Masters Running


Fantastical Friday - March 25! (Read 446 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Happy, Happy Friday!!!!!


    Friday is usually a rest day, but since the weather messed with my Tues. and Wed. runs I figured I better get out there at least for a short run.    So, I thought I'd give it my all and see what was under the hood and I can't believe the results ..... 9:35 / 9:03 / 8:57!!!!!!!!!      8:57 - Holy carp!!!   My motto this morning was Run until we're Done.   WooHoo!!


    Avenger Doggie - you are very brave and deserved ice cream, but a new football is pretty special too.


    Running late this morning, so I'll have to catchup later.


    Did I say .... Happy Friday??!!


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



    MM #6177

      Woohoo, Mary, those are great paces! I get excited when I see 8's as well (or 9:0x for that matter). Excellent start to a Friday!


      I was going to say, I really like it when Avenger Doggie posts. Smile


      I have a haircut appointment scheduled for 9:30 this morning, which puts me in a quandary. I have a tentative running date for the afternoon, but then that would mess up my professionally done hair.... yeah, big troubles I've got here today... Roll eyes


      Happy Fantastic Friday to all!

      Renee the dog

        OM, these are the struggles that make us stronger. Smile


        Mary, as usual, nice workout!


        Did anyone get the license plate of the truck that ran me over while I was sleeping??? ConfusedBlack eye   Easy run on tap this morning.  Hard part is clothes are upstairs.  Dead 


        Ahhhhh, there's hope.  Bayside just brought me some coffee!  Enjoy your day everyone!


        ETA: SEEKRIT NOTE TO DIVECHIEF:  Agggghhhh.  Charity runner?  Ya kill me. I'm in the Third Wave!  Wink

        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


        Marathon Iowa 2014

          Good morning Mary and OM,


          Up and down day this morning.


          The good news - Kemba came through last night!  So I was a little off in my prediction though.  I thought he would score 33 points (see yesterday's thread).  Instead, he scored 36.  Oh well, I guess I'm not such a good prognosticator after all.


          Now the bad news.  Just got an email from our town's reach the beach organizer.  It seems that 4 people pulled out just this past week.  So our team is a no go.  Rats.


          Typical Friday morning training for me - lifting, stepper, and spin city.  I love Fridays.  Today is the state competition for Future Problem Solvers (PBJster #1 and #2).  Tomorrow is baseball tryouts for PBJ Jr., and the awards assembly for FPS.  If either kid wins FPS, a trip to Wisconsin is in their future.  My next prediction - PBJster #1 is on her way...


          Happy (mostly) Friday

            Nice job, Mary.

            PBJ--bummer about the relay team. 


            2MP-ish miles today.  That concludes this training cycle.

            Weekend weather is looking awesome--dry, cloudy, 35F start/40F finish.  Smile


            Have a great weekend!

            Be safe. Be kind.


              Tramps...Your legs have got to be itchin to GO ! Run a smart marathon!...And report it soon. I'm anxiously waiting. BTW, Your log looks impressive.


              And speaking of go...This has been a back off week for me. I've strung together 3 solid weeks of running and that does not include the epic gravel bike race I did 4 weeks ago. After Sunday I have 5 training weeks left. It may take that long to melt all the snow that's still on the ground up there in Green Bay ! 


              Have a great Friday everyone.

                PBJ, private message sent to you.


                4 recovery paced miles this morning in the fog.  Felt a little tired so the recovery run was well-timed.  Normally it's absolutely calm when it's foggy.  But for some reason there was a breeze this morning with the fog.  Why didn't the breeze blow the fog away?  Weird.



                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                  Good morning! Tramps, best of luck tomorrow!! Your training has been great and weather looks cooperative.  And  yes, our office is in one of mill buildings which used to be part of the Amoskeag Woolen Mills; we are in Jefferson Mill. Right on the mightly Merrimack just down from the dam. It is fun to watch the river this time of year.


                   Nice morning here, a bit cool but sunny. I ran 6.5 easy and may swim later. Planning a long run for tomorrow.


                  Glad it is Friday!

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Mary – holy carp is right!  Speedy run for you today!  Did you get the “Fantastical” from Ramona and Beezus?


                    Mariposai – nice run yesterday, and in the rain, too!


                    Tammy – you are indeed getting so fast!


                    4 easy-paced miles on the TM this morning watching Brokeback Mountain, followed by stability ball core work.


                    Go Tramps!!

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      I forced myself over to the gym for a couple treadmill miles.  I didn't feel like doing anything but I'm glad I at least got some sweat going.  I had to do my first ever performance review of someone else, and I was stressed to the max.  I didn't even know it was something expected of me until very recently, so I had gone all of 2010 without doing any of the stuff you are supposed to do leading up to this thing.  But, it is over and I am feeling much better.


                      Good racing wishes to all that are headed out this weekend (Tramps, C-R, WillRunForBeer, predawnrunner, Ileneforward, Milktruck, nonoruns, and anyone who hasn't been listed in the racing event thread.)  May you meet and exceed your expectations. 


                      The grandkid turns 3 tomorrow.  I'll do my best to get a picture.  See if I can capture a rare moment with her face clean, clothes clean, and hair untangled so no one calls child protective services on me for raising her like a wild animal.




                        This avenger doggie's parents are very lucky to have him.


                        3 easy recovery miles for my little legs before I got ready to check out from my hotel room. Off to a whole day of meetings, the final day, then travel for 3 hours to get home. The road I shall travel with day will be a longly road. Between here and my home there is nothing but arid land. It is a good think I have a lot of CD's to listen too.


                        Have a grand day you all.

                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                        MM #6177

                          Someone (Tammy?) posted the update of all the races last weekend, and I really liked to have the recap on hand like that. So here's who we're cheering on this weekend:


                          03/26 Tramps - National Marathon, Washington, DC

                          03/26 C-R - Sam Costa HM, Carmel IN

                          03/26 WillRunForBeer - National Half Marathon, Washington, DC

                          03/26 predawnrunner - National Half Marathon, Washington, DC

                          03/26 Ileneforward - Great Race of Agoura, Agoura Hills CA

                          03/27 Milktruck - Eastern States 20 Mile, Kittery ME to Salisbury, MA

                          03/27 nonoruns - Ocean Drive 10 Miler, Cape May, NJ


                          Go racers go!!


                          Got my new hair, gonna mess it up in about an hour or so. Ah, the sacrifices we make as runners.... Wink

                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            I took the day off work, today, to spend the last day of spring break with my boys.  This is how life should be...sleep until you wake up on your own...stretch out and go for an easy 10 breakfast...and then spend the rest of the day just hanging out.   Yep...I could get use to this.


                            Anyway--have a good day everybody!  Good luck to everybody racing this weekend!  Go Tramps!



                              currently playing with TWO braces

                              to see

                               if I can keep them from actually works pretty well


                              so I've ordered a Third.



                              I am a Victim of Excess..........




                              ....................good running guys...............may all your Excesses be Healthy Ones...


                              ...or involve IceCream.....

                              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                              Marathon Maniac #957


                                The grandkid turns 3 tomorrow.  I'll do my best to get a picture.  See if I can capture a rare moment with her face clean, clothes clean, and hair untangled so no one calls child protective services on me for raising her like a wild animal.



                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
