Masters Running


Sat July 19th Outings (Read 357 times)

    tetsujin209 my solution to the toenail problem has been to wrap medical tape around them prior to each run. I am proud to report that after doing this steadily for about 8 months now I now have only one black toenail! Wahoo! My TP keeps trying to get me to run with her at the beach, likely barefoot, I should introduce the two of you. When are you coming to CT? Smile TammyinGP hope your 10K race/run went well. I know the feeling of hitting the starting line and knowing it will be a "race" in name only. BCMorant I hope your 12 miler goes well today. nonoruns running in 91° heat builds character! But you do lose points for the low humidity. Smile Spareribs I was glad to read today that you seem to be recovering well. Best of luck going forward and I hope everything progresses on track. evanflein from your post I cannot really figure out if you are doing the Gold Discovery Run on Sunday. In case you are, and in case I cannot find the time to post here I just wanted to wish you luck and speedy legs on Sunday. Tallrunner sorry but your claims of a "slow" pace are just never credible. We all know how fast you run. Wink mainerunnah Good luck with the heat and humidity at your 5 mile race today. deez4boyz wow a tough few nights! Tough to run after that, nice that you managed anything. The Jogger nice run with your DW. DickyG Nice 4 miler. But finding out I am the only one here without a Nike contract has me all bummed out . . . Big grin Also I am going to cheat by posting today's (non-target) race report here in the daily so as to keep my deficit down to one race! Tongue Peter NC great job on the 16 miler today! As I keep saying, in my book heat and humidity beats winter running any day! enkephalin here is hoping your 16 mile run today goes well. Dave59 lol! After yesterday's quandary you did something totally different! Good luck with your training for your HM this fall. henrun see note to Peter NC above. Wink Sounds like an attractive route. halllar you get points for the 7.2 miles and the humidity. But only 71°? You need to go out later in the day! Cool lyndenrunner nice 8 miler. dg. when my DW gets sinus infections they often stick around until she gets on antibiotics. I hope yours goes away faster and on its own. CNYrunner nice 10 mile run and at a very nice pace. I ran the 4.07 mile race today in the local town series. No, I do not make these distances up. The RD apparently just map out courses some time ago without a care for standard distances. My pre-race preparation was a marathon last Sunday (Editor: That race report? You know we have deadlines to meet around here! Twocat: *slinks away*) and a 60th birthday party last night for a long time friend of mine. I have to say birthday parties with superb wine and food are terrible preparation the night before a race! But boy was it good! Well, until I got on the scale this morning. Sad Today is definitely a light eating day! Ok, now that I have my excuse list up: my race time was way off my PR for this course of 26:38. All I could manage today was a 28:09. That was good enough for 17 OA, which moved me up up three spots over last year when I finished 20th OA. Given my excuse list I am not complaining. (Editor: No, what do you call this? Twocat: Reporting! Smile) Given everything it was a good effort on my part and I think a good workout as I prepare for the fall long distance races. Finally, since this seems to be the theme of the week yes, it was hazy, hot and humid but to be honest heat and humidity seem to affect me less than most people. Post-race my friend's DW commented that I must be a hot weather runner since everybody was all red other than me. What can I say other than I inherited it from my dad who just loved to go out in blistering heat and high humidity. Thanks dad! Big grin Good runs all! Enjoy the day.

    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

      Roy is that Woody in your avatar? Very nice. Twocat... you have great excuses! A race one week after your marathon. Did I read you done good on the marathon?.. Actually I don't remember reading anyting Big grin Soaking wet seems to be good mid summer theme today so I'll join the crowd. I ran a nice challenging hilly route with more trails than roads and it was 69F, 93% hiumidity at the start and 85F, 68% humidity at the finish. I hydrated much more than normal during the run and it allowed me to finish the 18.8 miles in 2:53:49 (9:15 pace) but I was dragging by the end and had still lost 7 lbs. Summer in NC, meh. I felt better after last weeks marathon! At least the first 3/4 of the run was totally enjoyable. On the road to re-hydration and feeling better. I wonder if running with thick blood strengthens the heart muscles? Have great runs Steve

