Masters Running


Sunday, March 27 Out-Like-A-Lion Runs (Read 448 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    I never did get a chance to check in here yesterday...Friday night DD was at a friend’s house when she cut her finger pretty badly on an exposed furniture staple in the back of an armchair.  The mother of her friend called me, and I went over to comfort DD and inspect the wound.  It was a long, jagged scratch, but didn’t seem like it needed stitches, so I bandaged it and figured I’d take her to the pediatrician the next morning to make sure.


    Yesterday morning I went running for a bit, then came home to call the pediatrician when they opened at 8:30am.  The nurse there told me they didn’t do stitches, so I would need to go to an urgent care if it needed that.  I decided to unbandage the finger and see what I was dealing with.  Oh crap.  It only took one glance to realize DD needed to see a doctor.  It really hadn’t looked that bad the night before.  Sad


    With her still in her pajamas, and me in my running tights, we immediately set out for the nearest urgent care.  We were the first ones in the door when they opened, only to find out they had no doctor, some sort of mix-up in scheduling.   Angry    The urgent care farther up the road didn’t open until 11am. “Heck with it,” I thought, and took her to the hospital emergency room.


    So, DD and I spent the next 3 hours at the hospital, where she had a somewhat horrific experience because they couldn’t seem to get her finger numb enough and had to keep giving her shots, but eventually she managed to get her finger stitched up.  Rough day for her, though, but by afternoon she was back in good spirits.


    As for my running, 8.35 miles in the morning in a windy 27º, 7 miles on the TM in the afternoon, 15.35 miles total.  I’m not very good at taper.


    Now it’s time to go read what you folks were up to yesterday…

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      OMG Holly, your poor DD!!! ((((((Holly Family))))).


        Sorry about your DD's finger Holly.  That had to be scary for her.


        Congratulations to Tramps for a Great marathon and for Mrs. Tramps for completing her 1st.  I'm impressed she is immediately looking for an Ironwoman naext with a PR marathon within it.  Confidence!


        I ran my longest run this morning since before Thanksgiving.  9 miles at 9:06 pace.  I took it nice and easy for the most part and then cranked it up a bit for mile 8.  I am so happy that the Back has settled down finally.  This has been a very long, very frustrating period where I felt strong but the back and hip wouldn't cooperate to let me run like i like to.


        The Gators gave away a sure-win yesterday.  Butler could absolutely not stop UF's inside game and coming down the stretch for some reason the Gators quit going inside.  Why would you go for a 3 pointer when you only needed 1 point to win (end of regulation)?  One of their better players - Chandler Parsons - looked afraid the whole game.  Too Bad.  I thought they were obviously the better Team but that often means very little.



        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


        MM #6177

          Oh Holly, so sorry to hear about your DD's finger! Hopefully they also gave her a dose of antibiotics just in case to ward off any infections. Poor kid...


          Rest day today for me. Or at least that's how it feels at the moment... Joking


            Aww, Holly. Your poor DD. Hospital ER's are frightful enough without having to go through everything she did yesterday. Hope all is well at your house today.


            Butler really is THE Cinderella team this year. I agree Bill. Florida should never have lost that game. Had them in my final four. This has been a really surprising tournament. Lots of upsets. Glad you're running strong again! I know you've been very worried about your back.


            It's 10° here. On March 27. There's a foot and a half of snow on the ground. I'm waiting for it to warm up a little before I head out. I had DS#1 and 2 over for dinner last night with their family/significant other. We spent a couple of hours going through all of their crap prized possessions in our basement and filled up the garbage can and Goodwill box. Then I fed them dinner. I told them "no food until we get this job done."  Smile  I'm a mean mom, but I think DH will be pleasantly surprised when he gets home from his trip.


            Congrats to Tramps, Mrs. Tramps and all of our runners yesterday! Do you think Mrs.Tramps would post a RR for us? I'd love to hear about her experience.


            6.5 miles, 9:54 pace. Woo hoo!!! First longer run since the end of January!


            Off for yet another day of packing.....

              Do you think Mrs.Tramps would post a RR for us? I'd love to hear about her experience.




              As would I.  Me too.

              Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Dave – Annabelle is adorable!


                Tramps and Mrs. Tramps – congratulations on yesterday’s marathons!


                CNYrunner – heckofa LR yesterday!


                Erika – I hope you feel better soon…


                Leslie – wow – heckofa LR for you yesterday, too!


                Mariposai – good luck today on your run.  Skiiing sounds like so much fun, but hopefully you will have some energy left for your run…


                4.45 wasy-paced (10:21 ave) miles for me today in 23º.  Off to church now...

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  fatozzig, yesterday did you do a tough trail marathon or a tough trail run that was marathon distance?  In either case, it's impressive.  Dove, nice 26.2 at Dizzy Daze with Franc.  holly, sorry to hear about the traumatic morning for your daughter and you.  I'm glad to hear things are ok now.  breger, congrats on your longest run since thanksgiving.


                  This morning, it was in the mid 20s and there was a little wind here in Peoria.  I got in 5 miles in 52:45 for a 10:33 pace.  We're looking forward to another day visiting with our daughter before heading home tomorrow morning.



