Masters Running


Tuesday's Daily, 11.28.17 (Read 40 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Monday’s workouts:
    RunnerKSA (5.5 miles, including 3.2 morning miles + 2.3 post-work TM miles)
    Jlynne (6.2 pre-sunrise miles in 27° temps + good hamstring & IT band stretching)
    Tramps (exercise + 4 chilly morning miles)
    Holly (30 min of weights & core)
    C-R (5+ lunchtime miles in windless, mid-40s temps)
    Tomwhite (35 min walk)
    Dave59 (4 lunchtime miles in 50° sunny weather)
    Twocat (7 morning miles)
    Mike (4 miles in 58° temps)
    Bioguy (EZ 3 post-work miles)
    Wildchild (7 late afternoon trail miles in 90 min in temps in the 50s)
    Catwhoorg (12 lunchtime bike miles + 9 post-work running miles with hillage)

    Falconfixer (6 miles, including lunchtime and post-work runs)

    Deeze (1 mile challenge run)

    Fatozzig (3 EZ post-work miles)

    Evanflein (4.2 EZ evening TM miles

    NH ranked 40th or 43rd in obesity, depending on who (if anybody) you choose to believe. Our comfort food is ‘apple desserts?’ Who makes up this stuff??

    Holly, I partially agree with you: Fast food and processed foods, combined with larger portions at many restaurants (and homes), plus less physical exercise for too many people leads to too much obesity.

    I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt that they will do their jobs right. But I also (though I hate to admit it) tend to be a bit of a control freak. Is it possible to do both?

    It’s so great that what your chiro is doing is working so well for you, Fatozzig!

    Words to live by: "Don't tease the Croc."


    So, our conservation commission wants to control target shooting in our town forest (which we manage). Now there are no controls on target shooting at all, and wee are getting a lot of complaints from local residents about it. We cleaned up and cleaned out the area being used for target shooting in June, but the shooters came right back. We were starting to put together a local ordinance, but then discovered a state reg that prohibits us from doing anything to regulate the use of firearms on municipal property (the forest is town-owned). So people can target shoot in our town forest any time they want, anywhere they want (as long as they are 300' from an occupied structure (a state reg), and with whatever firearms they want, with no training, permit, or license. We already have kids in their teens in there with automatic weapons. If/when we get complaints, the police will be powerless to do anything about them. So we have to figure out how to protect hikers and mountain bikers who also have the right to use the forest. We thought about creating a target shooting range, but then we'd have to manage/clean that, and would have to deal with the liability if anything happened on facility we created. And we still couldn't force people to only target shoot at the range. Conundrum!


    6.4 RW miles this morning under clear starred skies in 19° temps. Refreshing temps like this sure help keep the pace up!


    Have a greta Monday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Good morning, Jay and all y'all!

      My cold is bothering me and I resorted to meds (Sudafed) which make me a little dizzy, so I stayed inside on the treadmill this morning.  May be giving a couple miles back to the pace bunny today unless I can sneak down to the treadmill at work.  We have a Vandy basketball game after work.       3.3 miles in the bag.


      2 miles on the treadmill at work mid-afternoon.   5.3 for the day.

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



        I'm in the office today and don't even plan to try and stop at the gym on the way home, so it is a rest day.


        I shouldn't have been so hard on the world yesterday. I have been forced into a management role which is a square peg in a round hole situation if there ever was one. And all the while I still have much programming work of my own to do. The situation is not going to change any time soon but I don't have to let me myself get as frustrated as I do sometimes. At least I'm not working as an indentured servant in an Amazon warehouse filling 300 boxes an hour and not allowed to sit down.


        Not much will get done today. Any second now, one of my "team members" will stroll into the office and immediately come to my desk to shoot the breeze over his latest health issues while he takes 30 minutes to start up his computer and get started on his day, and then 3 meetings today.


        Man, I've got to stop complaining... 




          Wow - a bummer start to the daily. Kids with automatic weapons, runners with colds and disgruntled management folks who don't want to be in management. And it's only Tuesday!


          Not sure I've got much to cheer you up, except it was 51° here this morning, though 15-20 mph winds. 6 miles with lots of walking breaks when the wind was in front of me, and a couple of speedy fartleks going the other way.


          Ok - how about a joke to cheer you all up:  Why did the turtle cross the road?  To get to the Shell Station! (and thank you to my 6 year-old grandson Ben for that one)


          How many of you did Cyber Monday shopping? 27 days until Christmas!


          Trails are hard!


            So, our conservation commission wants to control target shooting in our town forest (which we manage). Now there are no controls on target shooting at all, and wee are getting a lot of complaints from local residents about it. We cleaned up and cleaned out the area being used for target shooting in June, but the shooters came right back. We were starting to put together a local ordinance, but then discovered a state reg that prohibits us from doing anything to regulate the use of firearms on municipal property (the forest is town-owned). So people can target shoot in our town forest any time they want, anywhere they want (as long as they are 300' from an occupied structure (a state reg), and with whatever firearms they want, with no training, permit, or license. We already have kids in their teens in there with automatic weapons. If/when we get complaints, the police will be powerless to do anything about them. So we have to figure out how to protect hikers and mountain bikers who also have the right to use the forest. We thought about creating a target shooting range, but then we'd have to manage/clean that, and would have to deal with the liability if anything happened on facility we created. And we still couldn't force people to only target shoot at the range. Conundrum!


            6.4 RW miles this morning under clear starred skies in 19° temps. Refreshing temps like this sure help keep the pace up!


            Have a greta Monday!