      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova



        Perch, you ran almost 19 miles a week after your marathon? In hot weather? You da man! Ribs, glad to hear you're doing well after your procedure - thanks for keeping us posted. And Riblet sure is a cute kid! Karin - welcome back! I climbed about half of the high peaks in the Adirondacks with the Outing Club in college, and have fond memories of the area. Of course, "high peaks" is all relative - I think they count anything over 4,000 ft, right? Here in Colorado there are 54 high peaks - over 14,000 ft. I've climbed about half of them, too. Twocat, I liked your thoughts on every run having a purpose. Yeah, the purpose is to enjoy running and life. Glad you enjoyed your 4.07 mile race! DickyG, I'm glad you enjoy your watch-less runs. I certainly wasn't suggesting that you leave the watch at home every day, but for recovery runs, pace isn't important at all. Unless you need a watch to make sure you keep your pace slow enough, which has never been my problem! Big grin Erika, good luck at your race tomorrow. Do they give gold prizes? Tet, I wish I could run barefoot around here, but all we have are rough dirt roads. I did walk barefoot in the grass at the golf course next to my office on Thursday, though. DG, I liked the quote. Thanks! Deez4, hope you get some time off! And glad to hear you're running again. Holly, rest up and get better soon. And keep posting! OK, after all this talk about running watch-less, yesterday my new Garmin arrived in the mail! Big grin DH got it for me for my birthday. Last night I went out for 3 miles with the dogs right before dinner, and I swear I could leap tall buildings in a single bound! Actually my average pace was only 11:08 but it said my fastest pace was 7:08! I had fun running fast downhill and watching the pace to see how fast I could make it, without watching it so much I tripped! Then this morning I went out for 7 miles, the first 1.4 with the dogs. Mid 50's to start and mid 60's by the end. Lots of hills on this route, avg pace 12:30, but the fastest was 6:57! The main reason I asked for a Garmin is so I can track distance on trail runs, but I'll certainly use the other features too. New toy!

        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


          Good afternoon, A beautiful day for a bicycle ride. Youngest DD and I rode 26 miles in the Norman Conquest (Conquer the Hills, Conquer the Heat) this morning. My running has taken a bit of a back-seat to the bicycling since she's been home from college for the summer, but I'm really enjoying the time I get to spend with her on these Saturday and Sunday rides. Spareribs, I'm glad everything is progressing and that you'll be back in top-form soon. Have a great weekend, Paul

          I Can Go The Distance

            12.2 mile LR for me today. The weather was almost perfect for running. 64F, humidity around 75% and foggy. The mist from the fog really kept me cool. I did the first 3 miles on the track, then 6.2 miles over my hilly course and then the last 3 miles on the track again. My time was 2:07:55 a 10:30/mi pace. I still felt strong at the end, I did the last mile in 9:24. Have a great rest of the weekend everyone. Bruce

            "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano

              Greg Norman is still doing great at the Open! There is a golf course along one of my main running loops that was designed by Greg. I've never played it - the membership initiation fee is $250,000. Roll eyes But it is impressive to look at as I run by envious! Here is a look: A 5K this morning. Let's just say that nothing good can come of me racing right now. Blush It was a nice HMP run though. Big grin Bill

              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

              Top 'O the World!

                Carolyn: Congrats & enjoy your new toy! run w/o it sometimes tho Wink 8.47 slowish miles along a river w/the TNT group this am ....including several "water breaks" for Mairead..glad we started out early - it's already pushing 90 degrees @ noon!....heading up to 10,000' el. (where it's much cooler) for a longer run in the am... Have a great weekend everybody!
                Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Good Afternoon! 5 miles on the treadmill this morning, jogging a little, but mostly walking. I feel so good walking, it seems such a surprise when I start running and find it so painful, like “where did that come from?” Twocat – nice racing, especially with the party-prep the night before, and of course last week’s marathon. Breger – you too. Hey, you got out there and ran it, didn’t you? That’s more than 99% of the population did this morning. Wildchild – have fun with your Garmin - I LOVE mine! Even if I don’t look at it much during the run, I love the freedom of just wandering at will and still being able to see my distance and paces when I’m done. Erika - that sounds like fun. Hope your race went well today. The little girls survived their sleepover (and me as well) with minimal fuss, and surprisingly no one had to call mom to come and get them in the night (with 6-year-olds, you never know). Looking forward to a quiet night tonight, though. Happy Saturday!

