Masters Running


Wed Nov 26 Runs and Whatnot (Read 624 times)


    Register for Seattle R&R Marathon: Done Big grin
    Yeah!! Big grin
      YAY! ps: I EAT after I run Big grin.
      Masters 2000 miles

      Renee the dog

        Tammy -- exciting news!!!!

        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


          Uh, Tammy -- I don't see any marathons in your log. Is this your first? If so, yikes! Big grin
          Yes, it'll be my first Lou. is "Yikes" a good thing or a bad thing? I'm afeered! Shocked This is not the first time I've REGISTERED for a marathon though - but hopefully it will be the first time I actually run one.


          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            Today's to-do list: Register for Seattle R&R Marathon: Done Big grin
            tet - confirm tammy for Seattle RnR hot tub coordinator erika - pool, eliptie, TM, etc. don't count. Tim will have to check if snow = ground or not.
            rule book said it is NOT a run, if. . feet never touched the ground.

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

              I'm afeered!
              You wouldn't be normal if you weren't. Note how Luke approached his first marathon: Luke: I won't fail you. I'm not afraid. Yoda: You will be. You will be.

              Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                Yeah Tammy!!! Nothing to be scared of. If I can do it YOU can do it!!! Big grin


                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                  erika - pool, eliptie, TM, etc. don't count. Tim will have to check if snow = ground or not.
                  Treadmill runs don't count?? Then I've been off for a loooong time every winter!

                  Marathon Maniac #3309

                    Yeah Tammy!!! Nothing to be scared of. If I can do it YOU can do it!!! Big grin
                    Yeah Tammy, if I can do, never mind Big grin Exciting news, hope to be there too Smile TimBo

                    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                      I have Seattle R&R envy. I really do. But very excited for Tammy. You are going to have loads of support - no need to be askeered. About wills. We have already distributed most of my parent's belongings, as they (and then he) gradually moved from big house, to smaller house, to apartment, to assisted living, to nursing home room. I drew up spreadsheets of every item, and we pretty much did the round-robin thing after giving everyone an opportunity to identify the things that they were very attached to. Fortunately the four of us managed to be civilized about it. It was a lot of work, but now there are only a few last pieces of furniture and whatever $$ is left after paying nursing home fees for over three years (and counting). I pity our kids having to deal with all our junk.

                      aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

                      Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason


                        Don't worry Tammy, we will see you through it! And I hear Seattle is a very flat area! Big grin


                        Runners run

                          Yeah Tammy!!! There is something uniquely exciting about watching someone else sign up, train for and run their first marathon!! Sometimes I walk before a run, sometimes I don't Sometimes I walk after a run, well usually I do, just a little Sometimes I stretch after a run, sometimes I don't Sometimes I stretch before a run, sometimes I don't I prefer to stretch several times throughout the day as opposed to right after a run. I worry I am going to pull something when the muscles are still tight from running. Nono - my left knee is hurting too, not from running, but from bending at the knees to save my back from doing any bending. I feel like a house of cards, one part hurts, the others try to compensate but just fall apart themselves. Such a delicate balance. My hammie is still tight, both calves got a bit tight during my run today, but then mysteriously loosened up. I just don't get it. My lower back spasmed a bit on me yesterday so I'm being extra is not all healed yet that is for sure. Pathetic run today on the TM. I tried 2 faster miles at 7.0mph, and was wiped out. So I went back down to an easy jog at 5.6mph...and my HR was still around 160-165, YIKES! Before my 11 day layoff my HR would be about 135-145 at that snail pace. I am so out of shape.... But I'll take it. 8 miles total.

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                            I wonder what Lou's spreadsheet looks like for all the beers he makes? you just KNOW he has one! Clowning around Thanks for all the encouragement. Now I just need to come up with an injury-proof training plan Roll eyes


                            Marathon Maniac #3309

                              I wonder what Lou's spreadsheet looks like for all the beers he makes? you just KNOW he has one! Clowning around Thanks for all the encouragement. Now I just need to come up with an injury-proof training plan Roll eyes
                              Hey Tammy, do you want me to help ya with an injury-proof training plan...prolly not Roll eyes Tim

                              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                                I'm going home. If I don't get a chance to log on tomorrow I want to be sure and wish everyone a: HAPPY AND SAFE THANKSGIVING!!!!


                                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


