Masters Running


Two-s-day, January 11 Daily (Read 584 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    I spelt Tuesday in honor of Two-Cats reappearance yesterday - yeah!!    Other than being extremely jealous that Wildchild is on a warm island, I'm not going to pretend to know what all is going on around here. 


    Brinkley took me out for a cold, crunchy-snow 3 miles this morning.   They were slow miles, but they are miles!!  Big grin   


    Enjoy the day!


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



    Marathon Iowa 2014

      Hi Mary,


      Haven't been around in over a week.  I've been crazy busy with budgets these days.  That and packing on weight in anticipation of my company's "Biggest Loser" contest that started yesterday.  I figure it should dovetail right in with Boston marathon prep work.  So far - one day down, ninety to go.  Of course, PBJster #2 made pilgrim pies last night.  A pilgrim pie is a whoopie pie with pumpkin instead of chocolate - irresistable.  It's gonna be a long 90 days...


      At least I was good this morning - 10 miles on the treadmill while watching Smoking Aces 2.  It was a tough movie to watch first thing in the morning  - starts with sacriligiousness, brain drilling and throat slashing, and goes down from there..


      Tomorrow - the weathermen are confident that we will get 10 - 16 inches of snow.  You know what that means - either a blizzard or a whole lot of PBJster disappointment.


        Good to see both George and hep-cat back.  Hope the running continues to go well.

        Mari—that was a wonderful picture yesterday!

        That Carolyn’s really getting to me now!  Humidity indeed. Angry

        PBJ--Nobody around here knows what a whoopee pie is.  Sometimes I miss New England.


        EZPZ 5.4 @ 8:50.

        Be safe. Be kind.


          Heya Twocat......Glad to hear your running !


          7 mile fartlek run this morning. I did 8 x 40sec pick-ups with a pace that would vary between 10k and 3k. We had brand new snow on the ground and I was the first one making tracks. I thought it was interesting that I could'nt see any difference between my recovery pace tracks or my harder effort tracks. (out and back run)


          This morning I started feeling my last three weeks work load though. The fartleks went fine but the last mile home my legs were as dead as they have felt in a long time. I'm prescribing easy pz runs for the rest of the week.


          Hope you Southerners are dealing with the snow and winter weather all right !


          Lace em up !


            Good morning Masters! Reporting in from not-so-sunny Florida, but I enjoyed my last day of running without hats, gloves, coats and Yaxtrax. Back home to Wisconsin tomorrow. Ran what I estimated to be 6 miles at a 9:45 pace and it felt good to stretch my legs after being cramped in a mini-van with 6 other people the last 5 days. The Ragnar was an awesome experience and I'll try to do a separate report today so I don't take up a lot of space here.


            Glad to see TwoCat back - and running!!!


            Hey Slo - did you like the game? Big grin Think we can get by Atlanta?


            Nice run in the snow this morning Mary.


            I hope your weatherman is wrong, PBJ. It sure has been nice to get out of the snow and cold for a week.


            Sorry Tramps. Gotta agree with Carolyn. The humidity here - when you're not used to it - is unbelievable.  Even in cooler temps today I was soaking wet by the end of the first mile.


            Gotta get packed. Will try to write a Ragnar report later. Our team won the senior masters mixed division with an average time of 10:55 miles for 191 miles. The oldest man on our team was 86 and I was the youngest at 58. Great Fun!

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Mariposai – lovely snow photo of you yesterday!


              {{{C-R}}} – sorry to hear you’re having issues.  At least this is best time of year for cutting back, given the not-so-nice running conditions.


              PBJ - we're getting the leading edge of that storm right now, supposed to be strongest by mid-day.  There's only about 5-6 inches forecast, but by the end of the workday, the roads will likely be challenging.


              My thighs and glutes are really feeling yesterday’s workout, so today’s run felt pretty sluggish.  Luckily, speedwork was not on the schedule; instead it was hill repeat day.  The incoming snow was just starting to fall, but the roads were clear, and 23° didn’t feel that cold.


              7.1 miles, including 5 x 3-minute uphill repeats in the middle.  Nothing that passed for speed going up that hill – I was just trying to run strongly, as opposed to shuffle (or stagger) and make it to the top of the hill without walking….


              3 minutes seemed like a looonnnngggg time to be trying to run strongly uphill…

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                Good morning.  Cold this morning, about 10, but calm and pretty clear. I ran a solid but not lively 9 miles. Tried to pick it up here and there. Working from home a little ( and delivering missing notebooks to the middle school) then headed to Vermont for some law student mock interviews, along with other alumni and faculty.


                We are supposed to get snow tonight and tomorrow.


                Happy twosday!

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Our team won the senior masters mixed division with an average time of 10:55 miles for 191 miles. The oldest man on our team was 86 and I was the youngest at 58. Great Fun!



