Masters Running


Sept. 1 Labor Day runs - or runs that are laboring (Read 378 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Wow, I can't believe a thread has not been started yet today! I'm not running today, but feel quite good after my 18 yesterday. Thanks for all of your encouraging words yesterday! I'm going for a bike ride this morning and then out for golf this afternoon. Enjoy the day everyone and good luck racers! Cheers~


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


    King of PhotoShop

      Day off for me too Mary, and nice going on the 18 yesterday. Looking forward to RR's from Karin and Twocat, along with other stealth racers. Spareribs
        Hopeful, I missed congratulating you yesterday, so will catch up today. 18 miles!! Super job - it's been a few years since I've attempted that level. You will be ready for Detroit! Rest day for me today, but maybe a bike ride with DW along the trail as far as Panera Bread for a mid-morning coffee and pastry. Smile

        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

        Marathon Maniac #957

          No running for me as well (wow, that's 4 non-running posts in a row), although I may do some core work later. Last day the pool is open, so the kids want to go and enjoy this beautiful weather. Later I'm going to paint DS's room - time to get rid of the turquoise semi-gloss on his walls... Roll eyes

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          Marathon Maniac #3309

            Wasn't able to get online yesterday, so I want to say GREAT JOB Mary....WTG. Super job on your 15 miler yesterday Holly...looks like YOU ARE BACK. Hope one's that are bike riding have good safe rides, Hope Mary stays on the greens/ Ribs, enjoy your day also. And thanks for all your help you give me, and many others are a class act! Guess I will buck the trend here this morning. 10 easy miles in IRC early, but got kinda hot towards the end of my run. Got in an easy 8 miler yesterday also. Hope everyone has a Super Labor Day no matter what you are doing!!! Tim

            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

              Another beautiful morning 57F & sunny 3 days in a row Smile 3 loops in the neighborhood w/DW for 3.8 in 38 minutes exactly 10:00 pace then she dropped out since she usually doesn't run on Mon. I kicked it up & ran 1.2 loop in 10:05 then a half mile cool down for total 5.5 miles in 52:20. Off to the biggest & best county fair in the country. Enjoy.

              Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


                On the phone most of yesterday with friends & relatives in the NOLA area..I guess we'll just have to wait & see. This is so typical of the spirit of those folks...the CNN guys found one gas station in Metarie still open...the owner said that he had just gotten a 3000 gallon shipment & wanted to sell it all before the storm hit. When asked how sales were going he said "we've been busy as hell, but most folks are just coming in to buy beer". Now how cool is that? NoNo: A big congrats on your run...and your 90-mile month. Have a great time at Disney...but please watch the weather reports on Hanna! Jeanne:
                Do you play doubles, or are these all singles matches?
                A little of both...I prefer singles but I have a tough time keeping up with the guys in their 30's and not many my age want to play singles. Great Sunday long runs: Breger (aren't you more concerned with Hanna than Gustav?), Peter, Lou, PDR, Mary, Perch (I think we have the exact same weather), Carolyn (terrific week also), Larry. Breger: When my son was at UF, he got millions of those underage drinking citations...after the first dozen or so, they would always just laugh and let him go..this is NOT an uncommon occurance. Karin:
                two of my cousins left New Orleans yesterday and are on the way to my uncle's house in Bethesda, MD.
                My daughter also lives in Bethesda and is hosting 2 N.O. refugees with more on the way...they should all get together for a party. Looking forward to hearing great race reports by Twocat, Karin, Henrun...anyone else? It was ultra humid...99%...this morning...ran a fairly slow 4 miles in 37:44 (9:26)..actually, I did pretty well to run the entire distance without walking. Probably will watch the news all day...softball practice later this afternoon...double header tomorrow night to make up for all the rainouts last week. DickyG

                  The big Labor Day 5k and 10k here in town starts in 8 minutes. But I decided to skip it and run on my own. 5.5 miles with 5x4 minutes at a harder pace. Not as euphoric as Saturday's run but a good one nonetheless. I ran this race the first 4 years I lived here but now have missed/skipped it the last 4 years. It's a fun race out at a nice Nature Center. Everyone is supposed to bring a covered dish and there is a potluck afterward. The organizers supply hot dogs too. The grand baby kept her mother up most the night (which is fortunately rare). So instead of getting out early for a run I watched the fussy kid for a while until I could hand her off to grandma. That meant that the sun was up and it was warm out there, but I survived. (ps - Nice work on the 18 yesterday hopeful!)



                    8 easy miles with T...8:00 pace...I love tapering...
                    Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

                      Good morning everyone. Ran my 7.3 route in warm and muggy weather - over a 10 minute pace but I was feeling a little sore and had to stop and walk a couple of times. Was trying real hard to get another .6 to hit my 1,000 mile mark for the year but I just didn't have it in me today. Mary - great job on the 18 miler yesterday! You've got to be feeling pretty confident about your progress, and the fact that you put in a 26 mile weekend and your legs feel great. WTG! Good luck to all the racers and pie/hot dog eating contestants today! Jeanne
                        ...A Thought for dg//.......try adding light hand-weight to get that ''Shoulder Turn'' I was telling you about for the Straight Push off (just for a couple of runs.......see what you think) ========== but I digress..... .......65-min HeavyHands run at trails, 2 1/2-lb boots, 2 1/2-lb hand weights......... .......very hot (80's) .........very tiring ..........VERY satisfying.... probably due to some Genetic Defect, I LOVE to fight the weights .............good running guys..............And Good Vibes to the Gulf Coast Runners......

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                          Oops, forgot to post earlier this morning. I decided to follow the perchcreek method today and ran 3 recovery miles after yesterday's long run. Legs were tired, as expected. No idea if this was really "better" or not, but I will go with the flow and say "wow, my legs feel great now" Smile Mary - very nice 18 yesterday! Twocat - first of all, best of luck today (it's today, right?). Second, PDR and I don't generally run together as we have different plans which seem to work for each us. Plus we don't run at the same pace, so we say we run at the same time, but not together. Finally, on the weekend I just cannot get my butt out of bed as early as she does, and I can't get on the road so quickly after awakening as she. I guess that's a bit of a character flaw on my part -- or I'm not as much of a nut -- take your pick.

                          Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                            Out for a nice 9 mile bike ride. Avg. HR was 126. Problem being my bike needs some overhauling - only shifts when it feels like it. Made some of the hills a bit more challenging. I've decided I need to get more serious about cross training - so day 1 is done!! Big grin Happy Labor Day!


                            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                              nono, congrats on your first 90 mile month. The last couple of days have sure had the long runs. Good job for bike (a couple), BC, hallar ( a couple), Aamos, Evan (a couple), Holly, breger, Peter, WRFB, PDR, hopeful (longest run and biggest month), lynden, perch, wildchild, and busi. This morning, it was in the low to mid 60s and calm. I got in 8 miles in a little over 1:18 for a 9:47 pace. A good day and good runs for all. TomS
                                I went to the gym this morning since my DW was doing a Yoga class. So I ran 3.5 recovery paced miles and then did 45 minutes of weights. I may have overdone the legwork a little as my abductor is barking. Nothing much. It's just reminding me I need to do this more often. DW's Yoga class had the Instructor she does not like. He always does all sorts of advanced stuff the group can't do, such as one arm headstand and such. Bill

                                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong
