Masters Running


Thu July 24 Runs and Musings (Read 618 times)

    Bob, it's great to hear from you and about Amy. Thanks for posting those cute pictures. Spareribs - best of luck today. "A mile is a terrible thing to waste." I don't know why but that keeps going through my head when I'm running. A cooler but somehow muggy morning greeted me today. Up early, as is normal on Thursdays, for a GA paced medium long run of 12. 12.1 miles @ 8:31, AHR 153, 1:43 Good runs, all!

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |



      Hi Lou, I cannot believe you still beat me to get up, even with my advantage. Uuuum, I ran a bit on the TM, and swam a bit in the pool. Oh geez, I'm spoiled, I can't write my own run report. Craig

      -Craig - "TPFD53 at gmail dot com"

        Great to hear from Bob yesterday, and it's always fun to see adorable pictures of Amy. When my oldest (now 27!) was about her age, she used to call lilies-of-the-valley "BingerBells". We still think that's too cute. 10 miles for me today in 1:42:18, 10:14 pace. This will be my highest mileage week in quite a while, as we build back up for Portland in October.

        aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

        Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          Good Morning! That really was great to hear from Bob yesterday! Amy is such a cutie and she is so lucky to have BTB as a friend. Brinkley and I were out for 3 this morning. 58 degrees - NO humidity. Perfect running weather this week. It is my "cut back" week. Tried to keep it slow and easy and also keep the heart rate down. One bunnie farlek that I never saw until we were going . . . . fast . . . . 9:42 / 145 9:40 / 154 9:58 / 159 Happy Thursday (my Friday) and B'Nellie arrives today! Big grin ETA that I meant to wish RIBS all the best today! I'm sure we will all be thinking of you.


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


            Holly! That’s hilarious about the dog and the cat in the basket together. That DD of yours is spicy all right and I love it! I have met this lass folks and she is fabulous (even if she gives her mom a run for her money ;-) Twocat…..margaritas before a race worked wonders for me in May. I just might have to try that again. I’ll let you go for the Twinkies plan. Thanks for setting me straight mainerunnah. A picture of two fine looking fellows indeed. Tramps, I loved your line about the power cord! Craneium, the peak shot is at the summit of Giant (full name is Giant of The Valley) just South of Lake Placid in Keene, NY. We are planning on climbing Algonquin and a few others in October if we can make the schedules work. The kiddo has climbed 14 thus far and we need to plan well so he can pick up the remaining 32 in the next 6 years before he turns 18. When we climbed Whiteface it was 73F at the trailhead and 36F with 50 mph winds at the summit. We put on fleece tops and my fingers started freezing up. It was wild and yes, I wanted to get down FAST. Oh right, running! All the rain and t-storms didn’t get in the way of travel yesterday and I am in Boone, NC now. My 8-mile route took me over a portion of the Grandfather Mountain marathon course. Hi Perch and Triple J (where is he anyway?). I felt energetic, but held back and just enjoyed the mountain air and scenery. 9:07 pace at 5:30 AM---perfect at 55F and clearing skies. Have a great day CNYrunner/Karin

            King of PhotoShop

              Morning! We're just about ready to leave for the hospital. I got a very kind email from Tim WiFi (wa5yom) and just wanted to pass along that he is doing well and very busy. He ran Ft. Worth's "El Scorcho" last weekend and did well. Thanks everyone for the well wishes. This procedure is fairly straightforward and should be no problem at all, but if in the unlikely event that today is the day I am destined to cash out, I just have one thing to say: Tetsujin, gotcha last! Spareribs

                Ribs: Hope all goes well today...can't see why it shouldn't...all my best. Karin: Not only did you have a fast 5-miler, you learned a valuable can always run faster with thunder & lightning as a motivating factor. Craneium: Super narrative! You didn't plagarize that from George Constanza, did you? Holly: 60 minutes on the elliptical? been on one but all my friends who use it on a regular basis say that 30 minutes is about all they can handle....hmmm...wicker basket...getting along...hmmm...where's Bart Simpson when you need him? Twocat: That's a quality run...when's your next marathon...I'd like to see a sub 3:20 out of you....hey...this digital light system...if you're having probs with it, why don't you call those guys on the TV show "Big Bang Theory"? Henrun: Martinis have never been known to hinder...only help...shaken, not stirred... Lamerunner: No wonder you're having leg fatigue...between all your running & hiking, you'll be in China before the Olympic team. Wildchild: Upcoming backpacking trip sounds exceptionally cool...try & post pics when you return. Haller: I think it's great that you hung in're obviously listening to your body. Tall: Super race...6 min. miles in H&H...I expected nothing less.. Running is doubtful today...meetings all day long...then team leaves at 4:30 for softball tourney in Richmond...I'll try to sneak in a run somewhere but just in cast I can't, will somebody lend me a few miles? Good runs and/or races this weekend to all... DickyG

                Renee the dog

                  World's longest thunder storm for around here, so my 5:30 a.m. run got postponsed until after kids' swim lessons today. Icing the inner side of my non-existent instep. Since moving, I can't find my ligament chart (probably still in the old house), so I can't tell you what I'm icing. I have what my podiatrist calls "loose ligaments" and sometimes I sit with my feet at very odd angles which later I realize was irritating to my foot. I'm pretty sure I did that yesterday. Have to get the run in before dinnertime, as it's DATE NIGHT. Wish I was actually talking to Mr Nono, but whatever. We're going OUT!!!! Tongue Thinking good thoughts for SR.

