Masters Running


St. Patty's Day runs and green beer .... (Read 566 times)



    Tammy - I hemmed and hawed over whether or not to run SOB this year, but some friends coming to town that weekend made the decision for me.  Sad  You'll like it.  It's beautiful up there, even if it is at a ridiculous altitude!


    I looked at the elevation profile and it didn't look like it went much over 7,000 ft.  What's ridiculous about that? 

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      I'll join you girls and run the flat ass division .....


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



      The Dovenator

        Leslie, have you considered the Mt Hood 50 in July?  I think I'm going to run it instead of White River.


        That MikeE guy is fitting right in Smile


        Big time carb load for me today... good timing withallthe St Patty goodies around

        "it's just like having fun, but different"


          I looked at the elevation profile and it didn't look like it went much over 7,000 ft.  What's ridiculous about that? 


          7,000 ft? WTF?!!! I didn't look at the elevation of this trail race.  for a flatland/sealeveler, I didn't even know they had adequate supplies of oxygen up there. Do they give you oxygen masks in your goodie bag?


            Is there a tight ass version?----that would be me---or no ass after this training cycle.


            Lamerunner, we should run one together---I have an almost-Fat-Ass to my name after the one I attempted in North Adams, but there's one I've been eyeing in NH in September---we could meet up!


            ....for some reason the link isn't working---but it's 9/18/11--Pisgah Mountain trail series

              Welcome to the new guy, Benjamin Daniel.  We could use all the help we can get.

              Slo—I hear you sneaking up on me.Wink

              Carolyn—happy belated anniversary!  (How’s the monster truck working out so far?)

              Mike—I liked the dumb/damn/dear.  Heh heh.  Oh, don’t let Holly mislead you; IRC = 33-39F.

              Leslie—hope the weather forecast improves.  It can be so frustrating.


              Hey, has anybody told Mike about membership dues yet?


              Another acclimation RAL.  Warm 66F for an 8-miler, including 7 @ MP (7:47).


              Some of you may have seen in the main forum the link to the Psychology Today story about becoming an ultrarunner.  The article was just so-so but I thought this was interesting:

              “Close supporters not only make us feel cared for and appreciated as we move toward our goals, they also provide a font of motivation. When a new project gets overwhelming and we're ready to scrap it, we think of those who have been our cheerleaders and enablers, and resolve to not let them down. For friends with mutual goals […] a natural desire to remain a part of the group and a sense of obligation to its other members is often much stronger than personal reserves of willpower.”


              That’s for you Perch.

              No pressure, though.  Joking

              Go, go, go!


              ETA: Oh, geez, there's a bunch of people racing this weekend!  That's for all of you!

              03/19 fatozzig - Pirates Cove 50k Trail Run, Marin Headlands, San Francisco CA

              03/19 pfriese - St Paddy's 8K, OKC, OK

              03/20 CNYrunner - NYC half-marathon

              03/20 perchcreek - Tobacco Road Marathon, Cary NC

              03/20 henrun - Big Island International 1/2 Marathon, Hilo HI

              03/20 Marj - Big Island International 1/2 Marathon, Hilo HI

              03/20 tetsujin - Mercer Island Half Mary - regular feet

              Be safe. Be kind.

              Mike E

              MM #5615

                ...umm...dues?  I knew there was a catch!

                  Tammy - It feels like you're running with a damn sandbag on your chest . . . but only for a little while. Big grin


                  Wildchild - You and Mtnchick.  That course would be a breeze for you!


                  Dove - I'm running Leona Divide on April 30, so Mt. Hood in July would be out of the question.  Although, I do want to tackle another 50-miler in Oct/Nov.  Any good ideas?  The only ones I've been able to find that are within decent driving distance are Dick Collins Firetrails 50 (Oct) and the Sierra Nevada Endurance Run (in Sept).

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance



                    Hey Karin, I wil have to check on Pisgah. I was toying with the Pineland 50k in late May, but it is very hilly and not that far after Boston, so I am not sure. I am feeling tired these days.


                    If you are at work in New England, don't go outside. It will sap all motivation. I just went out to go to Court, mid-50s, sunny. Hope the snow is staying cold up north, but it is hard to argue with a mild afternoon here in Manchester...


                      Wow, busy place in here. Short on time but I wanted to give a hearty Congratulations to Grandma Jeanne on the new baby in the family! I hope Will likes him and decides it's ok to share the 'rents and g'rents from here on. And that's great news about the run... take it easy though! We all cringe a little when our fellow runners get back to running... we do have duct tape, ya know!


                      I didn't wear green today. Oops.


                      Yeah, I'm sure Wildchild and Mtnchick would think nothing of those elevations. Makes me dizzy thinking about it!


                      Mariposai, that's so cool about your DH getting into running. Mine would love to, but just can't (at least now). But we have been going to the gym regularly at lunchtime, and sometimes we go there after work and he does a workout while I go out for my run, starting from there. Then we meet up afterwards and go home together. It's been really nice. I'm looking forward to biking together this summer, too.


                      All of you with your Fat Asses, flat, fat, narrow or otherwise. Too funny. Gotta be careful we don't scare Mike E away too soon before we tell him about the fines for various indiscretions. But then again, Spareribs hasn't been around much so we're all getting out of line anyway. Smile


                      I'll sure be glad when the ice around here melts off. I think the next couple of weeks are going to be pretty scary with some daytime melting and overnight freezing. Now that I look back on last night's run, I'm amazed I held the paces I did considering the ice out there. I do love my screw shoes, but even with those I was slipping a bit. There was one spot where I almost lost it and came close to falling, but managed to stay upright. Tonight's run will be from home, probably hillier than I'd like but oh well.

                      Renee the dog

                        If there's a jack ass division, that would be mine! Joking


                        My Chinese dh ran this morning in his Shamrock Marathon shirt.  Me, uh, I chose my Philadelphia Distance Run shirt -- bright orange.  I guess we are a modern Irish household. Black eye


                        Just a little bit of mileage today (about 2 mi)  because my dern quad hurts -- it's been iced, rolled and will look to be loosened further at tonight's swim practice.  I'm going to hop on the slideboard in a few minutes and see how that feels.  I don't think it is serious, but I don't want to ignore it into seriousness...


                        OK, Hawaiian Sunrise Loaf (2 lb loaf):


                        1/3 c nonfat dry milk

                        1 1/4 tsp salt

                        1/4 tsp ginger

                        1 tbsp granulated sugar

                        1 tbsp coconut oil

                        4 cups bread flour

                        1/2 c shredded unsweetened coconut

                        1/2 c dried pineapple chopped

                        1/3 c corasely chopped macadamia nuts

                        1 1/2 c water

                        3/4 tsp bread machine yeast


                        Bake in breadmaker on sweet or rasin setting. 


                        Tomorrow, my turkey chili recipe.  (I haven't forgotten you Mariposai).  I like this particular chili recipe, because I always seem to have everything on hand. 


                        Good runs to all!

                        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                        Renee the dog

                          P.S.  How could I forget??!!!


                          CONGRATS JLYNNE AND FAMILY!!!!!

                          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                            Alrighty then - Would have to eliminate the shredded coconut from the bread.  Makes me gag.  What if you don't have a breadmaker?  Know what temp for the oven?


                            And yes, CONGRATS, JLYNNE!  How could I have missed you. Embarrassed

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                            Renee the dog

                              Alrighty then - Would have to eliminate the shredded coconut from the bread.  Makes me gag.  What if you don't have a breadmaker?  Know what temp for the oven? 


                              I'll be making some oven breads soon and will play around with it. The unsweetened organic coconut I use is so finely shredded, it doesn't really "present" in the final bread, but you might still notice it.  It really lightens up the bread.  I'll have to think of what might work as a substitute.  Maybe white chocolate? Evil  Big grin


                              Oh, and 10 min. on the slideboard definitely points to it being the main part of my middle quad that's achy.  Slideboarding has no ill effect, so I guess it's onto an easy yoga workout in a few minutes!

                              GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                              GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                                I saw Irish Soda bread in the stores this week, I've never noticed it before (I think I sleepwalk through life).  I almost bought some then thought, no way would it be as good as TwoKitty's, I need his recipe!


                                Tammy - your field trip with sleeping on the floor, if you sleep at all, sounds like good training for another Ragnar Relay!


                                Yeah Jlynne!!  A healthy boy and a healthy grandma!


                                Still undecided about a is beautiful out there, but my legs feel dead - I was exhausted just walking the dog up a hill.  I guess I could just go really slow and not look at the Garmin.


                                My race shirt from Saturday is solid green with a big cloverleaf - couldn't convince one of the kids to wear it today - think I'll wear it on my run. Smile

                                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."