            Live free or die, Jay.  Just hope it's not a hiker.  Realize you're dealing with a tiny percentage of gunowners, but they really make it tough on the considerate ones.  Mass has "home rule" (or something like that) that allows cities and towns to enact regs over and above state ones if the legislature apporves.  Anyhting like that available?  Or build houses every 600'?


            Busy day yesterday.  I will admit that I never expected a Crocs discussion in here.  Tet is quite the agitator.


            3.1 lake loop miles in 21° (we are south of Jay, after all).  Almost underdressed, as i expceted at leat 25°, but with no wind, everything worked out nicely.  And the pace was a bit quicker.  A little change from the unposted weekend runs--all with shorts and mid 40's.  I finally broke down and signed up for a half the first week in March.  So now I have what I hope is inspiration to get me moving more in the mornings and through the winter.


            Happy runs to all

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

              I finally broke down and signed up for a half the first week in March.
              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.

              Better late than never.

              When was the last one?

              ps - maybe consider a super lightweight shoe

              (3-4oz) that seems to be gaining in popularity.


              jay - is it a gunnery all year round?

              At least all we had to worry about up a little southeast

              of erika-land was the late summer/fall hunting season.

              ps - maybe your state can allow target shooting "seasons."

              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                I slept in until 7:30 and it felt great!!

                2.6 morning miles - 24 degrees feels warmer when the sun is shining brightly!!

                Squats, planks, pushups then off to the hairdresser for a cut and color!!


                Hope the afternoon is as productive!!

                No word from my son yet today - mental illness bites!!



                  I didn't pop in to report my short run last night.  I only had time to run 2.1 on the track at the HS.  I did have my headlamp, but it was pretty dim and within about 60 seconds, it was completely dead.  so I ran by the half moon light and a few distant street lamps. This was the first time using my headlamp since the relay. Didn't realize my batteries were so close to being dead but sure am glad it hung in there and worked during the relay!  

                  just as I was finishing up my quickie run, a group of HS students came out on the field - looked like girls soccer - and turned all the field lights on. Too bad I didn't know we could turn on the lights, or I wouldn't have been running in the dark.


                  Today should rain all day which is fine because I wouldn't be able to run anyways. I am on one of the planning committees at the HS for senior activities so tonight is a meeting for that. The one I'm on is for Senior Superstars - which is a day full of friendly competition with the two other area HS's - athletic competitions, brain bowl type competitions, school spirit and decor competitions, etc. Our HS has their title to defend - have won all previous 4 yrs that we started this event. 

                  have a good day all!



                  Trails are hard!

                    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.

                    Better late than never.

                    When was the last one?

                    ps - maybe consider a super lightweight shoe

                    (3-4oz) that seems to be gaining in popularity.


                    jay - is it a gunnery all year round?

                    At least all we had to worry about up a little southeast

                    of erika-land was the late summer/fall hunting season.

                    ps - maybe your state can allow target shooting "seasons."


                    Are you insinuating that i need to update that line?

                    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                      Jay - It sounds like what you guys are dealing with is certainly less than ideal.  How in the heck do you protect everyone, especially, like yousaid, folks who are out using the forest for non-shooting recreational purposes?  A disaster in the making (but hopefully not).


                      Denise - Sure am sorry about your son.  Doggone it.  My coworker has mental health issues, and thankfully she is adamant about keeping her meds correct.  It probably helps that she has a young daughter she's madly in love with.  Will keep your son in my prayers.


                      Crocs? A gentleman who used to be in the Predawn forum ran in them all the time and loved them. Never tried them myself, but they sure are ugly! 


                      An hour of core/ST this a.m. with lots of lunges.  Ooofdah! My legs are pooped.


                      (I finally did the whole Ctrl+ thing and increased the size of the page on my monitor and guess what?!?  I can actually see stuff without squinting! )


                      Okay - Gotta get to it.

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance



                        Jay - 19 is refreshing????


                        34 when i went out for my 5.5.  went out late since i started my tuesday at the dentist, but saw henrun twice

                        stumpy - which half?


                        i think we're supposed to get that warmer weather for one day tomorrow.  if so, i'll bike since i like it to be at least 40 for biking

                        as to yesterday's obesity discussion, MA is low on the list, but there's a great difference between the eastern, central and western parts of the state which is sometimes correlated to education and public transportation.


                        happy tuesday!


                          ..jay//'re right, you don't need Shooters and Hikers anywhere NEAR each other....



                          where we go,

                          you HAVE to police your own brass or hulls when you finish......not have someone else do it for you



                          Pleasant and 50's here


                          55-min (with some 15-min thrown in)

                          the PT

                          said I DON'T need to be tying my Left Shoe,

                          The Hip was much Happier when I let Pickles do it


                          ..............good Running to ya.......

                          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                            5 miles with a negative split and , as mentioned, saw Marj twice.


                            Saw neighbors who retired from teaching recently and are enjoying life by traveling,etc. They were on their way to indoor ice skating. I had to give skating up when I started having balance problems. I sure do miss it😥 .

                            Marathon Maniac #957


                              Man, I've got to stop complaining... 


                    's only us....we don't mind....




                              Jay - that just makes me shake my head....


                              4.2 miles on the TM for me this morning.

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                              Trails are hard!

                                Jay - 19 is refreshing????


                                34 when i went out for my 5.5.  went out late since i started my tuesday at the dentist, but saw henrun twice

                                stumpy - which half?



                                Half at the Hamptons.  Did it a couple of years ago and it's a nice relatively flat course.  IF the training goes well, I still hold, likely unfounded, hopes of breaking 2 hours.  We shall see.

                                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.

