Masters Running


Monday March Madness Runs and Basketball (Read 665 times)


    Good morning masters! How are your NCAA brackets coming along?  It's only 18° here this morning but they're promising us a heat wave and should be close to 50 by the end of the week.


    No baby news to report yet, though we had a birthday party for my DH yesterday (he's turning 66 this week) and my DIL looks totally miserable. Bad heartburn the whole pregnancy, and because she's only 4'8" and around 95 pounds not pregnant, this is a lot for her to carry around. If she doesn't have the baby by Wednesday, they're going to induce her. (I know, I know, TMI)


    5 peppy miles on the eliptical this morning. Best I've felt in a long time and I'm hoping for clearance to start running a little when I see my PT tomorrow.


    I continue to watch and pray for the people in Japan. I can't imagine how bad the conditions are right now.


    Have a great start to your week everyone.

      Good morning everyone.  Sorry I've been AWOL but I spent the past week skiing and recovering from a nasty cold.  It was Great seeing DS and GF, my ski buddy and his DW. But felt awful the first weekend.  I felt so crummy the day before we flew out there I contemplated not going.  (I'm glad I did.)


      No running whatsoever in 2 weeks due to the cold which started in my head and progressed quickly to my chest.  I persevered and skied anyway, but it was difficult early in the week.  No energy at all.  I felt better by Tuesday but I've been hacking away ever since.  Getting Older sux.


      Good luck with your DIL's Delivery Jlynne.



      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

        Morning!   It was only 19° here this morning JLynne, but we are promised warmer weather by the end of the week too.   I sure hope your DIL can naturally go into labor, she's just a tiny girl isn't she!


        Byll - welcome back!    I hope you are feeling better soon.   It sounds like you had lots of fun despite your chest cold.


        Nothing today.   It was a challenge just to get up this morning with the time change.    Tomorrow my sister and I have to take my mom to a hematologist, we are all a bit on edge about this.   Her white blood cell counts have been high and she hasn't had much energy.    We have our suspicions that it may be lukemia and at age 94 I doubt we'd do anything radical.    Hopefully we are wrong. 


        JLynne, no quote of the day?   Wink


        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




          JLynne, no quote of the day?   Wink


          How about "Preventing running injuries is a lot easier than curing them." I'm all over this commandment!


          Good luck with your mother Mary - hope everything turns out okay.


          Hi Bill! Welcome back Smile

            Good Morning All,         I too have been absent for awhile.  Nice sunny 33F here this morning went to gym at 6am for a workout.  Will be off to Columbus today for afternoon per retirement  meeting at the Police & Fire pension board.  Almost there, only 3 1/2 months to go, 33 years & out.

            I haven't made up my mind on wheter this good or bad...  Makes me a little anxious!  Hopefully its all good.


            Have a great day!! 

            Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Trying to catch up with yesterday...


              Tramps – nice race yesterday!  But I do kind of agree with Perch… 

              Stumpy – that’s a good reminder that it’s always a good idea to empty the Garmin memory before a race, for sure. 

              Perch – you are ready! 

              Fussyrunner – that sounds like a wise decision.  Now, right when the weather is starting to get lovely, is not the time to push your injury. 

              Halllar – RP of 7:40 – you are fast! 

              Tet – nice running for you yesterday. 

              Slo – nice 5K PR, and a tough 19-miler the next day. 

              Heme – scary, for sure. 

              Erika – another rockin’ 30-mile weekend!


              OrangeMat - did you get the results the needle biopsy?

              Mariposai - congratulations to your DS!

              CNYrunner - continuing to amaze with your fleet feet!


              I ran 20.5 slow miles (ave 10:35) yesterday in 34-36 degrees.  Doing those tempo/MP 10 milers on Saturdays just sucks the speed out of my Sunday 20-milers.  I thought it would get better but I really haven't improved on this.  If I want any kind of quality in Sunday's 20, I need to run easier on Saturday, I guess.


              Today, no run.  50 min. of P90X Chest and Back, followed by some core work.

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                Good morning! Very nice long runs yesterday for Karin and Erika!  Byll, hope you feel better.


                After a busy weekend, I really missed the hour of sleep we lost, but I got up and eventually out the door for an easy 6.5. Feet a bit sore from the combination of Satruday's long run and skiing yesterday in warm temps. The ski boots  bug my feet more when it is milder out.


                Hard to believe it is mid-March already!  Still lots of snow up north but we are supposed to get pretty mild temps later this week. then it will probably snow again. Spring is like that around here...


                Happy Monday!


                  Thanks for the summary Holly, I really wanted to catch up this weekend, but time just did not allow me to do so.

                  7.5 miles this morning with legs that were amazingly sproinky. With the 20 miler on Sat. and standing up all day yesterday cooking the appetizers for the Eagle ceremony I did not think my legs would be happy with me this morning, but I was wrong.


                  Please allow me to brag. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my two Eagle Scouts!

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                  MM #6177

                    OrangeMat - did you get the results the needle biopsy?

                    Thanks for asking, Holly. As I just posted on my FB status, they say no news is good news.... meh, it's just no news... I called and they said I'd be hearing tomorrow.


                    Still kind of tired from my long run yesterday. Will go to the gym for some elliptical time soon, maybe even walk there and back to get the most bang for my buck....


                    OK, so as I'm typing this message, my cell phone rang. Just heard from my doctor. There are abnormal cells but it's at the skin surface level (in situ, they call it) so he assured me it's completely "fixable". Same exact thing as the melanoma I had excised on my shin a year and a half ago. I already have an appointment set up for this Thursday with the specialist. So all I have to do now is keep breathing...


                      Good Morning. Lots of news. A new baby for Jlynne's clan. How exciting. Hope it all goes smoothly.


                      OM - good to at least know and have a process. Not knowing is stressful.


                      Bill - colds are no fun. My grandmothetr always made us drink some tea with honey and a shot of whiskey. Not sure it cured anything but it tasted good and I slept well.


                      Posai - great pic and well deserved cudos for the new Eagle Scouts. What was his their Eagle project? (I may have missed that thread post)


                      Sarge - it's not retirement it's changing fields.


                      Tough weekend workouts Holly. Inspiring


                      3.1 to get the legs moving and help with some DOMS from the race on Sat and my punishment workout for a poor race yesterday. More miles this evening.


                      I completed my brackets today and I will throw a kegger for all when I win the $1 million for the perfect picks. Just in case I will keep my day job and must return to it now.




                      MTA: best wishes with your mom Mary


                      MTA2: I feel a bracket wager with CNY. This could be similar to the Slo-Timbo thing since there is no way I would race CNY. Too fast for me. Wink

                      "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                      "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                        Mary - Good luck at the dr appointment with your mom.  I certainly hope it's better news than you're anticipating.


                        OM - Prayers and hugs to you with regard to your abnormal skin cell biopsy.  Deep breaths, deep breaths . . .


                        A few people around here still battling the ole crud (which, thankfully, I've been able to ward off knock on fake wood).  {{{Virtual Hugs to You All}}}


                        JLynne - That baby seems to be pretty happy in its current home!


                        Posie - Humboldt County is in Northern CA, about 6 hours north of San Francisco/1.5 hrs south of the CA/OR state line.  Good looking young men you have there!  Congratulations to them on obtaining the status of Eagle Scout.


                        Rest day today, except for 20 min of core work.  I'm in a mini taper for my 50k on Saturday - at which right now it's suppose to rain.  Same course as last month (with some slight variations), different organization putting it on.


                        Have a great week, folks ~

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                          Can’t wait for the party C-R! but I believe I have the winning brackets for sure.


                          Fabulous photo Maraposai---look at those handsome sons and the proud parent grins. Congratulations!


                          Happy Pi Day to all. The kiddo had to bring in a Pie shaped object today and of course since we are awash in hockey pucks here---he brought one in—also had to research an obscure Pi fact for math class. Groovy


                          Ran 9.6 miles this morning at about 8:30 pace, stiff at first in the first mile and then got into a groove. Running the NYC half-marathon on Sunday, so just one major workout this week. No taper really, but easier paces on non-hard workout days. roar!


                          Breathe OM breathe…in situ is far better news. So sorry you have to go through this.


                          Great to see you Bill.


                          Heme---I read elsewhere on here or maybe it was Letsrun that the man who fell at the race in Toronto is okay---was helped on the course by another runner and got medical attention and is on the mend.


                          Hi Leslie!


                          (((((Mary and her Mom))))

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Thanks for the summary Holly,


                            Oh, but I missed some...I just ran out of time...


                            What handsome young Eagle Scouts you have there, Nancy!


                            OrangeMat - good that it's minor, anyway.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                              MTA2: I feel a bracket wager with CNY. This could be similar to the Slo-Timbo thing since there is no way I would race CNY. Too fast short for me Wink


                              I see that C-R! Evil


                              Uh, too fast? don't think so! but great at hoops picks? Now you are talking---bought racing flats with my Madness winnings last year. Oh yeah.

                                Hi Karin!  We were postin' at the same time. Smile

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

