Masters Running


Monday's Daily, 5.19.14 (Read 38 times)


    Mornin' everyone!


    Leslie, did you get to the movies yesterday?


    Sorry about the steadiness of the trekking poles, Tet. There's always an upside and a downside.


    True enough, Ribs, that others often have it worse than we do. Although, in the midst of an issue, it is not always easy to remember that. I'm glad that you are still making positive steps - even if they are walking steps.


    I'm glad the new work shift is working for you, Denise. And best of luck in getting ready for your retreat - I know you'll run a great program.


    I'm glad you and EP had a good run in nice weather yesterday, Mariposai. How nice to hear that EP is getting to be a stronger runner.


    Have a great time and race in Scotland, CNY! VT 50M, eh? You go, girl!


    Great hair, Mike! It's always fun (if not scary for some of us, speaking only for myself) to look back a few decades to see what we looked like.


    Wildchild, I agree that a F51+ is an unusual age group. Congrats on doing so well in the 50K, regardless of how you placed in which AG.


    Sorry about the computer thrills, TW, but I'm glad (I think) that you saved the clown pics. And congrats on not hurting anything on the bike ride.


    Nice run on the new trails, az2mntrail! And good luck with that veggie garden - what did you plant?


    Yay! Stumpy is running again! Keep up the good (and easy) work.


    Nice 10-er Holly!


    I started off my birthday yesterday with 6 miles on the track before our regular racewalking training session. I did about another 1.75 with other walkers before we were done, and helped one of the women get to just over an 11-min. mile, which she was pretty excited about. I spent the rest of the day mowing the lawn, weeding and raking and pruning, and doing the grocery shopping. DW and I found a few minutes to enjoy an early-evening glass of wine on the deck before we cooked a nice dinner of sauteed scallops and roasted veggies.


    Today is a SRD, so I got to sleep a few minutes late. This morning, I have to supervise a disputed wetlands delineation verification where parties on both sides of the issue will be present. Should be interesting. Tonight I get to make another appearance at our Selectmen's meeting. I know how jealous you all are...

    Have a greta Monday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      5.15 miles this morning.  4-day work week for me which is nice.


      Anyone see that the Tigers swept the Red Sox?    (In Boston.)





        Jay - happy belated birthday!    Sounds like you were as busy as ever! Wishing you many joyful miles in the year ahead!

        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


        Trails are hard!

          5.15 miles this morning.  4-day work week for me which is nice.


          Anyone see that the Tigers swept the Red Sox?    (In Boston.)

          Unfortunately    They looked awful good.


          And I'm looking forward to 2 4 day weeks in a row.  Heading up to Maine Thursday night to open the camp and then have a little time to actually hang out and relax for a change.


          Forgot the happy bleated Birthday to Jay.  Guess you didn't get a favorite dive birthday breakfast if you had to walk so far yesterday ?

          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            May must be the month of day-late birthdays but here's to yours Jay.

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

            Sayhey! MM#130

              Good Morning!


              Glad to be home and back in the routine.  Except Holly and Nancy's long runs on Friday made me doubly concerned about my lack of a long run this weekend.  That's good, as I am now motivated to get up early some day this week and go semi-long.


              Happy belated birthday to Starr and Jay.  And yup, for sure, Star (roomies whenever possible!)  and how was the local trade conference Jay?  That's ancient history now, as you are onto other things.  NOt jealous, but eternally grateful for you and folks like you who give so freely of their valuable time.


              I think there is a travelling foot gremlin that recently left Holly's home to visit Alaska and Erika.  Say, I have a friend here who has a foot issue who swears by Brooks Connects; our local run shop owner says that is the only shoe on the current market that she (friend w/ foot issue) should wear.


              Tammy and Holly, Friday incidents at your schools very scary.  I'd go with the cell phone.  Yay for the good news and yes indeed, that was a Grand Slam.  Glad to have some cheerful baseball news!  (heck of a weekend for the crimson hose )


              Speaking of, Kevin, Ribs and tw: keep healing and best wishes on increasing your schedules.


              There's an October marathon in Key West, dive.  Gotcha down for it in 2015.


              The Bighorns are wonderful runs, Carolyn, you will love it.  My Rapid City running club brought me there before I realized how how hard it was and how bad I am at trail running; you'll have a blast!  It is so beautiful, and you can soak in the cool river after you finish.

              So Carolyn and Karin, if you both did the 25K, you'd have more time to hang together....

              Say, our crew captain is running next weekend in Pittsfield,  200 miler, all by himself (see twocat, there are people out there who REALLY do Ragnar-type events all by themselves, but NOT me!)  *******Below is a description of the event.


              Hi Deez!  Nice to see you!


              Sayhey Dave and Mike, you guys check the weather in Buffalo yet?  (And yes, Dave, notice was taken. )


              Good luck with the new transcriptions, Leslie.


              Oh oh, meet-up seems to be exploding....and the last one was in CA.    Other thoughts, ideas?  Idaho, anyone?  Or since last one was CA, some other region (I still want to come visit, tet....we'll find something!)


              7 miles for me this morning.  Raring to run and not crew; it was fun, but also sufficient.  Got to get back on track .


              The 100 miler this weekend was fascinating.  Our runner did not do as well as he planned, but still was 15th overall, finished in under 20 hours and was 3rd in his age group.  The perspective from being a crew member was unbelievable, and our captain has crewed at Badwater, so I learned a ton.    ANd, everyone, a woman won the whole thing!  Alyson Venti finished the 100 miles in 14:42!  She beat the !st man by over 10 minutes, You know what?  The people who I can't figure are the ones who do it and just make it by the cut-off, which in this race was 32 hours.  We had gotten snacks after we finished, checked into our hotel, showered, slept, breakfasted (leisurely) and checked out of the hotel, attended most of the awards ceremony that began at noon and were in the car driving out of town on our way home and were seeing runners on the course on their way into finish, who were just making the cut-off.  Just can't fathom doing that.


              PS: See my note to twocat, above: this is in Pittsfield, VT this weekend:  the first 40 miles on the east side of Route 100 and then complete their last ten miles on the west side. The 50 mile course is very scenic but also very demanding. The longer races will all do a rugged 10 mile loop in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Runners will repeat the loops 10, 15, 20, or 50 times. Each loop has 2400 vertical therefore the 30 miler will feature 7,200 elevation change, the 50 miler will feature 12,000 elevation change, 100 miler will feature 24,000 elevation change, 200 miler will feature 48,000 elevatation change, and 500 miler will feature 120,000 elevation change.

      (for a piece or two of my mind)



                One of my favorite ultra quotes:  You know you're an ultra runner when you don't finish on the same day as the winner!

                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Jay - happy belated birthday!    Sounds like you were as busy as ever! Wishing you many joyful miles in the year ahead!




                  Carolyn - Well done on your 50K!


                  Well, yesterday afternoon DH and I went with friends to an outdoor wine-tasting event.  The tickets were pricey by our standards ($60 each) and I dislike drinking events that start early (the event went from 1-4pm) because they effectively ruin me for the rest of the day.  But my DH really wanted to go, and the weather turned out lovely for it.  Unfortunately, I felt compelled to get my money's worth and had more samples that I really needed.   Feeling a little rough today.  


                  This evening I am going to the viewing of a good friend's brother who committed suicide.  Facing legal troubles, financial ruin, and possible jail time over business indiscretions, he chose to end his life.  Now his wife, who is battling breast cancer, is left alone to deal with the financial ruin and cancer treatments alone.  Very sad.


                  Rest day for me today.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  King of PhotoShop

                    One thing at a time.  Today after my 1.1 mile walk, I went over to the Y for the first time since before surgery.  Lots of time to explain to everyone where I've been and they were happy to see me.  My wife made me go to the instructor we know and get clearance for the exercises I wanted to do, all easy static stretches.  And boy were they hard!!  Can't believe I've deteriorated that much since April 29th.  But this is a good wake up for me as it shows I need to continue to do a little bit of this work each day.


