Masters Running


Sunday, September 27----Bueller? Bueller? are you there? (Read 350 times)

    Hello?! Where is everyone?

    Soggy run for me at 8:30 am-----12.5 miles with the last 4.5 @MP, puddle jumping as I went and felt zippy even though my hands were a tad creaky (50-52º and steady pouring rain...woo hoo!)

    Hope the racers are doing well. 

    Amazing running Leslie in tough, tough conditions.

    Off to the airport soon for three days of work. Wonder if they have a taper suite at the hotel?

      Hi, CNY!  My run was just like yours (although I am thinking just a tad slower Smile ).  We were lucky that it was just a little drizzle, although my shoes were squishy squashy at the end.

      12.2 miles, 1:44:58, 8:36/mi, AHR 143 (73% MHR)

      5@9:09(133), 2@8:44(140), 5.21@8:00(153)

      You ready?

      With our schedule of two in 3 weekends, I have no idea what my pace should really be for the first.  I'm thinking take it easy on the first, and see how I feel for the second.  But I wouldn't mind a BQ in one of them, which isn't "taking it easy" for me.  Unfortunately the first is an easier course, I think.

      Decisions, decisions.  Smile

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


        Good morning Wineglassers!   Won't be long now!


        A rare non-long run Sunday for me.  Slept late, did 3 easy miles on a gorgeous morning just to loosen up .  Made waffles. 


        Be safe. Be kind.


          Good morning Lou and Karin - great runs in the "liquid sunshine" today. Good luck finding that taper suite on your travels this week, Karin! Lou - how is little Nate doing?

          The two margaritas I had last night seemed like a really good idea until I got up this morning to run. 10.5 miles at a 10:32 pace with 3 - count 'em - 3 walk breaks. I felt like I was sweating tequilla instead of water!  It turned into a DH run. When he'd finish a hard run, he said it was like hitting himself in the head with a hammer because it felt so good when he stopped. I felt like that hammer was hitting me with every step I took this morning.

          Leslie - that race yesterday sounded brutal. You did a great job in some tough running conditions. How are you feeling today?

          Teresa - you must be so proud of your son. What an awesome race he had yesterday! Has he decided on a college yet? I'll bet he'll be highly recruited.

          Carolyn - hope you're feeling better today. Lots of crud going around already.

          In non-running news, the art show went well yesterday. This was my first attempt and I sold 6 sets of wine glasses and got orders for 4 more. It was interesting that I didn't sell any margarita or martini glasses, just wine. The weather ended up being really nice and they got a decent turnout.

          Good luck to Slo and all our other racers today!


            good morning!  well, if I stretch it a bit...


            20.14 miles, more later about that.


            go racers!!!!

            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

              Lou.. I think conventional wisdom is to go easy on the first and pound the second since there it time to heal after the second one. 


              CNY.. rain run here too...6 miles in 56:43 (9:27 pace, AHR 141). Heavy rain first 2 miles with the dogs.  They were shaking water off while running! Storm drains sounded like Niagra Falls.  No rain next 4 miles. 63°.  As I write this it is sunny (of coarse!)


              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                Greetings. Another pickled morning. 1500 yard swim and then 80 minutes of pool running, working around some adult swim lessons. Had some  pool running company for the first few mins; one of my DD's teammates and her mother were there.


                I did get in about a 30 mile sunny bike ride yesterday afternoon.


                Great runs CNY and others! I think there will be some speedy marathons this fall.


                Thanks for the kudos to DD. I really hope she can keep it up and have a good season.... I think it is the new spikes I got her, Saucony black and white, very cool looking.


                One day at a time

                  Hey, lamerunner!!  I just found your post about your daughter's race yesterday!  Congratulations to you both!  I watched the girls' JV race, but I didn't know which one your DD was.  That's cool that our kids did equally well, huh??  Must be the genes and influence of their parents, right?  :-)


                  Yeah, that course is very tough.  I love looking up at the hill with the CHAIR LIFTS!  At one point, the announcer came on the PA and said, "Coaches, please tell your athletes to get off the chair lift on the mountain!"  LOL.  Then it dawned on me that that is where the kids have to run!  Yikes.