                  Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                    Awe, your poor DD Holly ... and you too!  


                    Impressive 3-stage run yesterday OM!


                    HUGH congrats to MrsTramps and you too Tramps!!    I'd like to read her report too, should she write one.


                    Leslie -you are a machine!!


                    I was out for 7 recovery miles.   Still pretty cold out there, but the sun shining helps.    I think today is going to be a movie day if I can get DD to go with me.   I want to see the Lincoln Lawyer.




                    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                      ......Nicely Done to the Trampses.......




                      .30s here with rain....


                      had TheTrack to myself, trying a double brace so they won't slip down (VERY annoying)


                      .......30min run with canes.

                      watching crosscountry skiiers, and using the stix in various front-side-back positions to take the strain off the hips

                      not a pretty sight,

                      but effective


                      I learn something new every time I go out.


                      ..............good running guys........RunWithWhatYouGot....

                      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                        Holly.. what an ordeal... but at least you got your run in Wink


                        Leslie IS a machine!  Wow


                        And Karin with her 24.7 mile run.. very fast!.... hmm why not 1.5 more?


                        Byll.. it's nice to see your steady progress!


                        ran 15.82 miles of hills to the top of "Couch Mountain" in 2:22:38 (9:01, AHR 145)
                        My version of being a Couch Potato Smile


                        (note... "Couch Mountain" elevation is a whopping 650 ft!  a 400 ft climb from the lowest point on the route Smile )


                        Love this write-up... makes it sound like summiting a peak Big grin


                        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                          Holly.. what an ordeal... but at least you got your run in Wink




                          Funny, that was my first thought too. A can imagine that furniture staple hurt !


                          A very good run for me today. 21 miles (+ 6mins to get to and from the rec path from my house) I did three, 7 mile out and backs.

                          Each faster than the last.


                          1st 57:38 (8:14 pace)

                          2nd 55:14 (7:54 pace)

                          3rd 52:22 (7:29 Pace)


                          My legs are certainly feeling it right now. Nice wrap up to the week. Now it's time to buckle down and get serious. Wink


                            Oh Holly, your poor DD. And yes, you too. Very hard on the child and stressful for the parent. Glad she got taken care of though so it'll heal up, hopefully without incident.


                            We watched Arizona lose a heartbreaker to UC yesterday... DH is an AZ alumnus and we've been trying to watch all their games. Guess that's done now.


                            Good news on the back, Byll! I hope it continues to cooperate and let you build up some miles. You doing the 10k option?


                            Way to tackle that monster, Steve. Heh. Seriously though, nice run and so soon after your marathon. You recover well.


                            Still dealing with plumbing problems in our kitchen drains, what a pain! Had to run the dishwasher last night draining into buckets. Good thing it's a water miser. We're lucky our tenants are taking this in good humor, it's a major inconvenience for them. Had plumbers out three days in a row and no luck. They'll be out again today. Oh goody. Can't wait to see this repair bill. Undecided


                            And I'm still sick, but feeling better. Still coughing, but nowhere near as much. So... I might try a run today to see how things are. I can tell this will be a major cutback/build-back week for me, but that's ok, I was kind of ahead of any schedule I might be pretending to use anyway. 

                              Holly S. well the good news is that nothing too serious ultimately happened.  I am very glad all was well in the end.  The one minor positive is that you now have a story to tell in the year's to come about your mini-adventures with the local urgent care facilities!


                              breger1 wow I am like so out of things!  I have not watched a single game during the tournament.  Just as well I guess since a quick look at what happened tells me any team I had any rooting interest in is long since gone.


                              Jlynne good call on the no food threat!  Wanna bet you end up filling a dumpster's worth of stuff at the other end of the move too?  Smile  It is just the way it is.


                              Some friends of mine and I put together a mini-gourmet dinner evening.  All three of us like to cook so we thought why not arrange an evening where we would each pick something we want to cook and have a really good dinner without the expense of a restaurant!  I got assigned the main course (as it was my idea) and one took over the appetizer course, and the other the sides.  Worked out great.  We all decided to schedule another one of these.  One guy in this group is something else with a smoker so I hope he fires that thing up!


                              Today I did an hour on the elliptical, some gym work, and then out to deer spray.  This is going to be close!  They got to some tulips but very early on in the sprouting process.  So I am hoping the tulips will still make it.

                              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->



                                Jeanne, I love your avatar with Will and baby Ben! Glad you're running well again. 

                                Bill, you too! Glad the back issues are behind you. (pun intended)

                                Slo, wow, great negative splits on that 21 miler.  Timbo should be scared. Wink


                                I went to a John Prine concert last night with my sister - it was great!  Funny to see all the grey ponytails in the audience.


                                I'm waiting till it warms up a bit before I take the dogs for a run.  Of course that means last night's snow (only an inch) will melt and turn the roads to mud, but oh well.


                                Tomorrow I'm off to Tuscon for a week's vacation with DH, so I may start the monthly mileage thread a few days early.

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
