Masters Running


Up and At 'em Monday Dec 16 (Read 38 times)


    Heh.... and I haven't gone to bed yet! DS1 is home so we're up late doing laundry and other sundry things. I'm off to bed soon though, and have a full week at work this coming week. I hope my mileage will be a little better this week, but like C-R I'll be on the treadmill a lot at least at first. We could see -28° tonight and in the -30's tomorrow night, but then it should warm up and be above zero by Thursday.


    What are you up to today?


    Trails are hard!

      No run today, but up at 4:45 to head to the airport for what I hope is the last trip of the year. Realizing that? Jay was likely well into his walk by then.


      Airport security was showing the effects of yesterday's storm. I ended up going thru the regular line because the priority was so long. What's the fun of being exclusive if everyone can do it?

      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



        . We could see -28° tonight and in the -30's tomorrow night, but then it should warm up and be above zero by Thursday.



        I was just going to complain about our weather here this morning Erika. Thanks for putting things in perspective! By your terms, it was a relatively balmy -12 when I got up at 4:45. Off to the Y for 5 miles on the track (that's 60 times around, people) and 40 minutes of weights and core work.


        Sorry about your weather Kevin. Safe travels.


        Lots of great running over the weekend - I'll wait for Jay to recap it all shortly


        Hey Ribs - how 'bout them Packers?!


          Mornin' everyone!


          That's a bit chilly, Evanflein - makes a TM sound inviting.


          Yep, Stumpy - I was about 1/2 hour into it by then. I hope your last trip of '13 is successful. Good question - at what point does "exclusive" stop being that?


          Big congrats to Mike, Twocat and Wildchild for their superb running/racing over the weekend! Mike, 36 seconds ain't nothin' - you ran a great race with an amazing finish, finished 1st AG and 2nd Parent/kid, and got to hang with Ryan. Yes, you need some dreads! Didn't see much detail about Twocat's race, except a photo of him in a cape and big smile afterward, so I'll take that as good news. Wildchild is just amazing, with the distance and terrain that she seems to run with such ease and grace. Where are the other race reports???


          Like Stumpy, we got about 6-8" of snow Saturday night into Sunday morn, with some wet stuff creating a crust on top. My snowblower wouldn't start (of course), so I spent about an hour shoveling a small section of our driveway. DW called one of the neighbors, who came over and helped me get the snowblower going (thank goodness!). Even with that, I had another hour's work before I was done. DW and I took a ride by the ocean at high tide, and it was roiling and rowdy and a but scary. At one place, with each wave, water would come shooting out the top of the stairs cut into a seawall as if shot by a cannon. Further up the road, a 10-12 ft stone seawall was being redistributed all across the road by the water. We keep reminding beach residents that, when Mother Ocean gets feisty, you might slow her down for a bit, but there is no holding her back, and yesterday was clear proof of that.


          I also donned my Yak Traks this morning, since the road out front was still snow-covered. Racewalking, even with the YTs was impossible because I couldn't get enough traction. So I ran for almost all of the 6.5 miles. I don't know how you all do it - to me, running that far was harder than racewalking! Of course, the snow/ice-covered roads could have contributed. The near-fool moon was still high in the sky early this morning, and the light it spread over the snowscape was dazzling. So being out there this morning was an even more wonderful treat than usual. Then I really had to work at stretching afterwards, and making good use of my foam roller to get over all that running nonsense...


          Have a greta Monday!



          Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

          King of PhotoShop

            jlynne, you should see our newspapers and hear the talk shows today.  The Cowboy fans are going nuts.  How about Breger's Dolphins knocking off the Pats? After all that team went through this year, they control their own destiny.  Great job.


            This new medication is killing me. No pain like with statins like Lipitor, but in addition to the crazy dreams is a lot of fatigue. Yesterday's 13, which should have been a cakewalk was a tough effort, and today I did 3.4 recovery and was very tired all through it. Don't know what to do about it.  I wouldn't run at all if I couldn't race, and I sure can't race like this.  Spareribs


              Congratulations to all the racers this past weekend! What an inspiration!!


              Busy schedule today but some fun to look forward to later tonight: ugly sweater contest/food drive fun run. Alas, try as I might, I could not find a really ugly sweater.


              I'll shut up about the weather in my neck of the woods seeing how you all have to put up with really cold and snowy conditions! Take solace in the fact that the high is supposed to drop below 70F again here tomorrow. 


              Here is a pic from where I ran yesterday:

                How about Breger's Dolphins knocking off the Pats? After all that team went through this year, they control their own destiny.  Great job.


                This new medication is killing me. No pain like with statins like Lipitor, but in addition to the crazy dreams is a lot of fatigue. Yesterday's 13, which should have been a cakewalk was a tough effort, and today I did 3.4 recovery and was very tired all through it. Don't know what to do about it.  I wouldn't run at all if I couldn't race, and I sure can't race like this.  Spareribs


                I need to comment on both of these.  First of all, the last 2 minutes of the Fins game yesterday was excruciating, knowing what Tom Brady has been doing the last 2 minutes of each of the last few games.  Exhilarating at the end though!  The Coach and the Team in general need to be applauded for the way they've just focused on the Next Game, every week, no matter what was playing out off the field.