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    Erika - that sounds like fun. Hope your race went well today.
                    Actually... it's tomorrow. But thanks. And yes, Twocat I'm definitely doing it. No gold prizes, Wildchild, but free beer and burgers at the finish! (that's my incentive for finishing as soon as I can... first year I ran it I did about 2:24 I think, and just got one beer at the end before it ran out. Last year I won my AG with 2:12 something, and got 2 beers! This year my goal is 2:10... it's one of my "goal" races this year but between the travel I've done and being sick, I must say I'm not holding out too much hope. Especially if it's muddy (no rain yet though, so there's hope!). I remember "camping out" in the living room, but it was under a blanket draped over the table. We camped out in the backyard quite a bit when we were kids. I remember that being fun stuff... but it didn't get dark! My plan is for 5-6 easy miles, and I might just do them on the treadmill. I find that's the only 100% guarantee I have of controlling pace and incline, and I really don't want to over do anything today (although I still have weeds in the garden...!).
                      Well I didn't quite manage 16 miles today, but I did 15.1, close enough. I was feeling kinda tired and I ran out of water and it was getting just too sunny for me. In other words I'm just lazy. Forgot to mention on my run last night, along a little trail, 2 bunnies ran across in front of me and I thought "how cute", then a short time later a rat ran across my path. Not so cute. Breger - is that your idea of a RR? Perch, take a break man, you are making us all tired! Holly, it sounded in a previous post that you have identified the area/tendon that is hurt. Is there any information on what exercises you can do that won't aggrevate it? Trial and error? I hope you can figure this out and be on the road to recovery soon.

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                        plans for an easy ultra-pace in the 3.3 mile Crown of Queen Anne Hill we use for our annual's PNW championships fizzled as new pavement for the first 2/3 of a mile had me surging out too fast and then getting passed by an AG nemesis as the pavement reverted back rougher old stuff that had me puffing to keep him in sight until more blessed new pavement at the end permitted a steady 3/4 mile fartlek to the finish almost a minute ahead of him. First time in a long time to race an event instead of just for fitness; was kind of fun. Smile Still lots of time this weekend for everyone else to take your shoes off too for a block or a mile. find some smooth bike path pavement or something and your feet will thank you. Smile I'll be walking most of the way in tomorrow's rocky trail version so would appreciate everyone else's soles on lucious grass wherever you are.

                        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                          Glad to hear that you had a great time in your barefoot race today Tet. I took my new shoes out for a spin today, asics nimbus 9. Just 4 miles of running, but I walked non stop for 7 hours at the Healthy Kids Having Fun health fair, which I organize as part of my community outreach program for the Hospital were I work. The event was a great success. We had Latino, hip hop, tribal and jazz dance demonstrations.The drumming demonstration was a great hit as well.There were 20 health care and community service organizations with their booths and over 200 kids having fun. It sure was great to have mother nature cooperating with a great hot weather. Off to take a nap then to a play at the local winery. Edit/Delete Message

                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                          King of PhotoShop

                            Bill, you are running short, fast paced races in the summer in FL. Times are going to be slow, but you are doing the right thing by getting this kind of work in. Come fall, you will be a killer. Stay with it. Bruce, nice job. Congrats. Holly, it will go away when it goes away. I've had this. It's a muscle strain and it will take time. Sorry, but just keep at it. Tet, I give you my word that when I get well and can run again, I'll go out and do a virtual barefoot run with you. You are still an inspiration. (BTW, I got you good on Twocat's RR.) Spareribs
                              Hello Masters, This is my first post on runningahead, as I didn't even know it had forums until recently. Anyway, for me it was 17 1/2 this morning. At the end, it was 88 degrees and 50 percent humidity. Even though I typically handle heat well (I'm from the South,) this was an absolute death march. There was one convenience store stop, and I lost count of the water fountain stops. I have no idea what my pace was and don't want to know. I don't really enjoy these hot weather death marches, but every time I finish one, I feel slightly stronger.

                                Tet, I give you my word that when I get well and can run again, I'll go out and do a virtual barefoot run with you. Spareribs
                                Ohh...can my butterfly wings run with you two? That would be so much fun to run between my two boy friends!!!

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
