you are pushing me really. For my motivation is lacking right now. Hi Mary, hope your doing well, and have your mojo back. Have a great day to "non" run for Tamster..and tet too. Then off to Wally World to shop, and pick up Wimmin, lol. "wanna be runner" TimBo Updated to correct stoopid miss spelled words and such...prolly still missed some...Don't have spell check at home with Web Tv. Hey Holly, remember when I told you my new keyboard was in point, just wondered if you remembered.

                  Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                    Lou what a great tatoo! Did you design it yourself? Mmmmm...Irish Red. How do you determine what kind of beer you'll brew? Is it whatever you get thirsty for?
                    I commissioned an artist on the tattoo -- we went back and forth on several different designs and this is the one we settled for. I have several beers I like to make, American Pale Ale, English Pale Ale, Irish Red, Brown, Bitter, India Pale Ale, Czech Pilsner, Porter. PDR likes hops so I try to keep one of the Pale Ales on tap, and the others I mix in. I think the Czech Pilsner is going to be a staple, too -- I formulated a new recipe which isn't going to be so much work on brew day.

                    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


                      Lou - I think you ought to sponsor a party - BYOG - that's "bring your own glass!" We'll help keep your beer inventories at a managable level!

                      Renee the dog

                        Ahhhhh, thanks for the well wishes on the run -- it worked! 7 1/4 miles in 1:06:00. Felt great. Seem to have run the cold I finally caught from the rest of my family right out of me. Yahoo! Had a whole lot of company on the run -- not on the boardwalk -- but on the ocean. NEVER seen so many boats and ships out there fishing. It looked NUTS! Like a freeway on the water. Shocked

                        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                          Very kewl tattoo Lou!! I will now come out of the closet and admit that I also got a tattoo after my marathon!! Totally out of the box thing for me to do, but I love it. Shocked the hell out of my daughter's which was worth it too. Thanks for wearing your strap upside down today Holly! I also wore mine upside down today and I find that my findings are inconclusive. For me the avg. was proably right, but there were several times - going uphill where it dipped down way too low. I will just wear it correctly and say case closed. Thanks to all that played along with me!! 6 miles - 22 degrees for a 30 mile week. I think I've got my grove back - rather slow - but grovvy nonetheless. Cheers!!!


                          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                            Doctors have given a woman a new windpipe with tissue grown from her own stem cells, eliminating the need for anti-rejection drugs. All over the world, men are sobbing aloud. Craneium: 6 miles yesterday in 12 degree wind're a better man than the very least I would have cut the distance down to 3 or 4. Twocat: Back in the game! Fussy:
                            Here is my Saturday so far: 7 - 8 - ran 5.2 8 - 9 - lifted weights 9 - 10 - yoga class 10 - 10:45 - swam a mile
                            Now you're really making me feel bad! Yeah...I thought Vandy would beat 'em this year... Mary: 11 miles yesterday! I'm taking a nap...the heart rate monitor thing..OK..I've just gotten mine...done about 3 runs with it...and I'm not trusting the's not getting over 150 and I know I'm running harder than that. Holly:
                            I don't get Dexter or Cranium's Dexter? Either you're calling me a dog, or you're saying I'm big and fat.....
                            Nah...Craneium's rock-hard opponent. Leslie: Huge 17-miler!...and topping it off with some cracked crabs..don'tget much better... Lou: Very cool new avatar! And what a run..that's way longer than you've done in quite a while. Jeanne:
                            Lou - I think you ought to sponsor a party - BYOG - that's "bring your own glass!" We'll help keep your beer inventories at a managable level!
                            I second that! NoNo: Very nice! 4 cold miles in 36:52 (9:13)...just can't seem to generate any speed when I'm wearing 18 pounds of least I ran it all...ave. HR 137 Max 147. Maybe if I run a little harder or a little longer I can get those numbers up a little. DickyG

                              Lou, I like the tatoo, but I kinda miss the horse already. A tattoo takes more commitment than I have. Maybe a temporary tattoo so I could change it every week or so. 9.7 hilly miles, running the various developments built into the side of a nearby ridge. 8:11 pace. My hamstring made itself known after about 6 miles; nothing bad but I’m really going to keep it slow and easy this week, with a couple of rest days. Today’s chore: try to get a TV antenna up on the roof. We don’t watch much TV so we don’t have cable or satellite but, with digital coming, we’re going to lose most of the stations we get from the antenna in the attic unless we upgrade. Same antenna, just stuck up on the roof, grounded, etc. Will try not to fall off the ladder.

                              Be safe. Be kind.

                                A little over 7 today which makes my longest back to back runs since the summer. I really concentrated on form today, concentrating on leaning forward at the ankles and letting gravity help move me forward. This also helps to keep my footstrike under my body and keeps me from overstriding. DickyGThe temps in the 20s and windchills in the teens are not as bad as they sound. Actually once you get running and warmed up it is just running like any other time. The only time it is tricky is when footing is treacherous. TimBoGlad to see you are going to let yourself get better. Have you ever been to a running specialty store and had your form analyzed? Doesn't do you any good now but food for thought to be proactive and not let it happen again. Just my two cents, which in today's economy... WRFB Very nice tattoo! hopeful See above!