                  Woo Hoo!!!

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    holly - no particular reason but keep practicing on those hills.

                    However maybe later on, put the repeats and the front and back sides of your runs, . . . and in the middle too for about two hours of up-and-downing..I't very easy to get injured running down those Equinox hills on the way back when you're tired so maybe start practicing a couple fo hill repeats too when you're back from some of your 18-20 mile runs when your really tired.  Taking the hills both up-and-down sure-footedly and strong without regard to speed will give you an Equinox for the ages, one that you will never forget just as mine is as vivid in my memory today as it was 16 years ago.  Except I think the hills get even steeper as the years pass. 


                    I missed it 'cause it's already 1/12/11 over here but maybe someone can try to make an 1/11/11 post at 1:11, or 11:11

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                      ..Shrewd Move PBJ//........they obviously don't realize who they're dealing with......




                      ...White Humidity today...


                      ...more snow, some ice, shoulda poolrun, Cahn't get out........scroot.....


                      double weight session day

                      poolrun tomorrow...




                      .........good running guys..........Good Luck Northern Runners, it's heading your way.....

                      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                        No snow here, but icy outside this morning and the kiddos are on a two hour delay so I will be heading to the gym to run later.  Dh still hasn't done laundry so I have no outside running stuff anyway. 


                        Going to have to admit to not knowing what whoopie pie is either.  Evidently, I am from the South.


                        Jlynne, can't wait to hear about your Ragnar experience.  Way to go team - wow, 86 years old?  I hope I'm still around and running at age 86! 


                        Once a runner . . .



                          7.1 miles, including 5 x 3-minute uphill repeats in the middle.  Nothing that passed for speed going up that hill – I was just trying to run strongly, as opposed to shuffle (or stagger) and make it to the top of the hill without walking….



                          Holly.....Those hill repeats are like gold. And they don't have to be speedy. That 5 x 3min is a really awesome workout.


                          I'm in a phase of doing Hill sprints. Started with 4 x 8sec......working my way to 8 x 12sec 2x a week. I'll eventually replace one of those weekly hill sprints with the longer, slower session in about 5 - 6 weeks.


                          Jlynne.....Congrats on the Ragnar finish ! Yes.....I loved the game and I do believe we can move past Atlanta. Wouldn't it be great to see Green Bay vs the Jets in the Super Bowl......Just for Favre's sake.


                            Going to have to admit to not knowing what whoopie pie is either.  Evidently, I am from the South.

                            It's a type of health food.


                            I'm not surprised to see Jlynne sticking up for her fair-weather friend.  We'll see if she changes her tune when she's back in frigid Wisconsin.

                            Be safe. Be kind.


                              Thanks for the nice comments about picture I posted yesterday. The weather was suuperb, it made any pose look splendid. 

                              fussyrunner, I am Ok Xcountry skiing. I enjoy being in the woods all year around and skiing is one way to be in the woods during the winter months. Now, downhill skiing is another story. While I am not one of those ripping rascal who started skiing at age 5 (my first lesson was at age 35) I do enjoy going down a lot. Groomed trails, muggles, trees, you name it...I guess you can call me ripping chick Wink


                              Ragnar experience, now that is something to do together.


                              5.5 easy miles, average pace 11:30ish, that is counting the walking stops I have to do to avoid falling on icy spots...better be safe and speedy.

                              I think I will go to the gym tonight for some speedier running on the TM. My friend Dr. G and her daughter as staying with us until tomorrow and she is cooking Indian food for us tonight, so I will have time to visit the gym.


                              Big grin


                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                                Good morning Masters! Reporting in from not-so-sunny Florida, but I enjoyed my last day of running without hats, gloves, coats and Yaxtrax. Back home to Wisconsin tomorrow. Ran what I estimated to be 6 miles at a 9:45 pace and it felt good to stretch my legs after being cramped in a mini-van with 6 other people the last 5 days. The Ragnar was an awesome experience and I'll try to do a separate report today so I don't take up a lot of space here.


                                Sorry Tramps. Gotta agree with Carolyn. The humidity here - when you're not used to it - is unbelievable.  Even in cooler temps today I was soaking wet by the end of the first mile.


                                Gotta get packed. Will try to write a Ragnar report later. Our team won the senior masters mixed division with an average time of 10:55 miles for 191 miles. The oldest man on our team was 86 and I was the youngest at 58. Great Fun!


                                Jlynne, I have been waiting for this post for a couple of days now.  Great job!  But as to your "humid" comment?  Surely you jest ...


                                Getting myself X-ray'd later today and not at the airport.  Big grin  Hopefully they'll be able to see something.


                                Hood to Coast movie tonight ...



                                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong
