Masters Running


Tuesday, March 15th daily (Read 604 times)


The Dovenator

    Leslie, have you decided against the Capitol Peak Ultra? If so, I think you are wise. I was sweep at a marathon up there 10 days ago and the trails are a mess. Lots of snow, lots of mud, lots of standing water. I may still do Capitol Peaks, but only the 55k.

    "it's just like having fun, but different"

    Marathon Maniac #957

       This year I want to complete the full 24-hours and let the miles be what they may. I'm all giddy with anticipation!


      You realize you’re crazy, don’t you?  Big grin    Unfortunately (or not), I know exactly what you mean….


      Mike – welcome!


      With poor DH tossing and turning, I woke up at 4:25 again this morning, and, knowing the alarm was set for 5am, couldn’t get back to sleep.  I hate that.  I feel so cheated.....


      With both kids having an orthodontist appt. at 9am, I figured I could get in a nice long run with my extra time.  But when I got going I found that I had no energy at all.  No reason, just one of those low ebb days, I guess.  So I gave it a half-hearted effort and gave up at 7.2 miles including three half-mile steep hills.  It was 38° with wind and steady rain, so at least I got to try out my cold-rain wardrobe plan.

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


        good morning all!


        rainy sloppy soupy mess today in southern oregon. I was supposed to have a deep tissue leg massage this morning, but got a call that my MT is sick. just as well, as money is a bit tight right now until my next payday, or my tax refund is deposited. not sure which will come first.


        the news out of japan just gets worse by the hour, doesn't it.  I try to watch BBC news as much as possible as they seem to actually do a better job on reporting the cold hard facts. those cold hard facts are pretty bleak. this radiation disaster is way worse than what they are saying. I think they are trying to prevent mass panic. 


        our little power outage of 25 hours was rather trivial. nothing but a minor inconvenience. a world disaster like this certainly knocks perspectives back in place, doesn't it?


        unless all this rain lets up some by the time I get home tonight, I probably won't run today. as much as I know some people don't like DST, I sure like it! I like having daylight when I'm home in the evening and then when the weather warms up, I love being able to be outdoors and work in my garden, yard, or just play outside with my son.  speaking of gardens, I'm going to get some indoor starts planted - like my tomatos. hopefully they'll be big enough to transplant then by mid May. love gardening season!


        Renee the dog

          Hey folks!


          Special greeting to MIke.  Don't remember my name, I'm a spotty poster these days. Black eye


          Got out and did 6 miles in 43°F, which actually felt like 43°F.  Spring is a' coming!  My splits:  8:54|8:02|10:06|7:42|10:17|7:30.  I was happy with my mile repeats. Have more to do this afternoon with swim practice tonight.


          {{Tim}}  If you ever decide to write a book, could you fill in a little more of the details?  I always feel so out-of-the-loop...


          {{{{{{{Japan}}}}}}  No words...

          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


          Trails are hard!

            Well, Mike, there are a few mortals that hang around here just to ruin the average.  Joking  But I do think that there quite a number of folks that I want to be like when I grow up.  Welecome Smile


            Sort of a sucky, non-inspiring yoga class last night.  Not sure why, cause i was able to do all the poses. Confused But this morning I woke up to 24° and felt back to winter.  And managed to 3.11 mile tempo at 8:30 pace.  For the fastest loop around the lake in at least 3 years Shocked  So I guess a corallary to " a bad run usually leads to a much better run" might be that bad yoga also leads to a good run.

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


              Dove - Yeah, I decided against Capitol Peaks awhile back, mostly because of possible weather/trail condition issues, and signed up for Leona Divide in SoCal instead.  It's April 30, and with 9000 feet of elevation gain, I'm starting to get that twitchy nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. Undecided  I'm hoping it's nice with a high in the low 70s since the course is completely exposed, but I have a feeling that's just a pipe dream.  I'm on my own with this one as no pacers are allowed and crew could only get to 2 aid stations, not to mention it's so far away.


              I've been thinking lately that a 24-hr run would be a good way to set yourself up for a 100-miler - see how your body responds to being up and on your feet for hours and how to deal with nutrition, etc., without being under the wire to make cut-offs. Something to ruminate on.


              I think my friend, Kate Merrill, is running the PacRim, as well.  Good luck!

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance


                 I may still do Capitol Peaks, but only the 55k.

                Only 55K?  Slacker. Big grin  And that 24-hour stuff is just nuts.


                 this radiation disaster is way worse than what they are saying. I think they are trying to prevent mass panic. 

                 Yup.  Any projections yet for where/when this may start hitting the West coast?


                BTW, Leslie, I like the avatar.


                Got my RAL in but was hot and cut back the tempo miles from a planned 6 to just 4 (7:20); 8 miles total.  Bleh.

                Be safe. Be kind.


                  tramps, we aren't hearing anything yet, but you'll never get the full truth out of the govt or media anyways, Can you imagine the widespread panic that would happen if they said just how bad or when it was predicted to hit the west coast?. I think the fact that many online sites aren't even taking orders for potassium iodide is indicative of the reality that people aren't waiting for the govt/CDC to issue warnings. People are already doing what they can as precautionary steps for their kids or themselves. and what they aren't even really touching on (at least not what I've heard from the U.S. news - only the BBC) is the long term effects this will have on food supplies - as it gets pacific seafood, as it lands on our soils and contaminates the grasses/hay eaten by cattle and passes through the milk, etc.   and even if/when there are detectable amounts that show up here, I think it'll be minimized by the govt. We won't really know how widespread this problem is until 15+ yrs from now when we start to see thyroid disease rates increase, cancer rates increase, etc. THEN you will hear how it was more of a problem than what they said it was.  I'm not a endtimes/conspiracy/anti-govt theorist by any stretch of the imagination. and I'm not even that well educated or knowledgeable when it comes to sciences like this, but even I can figure out that this is much worse then they are saying or will say.


                  Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                    24 hours of running ..... 24 hours in a row ..... wow!   Even though have no desire to do such a thing, I can sort of understand it too!


                    Mike - I'm just one of those average mortals like Stumpy.


                    Just got back from the blood cancer specialist with my mom.   All is well!!  Smile    Her counts are high, and there was some abnormal cells in the pathology test, but nothing definitive and nothing to worry about.   They'll check again in 6 months just to be sure.   Dr. said that whatever she is doing to get her to 94, just keep doing I think she is going home to have a scotch and soda. 




                    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                    Marathon Maniac #957


                       Yup.  Any projections yet for where/when this may start hitting the West coast?




                      You and Tammy are really scaring me now...bad as it is now, I had not really thought about how widespread this disaster could end up being in the future.


                      Mary - good news about your mom!

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        You and Tammy are really scaring me now...bad as it is now, I had not really thought about how widespread this disaster could end up being in the future.


                        Mary - good news about your mom!


                        Mary! That is great news! I'm so happy to hear this.


                        Holly, in my opinion, this is a world problem - it's not isolated to the asia-pacific region. I'm certainly not trying to scare anybody, but people really need to be educated and aware of just how widespread this is and how it'll change the world our kids live in.

                        I haven't heard too much about how the earthquake knocked the earth's axis off by 8 ft. that's a pretty significant change as well and wonder just exactly that will do to affect climates.  we could probably have a whole separate thread just talking about this natural disaster. i'm sure many don't want to mix current events in a running thread, but I think it's an interesting discussion to have.


                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          I haven't heard too much about how the earthquake knocked the earth's axis off by 8 ft. that's a pretty significant change as well and wonder just exactly that will do to affect climates. 


                          I read an article this morning that said it was actually about 16 cm, and that the only effect will be to make the days 1/28millionth of a second faster - hopefully that's true.  Japan, however, has moved about 4 meters.

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            Boy, you guys really talk about some serious stuff, here.  I was just trying to figure out what Tramps meant by "RAL".

                              Boy, you guys really talk about some serious stuff, here.  I was just trying to figure out what Tramps meant by "RAL".

                               Local lingo: "run at lunch."

                              Be safe. Be kind.


                                Boy, you guys really talk about some serious stuff, here.  I was just trying to figure out what Tramps meant by "RAL".


                                When you start to see greta and carp and read it like was intended...thats when you know your a Master at RA !
