Masters Running


Weds 1/28 Snowy Runs and Such (Read 674 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    I sure hope timbo is not thinking that wimmin in RA are trouble makers.......Surprised
    Heavens no....RA Wimmin Rock Smile....but that Tampster gal sometimes.... Smile Wink TimBo

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Okay, there is the fizzy lifting going on again. I continue to be stumped as to what this involves. PBJ come back and tell us!!
      He's left us to start assuming what fizzy lifting is:


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        Well, I made it out by 5:30am so it had only been snowing for about 90 minutes. I only slipped a couple times and gave the ankle a minor twist but never fell (whew). I ended up running 11.7 instead of the 8-10 I planned. I did alternate sides of the road and got to run on a mix of pavement and about 1/2 to 1 inch snow cover. Shin is sore and I may pay for this tomorrow. Didn't hurt while running but was a little sore when I woke up and I can feel it now. I think last night's ice massage may have caused this morning's soreness. Not superpainful but it's nagging. I may try the Superfeet back in my Glycerins and see if that helps. Damn things squeak though. Dixe cup ice massage and stretching tonight. If it's OK, I'll do a couple EZ TM miles tomorrow and Friday. Give some time for the plows to clean up anyway. Had to jump onto a snow bank once this morning again to avoid a truck.


          hey there friends -- can i just add I AM SO SICK OF SNOW!! It is coming down pretty hard here too and it's my second son's 21st birthday!! tim - i don't think you'll be set back to square 1 - i always thought the elliptical and arc trainor were great for injuries when you just need some non-impact cardio, but i can see where it would be tough on the AT and heel - rest up!! i'm hoping in another couple of weeks i can at least do some elliptical or other non-impact cardio -- this recovery from surgery is making me crazy!! I'm tired and sore still -- friday will be 2 weeks and i go in for a f/u appt tom. I'm just hoping this forced rest will work out all those little twinges from running and when i get cleared to come back that i'll be strong and steady. have a wonderful wednesday!!



            Meg, I saw that fizzy lifting thing and thought "what the heck is that??" again. C'mon PBJ! Come back and shed some light. Tim, when I had AT issues I couldn't do the elliptical. It really aggravated it. I stuck to pool running (which we've already gone over here, I know) and the stationary bike. Even the stair master hurt it at first. Hang in there, fren. Ice and Ibu, take it easy a day or two and see where you are. We got our hit of snow earlier this week, right after the plows had cleaned up the last batch so well (of course). We don't get anywhere near what some of you get, though. But our cold is back... and it could be as bad and long as the last stretch. -27F this morning on the way in to work. A little warmer at my house (-18F), but I did bring all my stuff to work for my 8 mile route on the bike path. I could be easily dissuaded from this outing, however. After all... I did forget my headlamp (but my route has streetlights...). I do have a treadmill at home... Roll eyes
              Tim -thanks for the hug - all hugs are much appreciated at this time. Thanks to all of you for your kind words and thoughts. I managed a 5 mile run on the treadmill this morning - hard to believe I ran a marathon just a couple of weeks ago. I did just 3 miles on the TM Monday and could only manage a 11 minute/mile pace with an average heart rate of 172. My average heart rate for the marathon was 162. Today was even slower but AHR was 164. I did some weight work yesterday - the first time in weeks - so I am paying for it today. It's good pain though - I'm ready to get back into the routine again. Hope all of you in the path of the snow and ice storm are safe and warm today - be careful out there!

              Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                Dixe cup ice massage . . .
                Confused Explanation, please. Sounds intriguing. Tim - A coupla days' rest, and you'll be back to your walk/run combo. Evil elliptical machine. I have peeps in low places if you decide to take it out. Evil grin Jlynne and Ilene - Your stories yesterday were a hoot! An hour of core/strength today whilst watching "Ms. Congeniality." Two Words: Benjamin Bratt. Oh mother of all that is holy - take the shirt off and come to momma!! Tongue Test results are back, and I'm schedule for gall bladder surgery on Feb 10. In the meantime, I have to undergo an endoscopy tomorrow to ensure I don't have an ulcer, as well. Had one of these a few years ago. Veeeery good drugs involved. Yessiree. Don't remember a thing. However, I AGAIN have to go through the fasting procedure (third time). And with the pre-op stuff on the 9th, let's just say it'll be a day of complete cleansing (as well as a 4th fasting). I believe a soft toilet seat, soft TP, and a good book will be the order of the day. Oh - TMI?? Big grin Hopefully, by the end of all this I will be a new woman. The Hub's parting words this a.m.: "Have a good day, Science Experiment."

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                  I was going to do 5 today, it is above 40F and not raining, so really ideal running conditions, I am sure some of you snow and ice bound folks would kill for this weather. But I woke up late feeling really hot and sweaty and simply just didn't feel quite right. So rest day. I can't decide whether or not I want to train for a marathon. Or should I say, I want to train for one, but I am not sure I actually want to run one. Does that make any sense? I'd like to get my mileage up to 50 so that I can run a good HM. Fizzy lifting....I am drawing a blank here.

                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                  One day at a time

                    Snow day for the kids today. 12 to 22 inches predicted. The Y is closing at 1, and since DS just ate breakfast (teenagers!), he'll have to run intervals on our snowy street. He has a meet Friday, so he can't skip his workout. Last night it was like "Little House on the Prairie," with DH and me as Pa and Ma. We had to get out in our snowy backyard (at least a foot of snow on the ground), and pile wood into the wheelbarrow and then dump it into the basement. Our collie was bounding in the snow back and forth. Such fun! We haven't used oil at all for about a month. It feels like we're getting away with something! Rest day for me today, but back at it again tomorrow. I'm glad I've gotten my motivation back!

                      Tim Tim Tim . . . have you learned your lesson yet? Tongue I'm seeing a pattern here . . . would you please just stop talking to women or checking them out while simultaneously exercising. You obviously aren't a multi-tasker. and whaddya mean "that tampster" - I'm perfectly harmless I tell ya! Wink Going to the gym after work for a TM run. And since I can do two things at once, I will check out good looking men AND run at the same time! Big grin



                        Dixie Cup Ice Massage In a Dixie cup or a Styrofoam cup freeze water. Peel down from the top exposing about 1/2" the of ice......kinda like a push up. Rub on sore muscles or inflammed area. You can hold the ice without freezing your fingers ! Use the styrofoam. Insulates better.


                          Tim Tim Tim . . . have you learned your lesson yet? Tongue I'm seeing a pattern here . . . would you please just stop talking to women or checking them out while simultaneously exercising. You obviously aren't a multi-tasker. and whaddya mean "that tampster" - I'm perfectly harmless I tell ya! Wink Going to the gym after work for a TM run. And since I can do two things at once, I will check out good looking men AND run at the same time! Big grin
                          Welll.... there is the way you shed all your clothes before getting in the communal hot tub....... {{fatozzig the science experiment}}}


                          Runners run


                            okay Ilene . . . . I'm perfectly harmless when hottubs aren't involved. better? Wink


                              Dixie Cup Ice Massage In a Dixie cup or a Styrofoam cup freeze water. Peel down from the top exposing about 1/2" the of ice......kinda like a push up. Rub on sore muscles or inflammed area. You can hold the ice without freezing your fingers ! Use the styrofoam. Insulates better.
                              Aaah! Will have to give it a go next time I need to ice something . . . other than a vodka/soda.

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance



                                This morning, 6.2 treadmill miles and lifting. Without the fizz or the associated burping. This afternoon I'm supposed to do 9.5 miles around Green Lake. We'll see. I seem to be ditching my two-a-days lately. I did go to a dance lesson last night.

