Masters Running


40s, 50s, 60s+ On the Run - w/e 05/08 (Read 659 times)

    mtn....hope to hear stories of your growing garden this spring/summer.


    Les.....what is BOSU?


    Got in an easy 6r yestrday evening.  On the running trail saw a flyer for the upcoming "Mud Bud" that I mentioned the othr day.  I have been thinking about it and was needing a partner with a bike.  However the entry fee is a bit steep for me.  I probably won't be participating in the event, but it'll give me an opportunity to volunteer and still be a part of it in some way.  I've been looking for ways to help out at races and there it is.


    Have a good one, my friends.

    Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

      Hey Leslie, so sorry about Fatso.  You gave him an awesome life, and sometimes it's just time to let them go. 


      Ev, volunteering for that muddy buddy thing sounds better than doing it to me Smile.


      Joe, not sure if I ever congratulated you on your train run.  That's some serious stuff, so completing any of it was an accomplishment!


      Arla, running in Yosimite?!  I'm so jealous!


      Jim, hope your "gardening" is going well!


      Cindy, your garden sounds good.  Hope you can keep the kiddos out until harvest time.  Sounds like keeping the kiddos fenced in may be the bigger challenge! 


      Speaking of garden fences, chicken wire would be an upgrade for us.  Ours consists of a $12 roll of plastic mesh, some zip ties, some steel posts we had from a previous yard project, and some plastic grocery sacks tied to it as a warning to the dogs that "yes, there is a fence there".  So far keeping the dogs out, but I think the opossums may have gone under it and had a little fun in there.  Feels like I'm living an episode of the Beverly Hill Billies!


      The morning weather has been so nice, I get out for a Katy run almost every day.  Trying to make them a little longer, gone from 3 ish miles to 4 or 5 ish some days.  Swimming has not been happening at all, and the Tri I wanted to do will be during our upcoming vacation, so not much happening on that front at the moment.  So much for the balanced approach!


      Howdy to Jewels, Stumpy, Kelly, and anyone else my middle aged brain is missing!


      Progress Trumps Pefection

      Queen of 3rd Place

        Aw, Leslie, so sad, but 20 years is oooollllldddd for a kitty, you must have given him a very good and healthy life.


        Cindy - maybe leashes for those toddlers are in order!


        Carol - too funny about your garden fence, hey, whatever works!


        Joe - was there a RR from you somewhere?


        Ev - funny you mention volunteering, I plan to help out at our local half and full marathon in November, it's been 2 or 3 years since I've pitched in, I'm starting to feel a little guilty!


        Guess it's going to be all easy-pace runs this week - doing 400s mid-week, a HM Sat and a hilly run Sunday has caught up with the ol' legs a little!





        Ex runner

          Ev - A BOSU.  And I'm with Carol - I think volunteering for the Mud Bud sounds like a lot more fun!


          Carol - Good job getting those Katy runs in.


          30 mins of stationary cycling, followed by about 40 mins of core/strength.


          . . . . followed by a clean up of the bathroom after The Hub began filling the sink with  hot water for his shaving cream then walked out and forgot about it.  Luckily, we have a very small bathroom, but water got into every nook and cranny, including both under-the-sink cupboards and drawers.  Our bathtub is full of wet towels and "stuff" that I will have the privilege of going through after work to see what can be salvaged.


          MTA: I started this post about an hour ago, so didn't see Arla's post.  Enjoy your easy week.  Re Fats - Nope, he wasn't pampered or spoiled one bit.   It'll just be weird for awhile, since we had him almost our entire marriage.

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance


            Ev - A BOSU


            . . . . followed by a clean up of the bathroom after The Hub began filling the sink with  hot water for his shaving cream then walked out and forgot about it.  Luckily, we have a very small bathroom, but water got into every nook and cranny, including both under-the-sink cupboards and drawers.  Our bathtub is full of wet towels and "stuff" that I will have the privilege of going through after work to see what can be salvaged.



            I learned a bunch from the BOSU link.....thanks.



            About the bathroom.......that just might leave a mark.

            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

            Top 'O the World!

              ...leave a mark!?  mine cost me at least a cabinet!


              Leashes? hmmm, how bout a light shock collar?     KIDDING!!


              Aaaahhhh, Yosemite!      yup, jealous here too!


              Mairead & I did a light day....3 not.quite.power-walking hilly miles w/focused leash training.   followed by grocery shopping, cooking class (me working w/DD) & more L&G xt-ing....Doug worked up a patch for me the other day while I was gone, asked for my approval when I got back....hmmm, a bit smaller than I'd envisioned soooo, I took the spade & then the borrowed Mantis to the perimeter for an extra 100 sq ft or so....about all I can do in confined quarters    After hand spading a bit of the patch of predominately clay that is our back yard, I have a renewed appreciation for tillers!!  I think I still have too many plants/seeds for this tiny patch, sooooo.....hmmm, how much of the yard can I realistically convert to garden?    How bout vertical?  picked up 4 of those Topsy Turvy  thingy's - cause another friend luvs em....


              Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                ...leave a mark!?  mine cost me at least a cabinet!



                I was thinking that Leslie just might leave a mark on the Hub!

                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                Top 'O the World!

                  OIC! LOL!!
                  Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group


                    I was thinking that Leslie just might leave a mark on the Hub!


                    Well, it gave me a reason to throw out a bunch of crap that I've been ignoring for years.


                    Cindy - So that topsy turvy thing works?

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                    flatland mountaineer

                      No runs since sun, just work here but you guys are cracking me up......jus what I need.

                      Over half way planted on spring crops.

                      We are so tard but the end is in sight.

                      Both of us are planning on taking some time to run in the morn.


                      MTA got in a sucky 4 in the wind.

                      The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

                      Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

                      Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III


                        Hey Guys!


                        Looks like eveyone is doing well. I'm fine. Running is going well. I'm off to Bear Mtn, NY this weekend to the Northface Endurance Challenge. I'm doing the 50k and Jack is doing the 50m. Yes, we're hanging out together again. I called him a 3-4 weeks ago after not speaking or seeing each other for a couple months. We're working on being a couple again. My relationship issues are all my parents fault-they made being happily married for 40+ years look way too easy and didn't model how much work it really is :-) (you know I'm kidding-I take full responsibility for all my problems and everyone else's) 


                        Psych class is done-I think I got a B+ which I'm happy with. Kids are cool-busy with lacrosse and my older one is playing baseball too.


                        So hope everyone has a good weekend! Run far and strong!



                        If you never go fast, you'll never go fast.

                          My relationship issues are all my parents fault-they made being happily married for 40+ years look way too easy and didn't model how much work it really is :-)


                          Sounds like my parents.  Even though my mom died at a young age (45), I don't recall them ever once fighting in front of my brother and I, and they always had a united front when it came to decisions, discipline, etc.  They were both raised in households where fighting between the parents was a constant thing, and they vowed to never put their kids through that same hell.


                          Have a great time at the Northface Challenge!  Be sure to let us know how it goes.


                          I bet your psyched about Psych class being over and done, huh?  *snork* Sorry - had to say it.   Good job on the B+!!


                          Sleep-in day for me, even though I had to get up and feed the zoo at 6:00.  I have no trouble crawling back under the covers afterward.  Actually, I probably should've run, even though it's a scheduled rest day.  We ate out last night, I'm going to a seminar luncheon on probates (exciting, huh?), and I'm eating out tonight for my legal association's installation of the new officers. Too much good food.  However, for the first time in 7 years, I'm not one of the officers!!  Woo Hoo!!!!!!


                          It's a gorgimous day here today!


                          Later, dudes and dudettes ~

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance



                            Hiya All,

                            been busy busy with work and no time to post. I have been pretty much running our office and front-line tech support for our network customers, but I'm going back on the road (this makes me very happy). Anyway, been busy training new guy here and posting on RA isn't really in the job description( he's not a runner but I won't hold it against him).

                            Sorry to here about Fatso, Leslie. We get so darned attached to our pets. Why can't they live as long as humans?







                              Quiet around here today.


                              I've come to the conclusion that this was not the week to try and get back into Weight Watchers mode.  Besides dinner out last night and a luncheon this afternoon, we had our end of the year meeting for my legal professionals association where we installed then new board members.  The restaurant was fantastic (I had the ahi), and the incoming/incumbent president, who is a fabulous baker - she and her husband picked up the tab for everyone to have dessert.  Well!!  All my good intentions went right out the door, and I got the gooey fudge brownie with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce.  Not even close to be low cal, but good lord was it good!


                              And to top it off, all the members of the association had pitched in money and, as a thank you for my being governor of the association the last 5 years (which sounds more glamorous than it is), I received a $195 gift card to a local sporting good store, which just happens to carry running shoes.  I couldn't believe it, and before I could stop myself, I belted out a "Holy crap!"  And then a few tears.  Made me feel really, really good.


                              So now I get to take my fat self and hit the hay, 'cause I have to get up and work out like a dog tomorrow to try and burn off some of the food I've eaten in the last two days.  Nite, gang.

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance



                                And to top it off, all the members of the association had pitched in money and, as a thank you for my being governor of the association the last 5 years (which sounds more glamorous than it is), I received a $195 gift card to a local sporting good store, which just happens to carry running shoes.  I couldn't believe it, and before I could stop myself, I belted out a "Holy crap!"  And then a few tears.  Made me feel really, really good.



                                WTG, Les!!

                                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM