Masters Running


Friday, April 2 daily dose of running (and stuff) (Read 415 times)


    Where is everyone this morning?


    7 miles for me @ 8:25


    I'm feeling like a wuss today:  Karin ran 329 miles last month...and Henry's doing doubles! 

    Be safe. Be kind.


      Mornin Tramps


      Just out of the shower. 10.25 miles @ 8:40. Nice run.....feelin good.


      Gettin ready to head North for a little hike with two of my sisters and Dad.

      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

        Rest day for me ...... well I should say a non-running day as I don't think I'll be getting much "rest" for the next few weeks.      It's all good though.....


        Tramps, you are anything BUT a wuss!


        Have fun Slo - and nice double digit this morning.


        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."





          Tramps if it helps I'm wussier.   and remember that relativity thing.... 

          nice run.


          You too Slo!  glad you're feeling good!  have a good time.  Smile


          IWITBYWSC!     (ideal walking in the backyard with Sadie conditions)


          more later.   have to catch up with RR's!    I've read, & enjoyed,  them all, just not responded in type.


          I hope BabyWill is doing better.  

          and Tag's dad.

          and Enke's DS.


          Hope you're good today after  your double Henrun.


          I did do PT exercises this morning,.


          mta, good morning Mary!


          Spring should almost be a controlled substance.   (sorry Twokitty)

            I proudly joined "The Wuss Club" today, as I decided to take a day off.


            I fired off a "What'll I do now?" email to Tinman.  Anxiously waiting to see what he says.  I suspect he will put the kibosh on tomorrow's planned 22 miles EZ.  I'll be a little disappointed if he does though.



            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

              No run today for me

              Working a double


              Legs are so sore after 1st two games behind the plate. Feels like I ran a marathon

              Hope they feel better for 6 miles then a doubleheader tomorrow. 

              4.2 achy miles yesterday before the ball game. 

              Taking a day off can not qualify you for the "wuss club" unless take off because it 's too hot or cold & it's between 0

               F & 80F.


              Hoppy Easter!

              Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                Morning, gang!


                Nice kickoff runs for Tramps and Slo - way to go guys!


                Hope Will gets to go home today and hope SteveP is feeling better.


                Congratulations to all taking rest days - I should have joined you!


                dg - good to see you up early and posting this morning!


                74 minutes on the elliptical - lost track of the mileage, but the heart rate was 146.  I worked at keeping the cadence up, and it felt really hard, so I must have been getting some benefit.    No lunch meeting schedule, so I'll do some core work for lunch.    Looks like the weather is going to be gorgeous this weekend - hope the trail is passable. 


                Good runs and a good weekend to all!

                Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                  Sarge, I thought for a minute that you were playing catcher, but then realized that you're umpiring.


                  I still can't believe that I was sitting out on my back patio at 7PM yesterday in my shirtsleeves, reading a magazine. It felt like a summer evening out there! Back to reality in a few days, I suspect.


                  No running today, but a 20+ bike outing this afternoon in what might be 80+ heat. Better fill up both water bottles.


                  Have a good day and good weekend, everyone!

                  Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                  "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Good Morning!


                    Breger – “the Wuss Club?”  I'm in!


                    No run for me today.  Lovely weather, but I just didn’t feel like it.  The “running every day” bandwagon I jumped on (mostly) during this training cycle has me feeling a tad burnt out on running, not physically but mentally.  I think I need the mental break from a day off more than I need the physical break.  Know what I mean? 


                    Light x-training effort instead: lateral raises, dumbbell curls, bent rows, butterflies, push-ups, wall-sits, and stability ball crunches.


                    I’m coaching DD’s soccer team again this season, and I had my first practice last night.  


                    Happy Friday!

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    Marathon Iowa 2014

                      My miles have dropped signinficantly over the past year.  It's okay though, I'm spinning three times a week instead.  The view in class is quite scenic.


                      Anyways, I remembered my work clothes today, so  I enjoyed a full gym session - lift, step, spin.  Tomorrow is yard work so the candy filled eggs can go on the lawn.



                        Happy Friday to you all. I was planning to sleep in, but my internal alarm clock woke me up at 5, so up and out of the doors I went for a nice 3 easy miles. The legs felt good even after my track workout last night.


                        Byll 22 two weeks out? wow. Are you stretching them hammies?


                        Baby Will and his parents were on my thoughts this morning.

                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                          It seems like this thread should be retitled "rest day Friday." I wasn't planning on running anyway, but the way my foot felt, I wasn't going to run to the mailbox for the paper.  Deb, thanks for the link on taping - much appreciated. You've been a very patient girl these last few days. Don't rush to come back too early. Listen to that beautiful body.


                          Holly - welcome back to "Soccer the Sequel." Now that you've got a bunch of seasoned veterans on the team, you'll probably win every game. It's reassuring to see that even die-hard runners like you take a day off when you need to.  You too, Bill.


                          Mary - forgot to tell you how much I liked the names you picked out for the puppies. Do they have books with names like they do for baby boys and girls?


                          Sarge - isn't it weird that those muscles would be so sore after all the running and working out you do? Good luck with the double header.


                          Sue - how DO you stay on an eliptical machine for 74 minutes? You were either watching a really good movie or listening to some great music. That's a long time on one of those suckers.


                          Talked to my DIL this morning. Will is off oxygen and they're hoping his lungs will be clear enough to go home tomorrow. She said he had a pretty restless night but was eating and pooping pretty well. Guess those are good signs, right?


                          DS#2 and I hardboiled and colored 5 dozen eggs yesterday. Took them to the homeless shelter this morning with some fresh strawberries that were on sale and a couple of gallons of orange juice. One of the regulars told me it was just like going out for Easter brunch. We are blessed, people.


                          Marathon Maniac #957


                            Holly - welcome back to "Soccer the Sequel." Now that you've got a bunch of seasoned veterans on the team, you'll probably win every game.


                            No, it's a whole new team, with only one kid that was on our fall team.  Some of them have played before, some of them are new.  We won't see until the games start how we match up, but they seem like a nice bunch of kids.


                            Yay for Will!


                            You are so wonderful to do that for the homeless shelter, and what a great example for your DD!

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                              I was feeling good after my double yesterday-the secret is stretching and running v e r y   s l o w l y. Did 3 more this morning. 'Resting' this afternoon and will finally get back on my bike later to meet Marj on the Charles as she heads home.

                                Morning, Folks! (or 'Afternoon' for some of you . . .)


                                JLynne - So happy to hear Will is improving.  Poor little dude.


                                I LOVE Fridays.  Not just because it precedes the weekend, but because it's a SRD AND I don't have to be to work until around 9:00.  I don't necessarily get a whole of extra sleep in, but I refuse to get out of bed before 8:00.  It's wonderful.


                                Today it's raining like an SOB wit lots of wind.  Suppose to be wet for most of the weekend.  Next weekend, in the Sacramento area, I'm hoping for around 55 and overcast.  Hope, hope, hope they're not expecting any kind of heat wave.

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