                Secondly, get some different Meds or maybe a smaller dose.  For sure, talk to your Dr.  My meds have me dreaming like crazy as well.  I don't mind that at all really.  Sorta cool if unusual.  The fatigue factor is not too bad for me.  I'm fairly laid back anyway and I've sort of adapted to the feeling and I'm beginning to run a bit better.  I can't see how I'll ever run a Marathon again, but 1/2's maybe.


                5 miles this morning with the last 4 miles at between 8:40 and 8:55 pace.  Nice cool mid-60's did it for me.


                Mike E. and WildChild, you are BOTH AWESOME!  That's all I can say about that.



                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                  Spareribs: are you taking beta blockers? I had the crazy dreams/fatigue combination with Metoprolol and I am very glad to be off that stuff (and rid of the PVCs via ablation a couple of years ago). Seconding the "go talk to the doc" motion though if the fatigue gets worse.

                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    Don’t pay any attention to Erika’s time warps. It’s so dark all the time up there now, they don’t know what time it is anyway. Right? Any “lights” yet?
                    Touch’n’Go XT in the dentist chair this morning after the Thanksgiving repair chipped off and a new chip appeared on an old one too.  Would have taken at least an hour and I wouldn’t have been able to talk much at this morning’s meeting except, instead of novocaine or whatever and hard drilling pressure grinding away for several seconds, the quick, light touches didn’t give much time for any real pain to register. Only took 17 minutes. I wish all my dental needs would be such simple repairs.


                    ps - now that I’m stuck in a city without immediate access to scenic trails and ascents to bask in alpine glows, I’m with ribs on the value of upcoming events for motivation to do any running at all.

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Brrrr - Erika!


                      Jay and Stumpy - you are both right that running in slippery conditions is a tough workout!


                      Ribs - I'm with the "call the doctor" crowd.


                      Wildchild - I didn't even notice the 2000 mile mark until you mentioned it.  My mileage is way down this year, so I wasn't sure I would even squeak by...


                      No run for me today, just 25-30 minutes of weights and core.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        -3° here this morning.  I drove over to the store for the stuff to make sausage balls for a get-together tonight and the roads were slick and smooth like a fine crystal serving platter.


                        Even though I am acting like a winter tough man this year, and it has warmed up to 16°, I went down to the basement treadmill for 5 miles.  I did some halfs and quarters at my wishful thinking half-marathon pace.  I was sweating so much my feet were wet.  That made me remember that I usually have a fan on down there when I run, so I need to find that fan and get it down there before I do that again.



                          ribs, another chiming in with the "see your doctor" message.  C-R, I'm glad to hear your wife is improving.  Holly, good job passing 2000miles for the year.


                          Nice long runs for ribs, C-R, Holly, deez, and mari.


                          This morning, I opted for the TM, 8 miles at 11:06/mile.


                          Yesterday was a good day.  My kids wanted to do something to acknowledge my upcoming 70th birthday (this Wed).  They got together some friends and family members for salad and pizza at a restaurant in Lansing.  My daughter had a friend make  a neat cake.  It had a road going over the top with what looked like a finish line banner that read, "Happy Birthday".  Around the edge of the cake were the names of a number of races I've been in.


                          A good day and good runs for all.




                            Yikes there are some cold temps already this year.


                            That was nice TomS.


                            I'm a Colts fan so things have been pretty good this year on our roller coaster. However, I have Dallas' Murray on my fantasy team. How you can have that kind of lead and that kind of runner and only run seven times in the 2nd half. Makes me glad that I am not a Cowboys fan. Oh my. And of course being a Colts fan, anytime the Pats lose is a good day around here. Heh


                            Oh and I got a chance to watch my Irish win a Men's National Championship in soccer yesterday. They've come a long way since the days when I played there.


                            Good luck Stumpy. My last trip for the year is this week. To DC.


                            Got a nice 7 at lunch and will finish off with another one tonight. The treadmill and I are becoming best of buddies.


                            Oh and I learned that the USATF National Masters XC Championships will be held right here in my town next year at the course where I often run at lunch. It's in Oct and you only need to be a member of USATF to participate. Its no marathon but it will be fun race weekend. If anyone plans to come to Indy, let me know as I would be happy to host a get-together.



                            "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                            "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                            King of PhotoShop

                              Thanks all.  and doctor call it is, first thing tomorrow.  The med is called Zetia, and when I entered it in Google with the word "dreams" I got a lot of hits on others having the same experience. Also Sunkid, someone told me they have that experience with the drug you take.  Friends have asked me to ask the dr. about niacin, an over the counter remedy.


                              HDL is 109 and LDL is 100.  The doc just wants to get the LDL number lower is all.  Thank you.  Spareribs

                                Neat cake idea, TSelbs.


                                Glad you're gonna talk to the doc, Ribs.  That med doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun.


                                I guess I won't complain about the "cold" here since it ain't nothin' but a thang compared to what a lot of you get.   . . . . although I will say I had to wear gloves to pick up my free weights 'cause they were too cold.


                                That being said - about 50 min of core/strength training this morning in a chilly shed whilst watching "Law & Order: SVU."


                                Okay - Back to work . . . .

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