                  MTA:  Funny about the new spikes, too.  DS had told me he needed new "spikes," but being clueless, I thought he meant just the little pointy things, not the actual shoes.  He clarified for me the day before the race, but he didn't have time to go to the shoe store.  So I got him size 8s, just hoping they would work, and fortunately they did.  His are cool, too - red and black.  Here's a photo of him after the race:


                  Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                    Hi gang - just a quick fly by.   I was wondering if Dg has reported in yet after her first 20 miler today! 


                    I got out for 6 yesterday (longest in a very long time) and 4 today for a 21 mile week.   Finally!!   I've been melting bottles like crazy with having had Friday off, I was able to do 3 loads.  (45 bottles)   Now for decorating .....


                    Happy Sunday!


                    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                      Wow,, thats some speedy kids you folks much fun it is to watch them over the season.  Teresa, I love that photo of your son after the race!


                      DG: 20 miles...well done!


                      I shoulda done what tramps did today!!! 


                      I just got back from a brutal 10 miles in 2:10ish...not the pace I was looking for, but it was an ugly run so I am pleased that I was even able to finish it.  Looks like I will have to scrap plans to do the half marathon 10/11 and take a step back week or two.  And last weeks 9 was so delightful   i am now off to do what Teresa's son did after his race...lay down and rest


                      Good runs and good day everyone...

                      Trails Rock!


                        Some nice running out there today for our upcoming Wineglass runners and most of all... Woohoo to Deb on her 20 miler! Can't wait to hear more details.

                        Mariposai had a catered long run yesterday, how cool is that?

                        Good job on that trail race yesterday, Perch, and some wet dog miles for you today. Good thing you got out there when it was still raining or you'd have to give them baths later, right?

                        Leslie, you beast. 

                        More snow today. It's pretty sloppy out there. I am so not ready for winter, but I say that every September. Oh well. Today I really have to get more stuff out of the garden. I didn't have time yesterday and was hoping it would warm up a bit. Well, we got more snow and it's 32 out there now. It's all below ground stuff so should be ok. So.... to run or not? I was thinking of 8-10 today, but I just feel tired and I'm so grumpy about the conditions out there. I've got a friend who wants to go running, but he doesn't have all the stuff around the house to do (single condo dweller he is). I know I'd probably feel better if I just went and did it, but might need a boot in the butt to get going...

                        I'm promising myself a rest day, or at least a pool day, tomorrow...

                        Marathon Maniac #957


                          Dg – congratulations on your LONGEST RUN EVER!


                          21.45 miles for me today in 3:16, 60° and light rain at the start, but it dried up before long:


                          7 miles @ easy-brisk (9:38 ave)

                          12 miles at MP or better (8:36 ave)

                          2.45 mile CD (9:56 ave)


                          This is not including potty/hydration stops, but it did include a couple minutes walking when I got that “running out of space” message and had to delete some of my history and I forgot to stop the Garmin while I stopped to fiddle with it.  Note to Garmin users – don’t forget to make sure you have cleared some space on it in the “history” folder before a big race.


                          I can’t believe I made it 12 miles at that pace, even with a couple stops at the water fountains.  Whoever said MP is supposed to feel easy?  It never feels easy to me, and I am always surprised when I am able to keep it up for any amount of time.  I am toast.  What a relief to have that last lonnnnnnnnngggg run over with.  Let’s get that stupid race over with already.  Is it too early to have a beer?


                          I think I’m ready for taper.


                          Off to bake cookies for tomorrow’s soccer game (DD), then fix an early dinner, and head out to DS’s soccer game at 5:30.


                          Happy Sunday!




                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Congrats on the long run Dg


                            Nice running there Holly, yes we made it to the taper


                            18 miles in light rain 1st 4 miles & last 2 miles 3:07


                            Teresa congrats to DS that is outstanding racing


                            Lamerunner congrats to your DD too, almost 21 min. & on the JV team? wow!

                            Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                              Woohoo dg.!

                              Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                                I had a wonderful run at Minnewaska: a (hillier than I remember) rainy 10-mile trail race. I haven't been doing much trail running, and I felt it. 1:20:20, 33/300 OA, don't know my AG place, but a 46 YO won the thing in 1:03 something.

                                Props on your run, DG.

                                Anybody heard from SLO?