                  GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                  GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                    After yesterday's Repeats, I ran a very easy recovery run today. Just over 6 miles in right at an hour. The temps. were down to 74F this morning, so that and the slow recovery pace, left me with an average HR of 124 and a high of only 133. Kewl. Bill

                    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                    Marathon Maniac #3309

                      Good morning everyone Smile A lot cooler last night for my workout....upper 70's with low humidity...ahhhh 12.5 miles - 1:39:35 - 7:58 ave pace - with 6 1000 meter track repeats, plus 1 faster... just because Smile Goal for 1000's from Ribs - 4:30 at 7:15 pace (oop's, had 7:30 when I posted) 4:27 - 7:10 pace 4:25 - 7:07 pace 4:30 - 7:30 pace 4:27 - 7:10 pace 4:21 - 7:01 pace 4:25 - 7:07 pace 3:35 - 5:47 pace....just wanted to run one on tired legs and see how fast I could run one Big grin..but not all out. (PS: don't tell Ribs about this one...he doesn't like me doing this Roll eyes Nice to hear from Bob yesterday, and hear about the cutie pie Amy. Ribs will be in all our thoughts today I am sure... Hey Bruce, how much is Ribs charging you....I just want to know if I am being ripped off Big grin. Also, read the small print...before you know it he has you buying his newsletter - books - processing fees - shipping and handling - and promises of a 2 hour Marathon time for an extra $100.00 Roll eyes In a hurry so need to go for now...have a great day all, Tim

                      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                      Hill Runner

                        Good morning all, I missed the thread yesterday...have to go back & see Bob's photos. 10.10 miles of hills @ 9:24 pace today. I had an interesting outing this morning... Coming down the road I noticed a mother possum and her little baby slowly trying to cross the road, as I approached them, the mother looked over at me approaching and stopped. The little baby possum then crawled up on his mom's back and they took off into the woods together....very cute! I also came across a flock of geese who were sunning and grooming themselves in the sunlight by the side of the road on the lake. The road is pretty narrow, only about 10 feet wide, but they weren't alarmed by my presence...we all looked at each other and I went on my way past them. Good runs to all today.

                        Upcoming Races:

                        Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                        Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                        Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                          Today's theme here in the north east is rain! So like nonoruns I am hoping to go later today. Unlike nonoruns, alas, tonight is not date night at the Twocat's residence. Sad Instead it is leftover stuff plus some other things for dinner all of which I have to put together. Sigh. Speaking of food, Tallrunner how about sending your newest GF down my way to make dinner and desert! The fruit with Grand Marnier and whipped cream sounds great! I have to try it some evening. Spareribs I would wish you luck, but I figure if there is a wish quota I should save it for when I think you might need it. Smile I am sure all will be well with you post hospital visit. Like everybody else I look forward to hearing how smoothly things went upon your (speedy) return home. DickyG you have no idea how much I hate meetings! I am famous at work for calling for votes in order to end them. In one funny (at least funny if you were there) instance a colleague of mine turned to me and said in the middle of one particularly long speech, "don't you think it is time to call this to a vote?" Guess that makes me the designated meeting ender! Not a bad job if you can get it. Smile My next marathon is NYC on 11/2. I am hoping to crack 3:20 then. Thanks for the prodding! Every little bit of motivation helps. Finally, the lighting guy came. Turned out a plug had come loose. Not a regular electric one some odd looking thing that apparently also carries power. Given it location I never would have found it. CNYrunner enjoy your trip to NC. If I were in NC I would be heading to the nearest BBQ stand! I love southern BBQ and cooking in general. Sounds like you had a great run this morning. Yes, I am jealous! While I am at it I am sitting here also suffering running and weather envy from WRFB @ 12 miles (nice double digit run by the way), PDR another double digit mile run, hopeful4ever with no humidity to boot!, breger1 with a nice recovery run, biketm also with a double digit run with built in repeats, and finally PeterNC with a double digit run and wildlife spotting. One run I am not jealous of is the TM run by TheProFromDover! I may end up on a TM too today but only as a very (and boy do I mean very) last resort. I hate running on those things! Tongue Good runs and I hope good weather all.

                          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                            Tall—nice race yesterday. But I have trouble believing that you ever “have trouble digging deep”! I hope Perch manages to get off his butt today. I wonder how many nurses Ribs has managed to annoy so far? Below 70F for the first time in quite a while, so I tried adding a little speed to today’s hilly run. 10.2 total with 9 @ 8:25 average…but pacing was all over the place because of… Does this qualify as a “wave” run? Sort of looks like a wave.

                            Be safe. Be kind.

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              HandyMom wrote:
                              Holly, You cat and dog in the wicker basket reminded me of when when we moved into our first house and it had ceiling fans. They were terrified. I had to lock them in the room with the fan for a few hours before they finally realized that it wasn't going to "get 'em".
                              Big grin Big grin CNYrunner – my “spicy” DD apparently sat down in a neighbor’s front yard last night and had a noisy temper tantrum when her brother beat her at a running race. According to DS, the neighbor came out and said loudly, “WHERE IS YOUR MOTHER?” (...hiding in the house...yup, we're the new neighbors...aren't you GLAD we moved in?...) ...That child is giving me gray hairs.... Being relatively new to the area, I discovered a new speed trap this morning on the way to the gym..... the hard way... Sad Twenty years without a moving violation and then I get 2 speeding tickets in 3 months. Shhhhh.....I think I won’t tell DH about this one.... 45 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes on the bike machine. Legs felt tired, which is good, because that means I got a good workout yesterday. Either that or I’ve gotten terribly out of shape in the last month. Once again, the front desk sat unoccupied....

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                                .......44 min run........3rd day in a row, may be pushing my luck, but the ''Vault'' approach seems to be working, we'll see...... drunnin gguys.............................ok, there may be SOME drawbacks.....

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