                    Totally forbidden are:  pushups, ab crunches, wall sits, planks and running, but I'll stay with gentle activities to loosen up and see how I go.  Spareribs

                      . . . . were in the car driving out of town on our way home and were seeing runners on the course on their way into finish, who were just making the cut-off.  Just can't fathom doing that.



                      That's me, Amy.  I am always pushing the cutoffs in the longer races.  Sometimes it's discouraging, but when you actually finish, realizing what you've overcome to get there, it's an amazing feeling.

                      Holly - Very sad for your friend and her family.


                      Happy Belated Birthday, Jay!  And no, we didn't get to the movies.  I knew it would be hard sell, but I gave it a shot.


                      The weather ended up cooperating anyway, and I helped The Hub with two of his jobs so he wasn't out all day.  I manned the mower and pulled weeds while he manned the string trimmer.  He is one hard worker.  7 days in a row, and that's being semi-caught up.  'Tis the season, though, which means he'll be pulling 7 days a week for awhile now.  Anytime I can help him out, I do.


                      Today is a rest day - so far.  No schedule from Coach and I'm in taper mode, so I stayed in bed.


                      I'm getting that pre-trip ansiness.  I wanna get outta Dodge!


                      Have a good week, friends ~~~

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance




                        Totally forbidden are:  pushups, ab crunches, wall sits, planks and running, but I'll stay with gentle activities to loosen up and see how I go.  Spareribs


                        ...might be a good time to try Exotic Dancing.......

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                          ...might be a good time to try Exotic Dancing.......


                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                          Marathon Maniac #957


                            a woman won the whole thing!  Alyson Venti finished the 100 miles in 14:42! 


                            I can barely imagine running 100 miles at all, let alone in less than 15 hours....but I think it is much tougher for those runners out there taking 30+ hours - that is a rough run, for sure.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              Nice run on the new trails, az2mntrail! And good luck with that veggie garden - what did you plant?


                              I started off my birthday yesterday with 6 miles on the track before our regular racewalking training session. I did about another 1.75 with other walkers before we were done, and helped one of the women get to just over an 11-min. mile, which she was pretty excited about.


                               Happy Belated Birthday Jay!!    I try to run on my birthdays with time or distance to the year I'm celebrating, i.e. 5.4 miles this year when I turned 54 was suppose to be a 'recovery' run but I made it in 54 minutes, we still frigid temps then (March) so had to get home because my eyelashes were getting stuck together due to the frost!!  If I was fatozzig, aamos or wildchild, I would have to run 54 MILES, LOL!!  It may be late for some of the veggies I planted but the ground was still kinda frozen, and we still had 20 degree temps at nights, lots of rain.  Anyway, planted sweet peppers, tomatoes, zucchinis, radishes, green beans, sugar snap peas, lettuce, cayenne peppers, jalapenos. Have to still get some green chili (I'm from New Mexico, we LOVE our chilis; the hotter, the better!!). I don't like potatoes, or care much for carrots or corn but DH loves them. Would love to plant some melons though.  Hope they survive while I'm away in the SW in June ........

                              Also, Belated birthday celebrations to my southern 'neighbor', Starr!!   A friend from Milwaukee is considering her first trail race and meeting up around Twin Cities seems to be the best for us.  Have you run in any trail races around there?  Any suggestions?  There's the North Country Trail FM/HM in Sept., and the Blue Ox FM/HM/25K road race in Oct. up here in northern MN ......hope to run both but not sure of my schedule.

                                Totally forbidden are:  pushups, ab crunches, wall sits, planks and running, but I'll stay with gentle activities to loosen up and see how I go.  Spareribs


                                 Spareribs:  DH doesn't run ..........if he does, he says, "you better be running too cuz it's an emergency!" ......but he gets his 'workout' when we go ballroom dancing!  Combine that with fatozzig's suggestion: 'exotic dancing' .........the possibilities!?!  
