Masters Running


Saturday June 7th Daily (Read 404 times)

    Rose reminded the group on Kick about complaining about the heat and humidity, so I dug out this old post of mine: "Okay, the Eddie Stanky story. When I first joined CR I noticed how often people whined about the heat, so I wrote a post in which I threatened to fine people for complaining about it, as Eddie Stanky did, and that post started the whole notion of fining people. Here is the Eddie Stanky story, I think recounted by either Jim Brosnan in "The Long Season" a great baseball book, or by Jim Bouton in "Ball Four", another great baseball book. Stanky managed the White Sox beginning in '66 and they played a doubleheader at home on a very hot, humid day. Before the first game all the players in the locker room were complaining about the heat and how awful it was to play two games in it. Stanky had had enough. He said, (paraphrasing here), "I'm tired of you guys complaining about the heat. It's the same heat the opponents have to play in. Forget about the heat and just play ball. The next guy who complains about the heat, I'm fining him $50!" (a big fine back in those days). So they start the game and the Chicago pitcher has a very tough top of the first, taking a long time to retire the side. He is soaked through as he returns to the dugout, and he says when he gets to the top step, "MAN IS IT HOT OUT THERE!" and then remembering Stanky's threatened fine, he finishes with, "And that's just the way I like it!" After I posted this, many Boomers would post, "It sure was hot today when I started my run, but that's just the way I like it..." We had fun with this thing all summer, but in fact, the complaining really did abate after that." Dave, that was an encouraging third mile you ran in your fivek. Well done. Same goes for you Roy, nice 13'er. See you soon. I had a weak week of running. This is my second week of 3 at 35 miles a week and because I ran poorly the last two days I needed 8.7 today to get 35 for the week. So I did 8.8 and got it done, albeit slowly. Spareribs
    I find myself complaining about complainers. Still no running for me...I"m not complaining, but that's really NOT the way I like it.
    Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
      Hi Lou. What are you doing 26 June?
      Hi, Rose. We'll be headed off towards our vacation south of the border. Are you going to be near here? If so, what rotten luck on the timing.

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

        I didn't want to be fined for whining about the heat so I headed to the gym and hit the TM ! Very sluggish today - have talked DH into taking ballroom dance lessons for our daughter's upcoming wedding June 28th. We had a lesson both Tuesday and Wed. night and it wore me out! So that's my excuse for only getting in 3.5 on what is a traditional long run day. But after I ran I lifted weights and then swam a mile, so it's all good. Happy Humid Saturday all!

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Dave59 – nice job on that 5K! And where are those baby pictures? SR – I was wondering how long it would be until that Eddie Stanky story made its way out of the cupboard… 7.2 recovery-paced miles for me today. 76 degrees at 5am, but it wasn’t the heat that slowed me down (I really do like it hot), but the still-tired legs from Thursday’s 3 hard miles (only 3, for goodness’ sake). Obviously I need to do these more often. Errands all morning, now it’s back to the kitchen for me. Who would have thought one room could have so many nooks and crannies?

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          I Can Go The Distance

            0530 61 F 78% IRC for my LR this morning. I did 12 miles (half on the track and half on the street) in 2:06:14 10:32/mi pace. Since I am racing in two weeks I am staying away from my usual course which has one big hill and rolling hills throughout. No word from Wildchild yet on her HM. I'm sure she will do great! Hope everyone stays cool and has a great day. Bruce

            "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano


              I love that avatar, fussyrunner! Big grin Congratulations new Marathon Maniac, Franc59! Woo hooo! Smile I ran a 10k this morning and it was hard and hot! (just the way I like it! Big grin) And the right side of my butt is still sore, but I came in 1st in my division. That's the beauty of a small first time event, my competition didn't hear about it. The race benefited at-risk youth from Long Beach's westside and it was great to see the kids running it too!.


              Runners run

                Got up and ran 7.5 today after 2 days off. It's just 60s, but it's NOT raining. We're feeling like East Seattle here. Here's a DH update: Medicine is amazing. The surgery Thursday went from just after 8 am until after 2 pm. Dr. Oury, the surgeon, had a nurse call at 90 minutes intervals with updates. By 2:30, it was finished and by 3:45, I was in the DH's ICU room with him. The breathing tube came out at 7 pm. The next morning, lots more tubes came out. He was out of ICU in less than 24 hours, and by the evening meal (which he ate, regular cardio tray, i.e., solid meat-potatoes-veg), he'd walked a lap of the floor. He did 4 laps this morning before the cardiologist came by. Dr. Durr (also a runner) said this is a very interesting case (they prolly say that to all their patients Wink)--he had cholesterol levels and said they were all good, and was asking more questions about family history. He again assured us everything looks good for excellent recovery, running again, etc. I was sent home to get the XM radio so we can try to get a signal from the hospital room for the Sox game that starts at 2 our time, and to send along DH's greetings and thank yous for your concern and care. grins fer sure! A
                Masters 2000 miles

                  Great news, Aamos! Ya gotta believe that his running/exercise regimes will help speed up his recovery. Nice to hear he's "doing laps," even if it's just up and down hospital floors. Glad you were able to get out for a run. Ilene- congratulations on first place! And don't lessen your accomplishment by saying there weren't many runners. A first place is a first place. Holly - what's the color in the kitchen? That seems to be the hardest room to palint. Did you do inside the cupboards as well? Well, the temp hit 85F and the humidity is over 90%. My wimpy family decided the AC is going on - first time this summer.
                    for me, 5 rec>easy>easy with strides x10 (~80M) w 6 in the last mile 9:02>8:33>8:02>7:45>6:56 enjoy the weekend-Hot, hot, hot...just the way we like it! (glad DH/Dan is doing well, Aamos-now if we can get the Sox back on track-Smile )


                      Thanks jlynne, and stay cool! Aamos, that is stellar news! Smile Just for you I hope the Red Sox come through well too. Big grin


                      Runners run

                        Aamos - thanks for taking time to post the update on DH. Soooooo wonderful to hear that he's doing well. I'm not complaining about the heat in the Philly environs, since I got outta town early enough this morning to avoid it. Smile Left for the shore before 7 a.m., and was on the water by 9 - whoo hoo! A friend was getting ready to lead a kayak tour just as I arrived at the dock, so I tagged along with him and his group. We were on the water for about 2-1/2 hours, which was absolute bliss. Stomach still a little wonky from too much gluten at camp, and now I'm really sleepy, so I'm taking another day off from running. Planning a long run on the boardwalk super-early tomorrow morning to make the week's mileage half-way decent. I don't know whether this should make me feel really old or if it should make me feel even more proud of my commitment to running: in order to get tomorrow's run in before it's too hot, I'm probably going to end up getting out of bed at around the time I used to go to bed during weekends at the shore back in the day. Big grin Going to take it easy next week, as temps are supposed to be in the high 90s most of the week. Keep cool, folks Smile Eliz


                          Thanks for the great update Amy! 6.1 easy paced miles on the Treadmill in 56 minutes. It looks like I'll make 40 miles this week, if I can manage my run tomorrow. I intend to take both water and gatorade even though it's only a 12 miler. I want to make sure I feel good throughout, unlike last weekend's run. Bill

                          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                            I really had the urge to run today, so I subverted it by taking my bike out to the local park and doing a brisk 26-mile ride in the muggy weather, working up enough of a sweat to make it a very good workout. My running club had their usual 8AM run going, so I was able to call out to a few people that I recognized as I went past (they were on the pathway while I was out on the road). Good running to everyone this weekend!

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                              Great news, Amy. I hope the recovery continues to go well. 7.5 miles (9:11 m/M pace) for me in warm, humid conditions. Drenched shorts late in the run tell me that summer has truly arrived.
                                Amy, what incredible recovery from the surgery. I can't believe he is eating already. No nausea from being under for so long? And walking around already!! His doctor must just love patients like him! Sorry for all the heat and humidity out east, but I can't even visualize it. Can you relate to my run today, in which I had to wear GLOVES and my RAIN JACKET the first mile?? It was about 50F and overcast and no wind. IRC. I loved it. But I thought it was June, so I'm a bit confused. 6 mile loop around the gym. There is one steep hill near the end of the run. Out of nowhere, two women passed me on the hill. But then the slower one stopped to walk, so I had to pass her, then the leader started to slow down, so I sped up and blew past them. Then I HAD to keep going at a faster clip to make sure they didn't try to pass me again. I'm so childish sometimes. During my run, I passed one of those radars that informs the cars how fast they are going "speed limit 30, your speed X". A car went by and it registered 32 or something. Then it went down to 6. I thought, that's weird, cars never go that slowly. So I looked behind me, and there were no cars to be seen. Then I sped up a little and it now read 7 mph. Wow, it's picking me up! So I crossed over to the other side of the street, nearer the radar, backed up then sprinted hard for 60 meters. Wow, 11 mph! I hope to go back there tomorrow and get it to read 12. Franc, I must look into this training run thing tomorrow. I plan on 16 tomorrow and a supported 16 around Kirkland/Bellevue might be fun.

                                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."
