Masters Running


NEW YEAR'S DAY! Wake up and Run Daily ..... (Read 558 times)

MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

    nothing like the 5K Resolution Run and Polar Bear Plunge to start the new year breakin' a resolution not to run until my nagging knee goes away.  However, isn't it the last  year of the first decade?  (at least our computers can figure it out this time around).

    on/off sprinkles/sunshine so francesca should be enjoying her New Year's Day 

    First Call 50K about ten miles to the north right by where she lives.

    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


    One day at a time

      Wow, Walt, congrats on the PR!  Great job.


      2010 is going to be a good year, I can tell already.  4.5 miles in the snow for me today.  What fun!  Afterwards, DD11 took a photo of me with her Nintendo DS "game" and also used the DS to e-mail the photo to my Facebook page!  That toy is amazing.


      Happy New Year, everyone!


        Nice half, Walt! Must've been the nerdy socks.

        Hey Mary! Good run for you this morning. Is that the one your avatar used to be from? Hope the leg pain is nothing serious.

        Carolyn, you and me both. I've figured out that I can run three days in a row, but that's about it for now. So, taking today off of running but will try to do something later. Maybe the bike I have here, or head to the 24 hour fitness club and do elliptical a bit. 

        Hi Mariposai! You are such a consistent runner and I think this is going to be a great year for you! How do you like the new job?

        Byll... that kid of your strongly resembles his dad. Say hi to your DW for me! Will be fun to see her again in Boston.

        Cold this morning! Was a good day to stay in bed till a very late hour. It's almost 1 pm and we're just thinking of what to have for breakfast. Last day of "break" for me since I don't count the weekend (have that off anyway); back to work on Monday. It's been a great break and went all too fast. Kids go back to school on Tuesday so we need to start getting them to bed earlier or it's gonna be a very ugly morning in a few days....

        I Can Go The Distance

          Walt: Now I know the secret for success in races. If you show up wearing nerdy socks no one takes you seriously and you smoke them! Great race time. A sub 1:30 this year definitely doable.



          "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano


            wonderful pics Bill!


            so many great races and runs and some stupendous 'resting' going on today! 


            Erika, like you, my 2009 sucked, except for a few of my highlight running moments, so I'm also ready to have a much better 2010 and certainly hope it pans out that way. I'll try uber hard to do my part and just hope someone else does his part  .


            Ran a 6 mile Resolution Run with the running club this a.m. For the breakfast afterwards, they had fruit (sadly, not really in season, so rather bland) and some pastries, which I'm not fond of, so I still left there rather hungry, but in the awards ceremony, I recieved my cute little trophy for 2nd place Runner of the Year. It's not based on fast race times, but rather participatory points in the running club's races. You can get more points by placing well though. The first place woman in my AG is someone I'll never be able to touch because she is a smoking fast course record holder for most of our races here. 


            My first "race" is coming up in just a few wks. Bring on 2010!



              Just a quick fly by...New Year's day got off to a rough start. A local new broadcast asked people to send in first date stories. Ours was read on air as well as shown on the screen. Poor DW.....Move over Tag..I hope he has bunk beds in his dog house.


              2 sproinkless miles with a slight fear of personal injury.



                Happy New Year everyone, hope 2010 will be a great year for all.


                Had a great New Years eve with our son and his wife.  Had dinner, played a couple of board games (Catan) and then WII Crazy Golf before we rang in the new years.


                Sounds like some good first runs to start the year off and congrats to Walt for his 1/2 marathon PR (had to be the socks).


                Ran out of time yesterday, so I had to cut my run short, then didn't even have time to post.  Anyway, 7.0 recovery paced miles yesterday before lunch.  This morning 13.5 miles on the treadmill as the weather here in the PNW has turned to sideways rain.  Not really something I want to run in, so I opted for the TM.  Watch the last half of the Lord of the Rings (Return of the Kings).  Makes the time go by much quicker.


                Tet - I'll be heading to Yokosuka Jan 11 and will return home on the 26th.  So two weekends there.  Don't know what the work schedule will be yet, but I imagine I'll have to work at least one of the Saturdays there.  I'm trying to take off the 23rd to get in a "winter" Imperial Palace Marathon.  You asked when we started running:   I started in 2001 and Sue didn't really start until 2004.  Although, she always accompanied me to my races.    

                Marathon Maniac #530 Mike (My Indian name is "Runs for Beer")



                Half Fanatic #36

                  Happy New Year to all RA Masters !!


                  Back home after my race and a detour for a late burger lunch with the family who came to meet me, dog included, at the finish line .


                  Rainy weather, but fairly mild,  to greet a sizable number of Seattle area Maniacs and  Fanatics  for the First Call Half/Full/50K  pancake and hot chocolate extravaganza  on the Sammamish River trail.


                  I loved seeing and running with so many friends, yes I'd take an event like this over the Seattle Marathon  or R&R any day.., had no plans nor expectations and finished in 5:32 including 2 bathroom breaks....(New Years day even the Mc Donalds near the start was closed no restrooms at open anywhere close) ..and a  longer course due to the disappearance of the cones that had been placed to signal the turn arounds, and therefore rounded up to 8 for the turnaround point of the first of the 2 loops.


                  Tet, we missed you!!....did you enjoy the dip at the Resolution Run..??


                  Now we can finally have cake and celebrate DS1 12th Birthday!!



                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Happy New Year!


                    Breger – nice pictures!


                    CNYrunner – we DVRed the Doctor Who marathon and will revisit them in the next week.  Are you following the new extended episodes that have been on Saturday night?


                    Wildchild – good for you for not gaining weight over the holidays – obviously you showed more restraint than I did….


                    Walt – congratulations on your new HM PR – well done!!


                    Tetsujin – Polar Bear Plunge – brrrrrr….


                    Tammy – congratulations on 2nd place, and I hope 2010 is a much better year for you and for you, too, Erika – can’t think of 2 people who deserve it more.


                    Francesca – nice 50K to start the new year!


                    4 recovery miles for me on the TM this morning, followed by 30 minutes of weights/core.


                    We went to see Sherlock Holmes today.  Good movie, but I find that I have difficulty sitting still for that long in a theater anymore.  I’ve gotten spoiled by watching movies at home on our big screen, sprawled in pj’s on the sectional, being able to stop the movie for snacks, bathroom breaks, and just to stretch the legs.


                    12 degrees and 25mph winds forecast for my LR tomorrow.  I might just run in 5-7 mile loops near my house, to give me bathroom/wardrobe/warm-up breaks each hour.  It's just mentally daunting to have to keep climbing the hill my house is on, but I do need to start getting more hillwork in anyway. 

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                      francesca - nice start to your possible 100-Miler year.

                      3,000 mile mikemp - no January trip this year. say "konnichi wa" to all the Joyfuls.

                      . . . not that I want to know if I got more than you over there but how many of your miles were in Japan.


                      apparently the local news rag doesn't think much of the one I did.

                      "Polar-bear plunge blurs line between bravery and stupidity"


                      however, I saw three other yellow Maniac singlets, four Vibram five-fingers,

                      and two MM's who didn't have their club attire so it mustn't have been that bad, . . . .burrrrrrrrrrr..

                      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                        nice job today to all who raced and rested!!  today is the perfect day for either or both!!


                        i ran Lowells Inaugural 1st race today -- so fun.............saw Henry and Marj but unfortunately Marj wasnt feeling well and decided not to run..........Henry posted a pic of him and I on facebook but of course I dont know how to get it here if thats even possible


                        my results - official time 56:09 with 28:17 at the half - very  UNUSUALLY even splits for me

                        my garmin time - 6.34 miles 56:18    9:06, 8:37, 8:42, 9:08, 8:57, 8:56 with an avg 8:14 pace for the last .34


                        overall VERY FUN!!  i was one of the first 200 registered which means i have a cool new running hat, awesome shirt along with a very cool finishers medal that everyone received -- so cool that it's shaped like a champagne bottle, glass with sparkly pink on it for champagne and 2010!!   definitely a do again race!!


                        Maniac 505

                          drat,  no run for me again tonight.  I was supposed to get off work early with the holiday schedule.  My relief came in 2 hours late. Sad  I still have to get up at 4:30 in the AM.  Oh well,  maybe 5 miles tomorrow.  good running all.



                            Some greta racing today in Masters-land.  Six milers with pink themes for Mary and Denise, a smokin' HM for Walt in what sound like fantastic socks, and a marathon for Francesca.  Well done, everyone.

                            I ran a 5K on the boardwalk this morning.  Neither my time nor the fashion report are much to write home about, but I had a blast.  And it is a PR for 2010, right?  I really enjoy racing on my favorite regular running route, and I started the year running, feel good enough to run again tomorrow, and definitely will do this race again next year.  Even better, the t-shirt is too cute with a snowman made of sand on the front.  Or is it a sandman?   

                            As I was walking to the car to grab my extra layers before I went back to watch the polar bear plungers (who always make me cry just thinking about how cold they must be), I passed two of my students and their parents.  We said our hellos, and as they walked away, I heard the mom say, "wow, your music teacher's a runner."   

                            I'm so glad to have two more days to transition back into the reality of getting up way too early for work, but these weekend holidays are killing any attempts I might make at healthy eating.  Since I was away for new year's eve and day, mom's hosting yet another family dinner tomorrow.  I'm evicting all junk food from my kitchen and fridge and stocking up on lots of healthy stuff before I head over to her house so at least I'll be forced to start eating right again after I get home.

                            Happy "two thousand ten," everyone.  Smile




                              3,000 mile mikemp - no January trip this year. say "konnichi wa" to all the Joyfuls.

                              . . . not that I want to know if I got more than you over there but how many of your miles were in Japan.


                              Tet - looking back at my log, it shows 516 miles ran in Japan this year.  Including the 2 marathons and a 5K.

                              You ran more race miles than I did by quite a margin.

                              Marathon Maniac #530 Mike (My Indian name is "Runs for Beer")



                                Steve, I think you owe us the first date story . . .

