Masters Running


Tuesdaily 10.16.18 (Read 42 times)


    Started the day with yoga instead of tai chi - no more tai chi for me!


    only shout-out ...jlynne - charlie & the mta!


    enjoy your tuesday!



      Mornin' Marj and those to follow.


      I remember that Charlie, Marj.


      Great job in Hartford, PBJ! Good CNY capture, Fatozzig. I hope the ankle is better today, Anne. BTY, I learned over the weekend that our 4 year-old grand niece is learning to swim butterfly (she has the stroke, but not the strength), and to do flip turns in the pool!


      I went for a 6.2 mi. walk at 4 in 52° temps with winds gusting up to 20+ mph. With a more serious brace on, my ankle was OK, but I can't do any racewalking in that thang, and I should probably give it at least another day or two before I try getting back on that horse again.


      Have a greta Tuesday!



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.



        only shout-out ...jlynne - charlie & the mta!




        He may ride forever 'neath the streets of Boston! Good morning Marj and those yet to post. Keep fighting those fare increases!


        Best to err on the side of caution Jay.


        Making that 5 hour cut-off? Piece of cake Mariposai.


        39° cloudy and 15-20 mph winds out of the SW at 5:00 this morning. It was great leaving the condo since I have to run north. Coming back? Not so much. 5.72 miles that felt like twice that much today. Major DOMS after that PT session yesterday afternoon.


        Have a great Tuesday folks!

          That well-known MTA song has a really interesting less-known backstory.

          And speaking of music, I thought this was an interesting graph. Other than 8-tracks and ringtones, my music use pretty much mirrors this pattern. Gave away all my vinyl, can't remember the last CD I bought, but I'm a Spotify fan these days.

          21 on the bike this morning.

          Busy week as I scramble to finish up things before we leave Thursday for a week of cycling and hiking in the Blue Ridge.  See you all on the other side!

          Be safe. Be kind.

            We have SO many CDs, which we rarely every listen to anymore.  There was a big change in some habits once The Hub sobered up.  Not listening to much music at home is a one of the negative changes.  Oh well.


            Anneb - Hope the ankle is feeling better.  Be kind to it over the next few days.


            Posie Lady - Your run and time with God sounded lovely.


            30 min walk with 5 x 1 min "running" segments in the middle, followed by some core/ST/PT and new hip stretches.  My marching orders from yesterday's appt was a minimum of 30 min a day of stretching my right hip doing some specific stretches.  Yesterday was a bit of a down day for me and I took that into my appointment, but my PT made me feel a bit better.  He thinks things are improving. . . . I'm simply tired of my a$$ hurting.


            An email from the managing partner went around to the secretaries last week indicating the bosses are listening about the concerns over the workload.  One of the partners and the office manager will be meeting with each secretary this week to talk about her concerns.  No mention of meeting with any of the paralegals yet, but considering there are only four of us and we bill, I don't see it happening.  Oh well.  Suck it up, Buttercup!


            Dental appt later this morning.  Could it get any better?  I think not. 


            Did I mention I have a couple of special visitors coming this week?? (Tammy - Liz) I'm so excited!!


            Enjoy ~~

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance



            Marathon Iowa 2014

              Leslie - I just got back from a 2 cavity filling appointment - one with novocaine, one without.  My dentist missed her calling - she really should do stand up comedy.  It's tough to laugh when your mouth is full of cotton...


              Thanks for all your kind comments yesterday.  Obviously, I was very happy with the marathon result.  Negative splits are the best.


              This morning - fizzy lifting before the fill session.  This evening - a planned six miles plus spinnerooni.  Back on the horse...

                Leslie - I just got back from a 2 cavity filling appointment


                It always seemed to me that there were two things that should have stopped happening once you reached the mature age of 21: zits and cavities.  I remember when I was little, my mom was doing "something" while looking in the mirror.  When I asked her what she was doing, she said, "Popping a pimple." I remember being somewhat astounded that as an adult she still got pimples.  Thus was the beginning of the end of the age of innocence.

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                  Joe618 I want to second your suggestion that anneb go bat sighting in Austin. They are very neat to see. It must be pretty cool to see them wake up in the evening to go for their night of hunting. I have never been near the area for that.


                  RunnerKSA is it awesome to get out of an orthotic or what! Congratulations on being able to start up again.


                  Falconfixer hmm, somehow I have never seen a recommendation to treat colds quite the way you do. I hope it works.


                  I did a few laps this morning around the deck. I had to put on my jacket. It is FREEZING out!!! What happened to October?!  Somehow the weather went from early September to mid-December overnight. We have days coming up with highs in the 40s. Already?!!!!  If this continues on, we are going to be in a deep, deep freeze this winter.

                  Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                  Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                    our 4 year-old grand niece is learning to swim butterfly (she has the stroke, but not the strength), and to do flip turns in the pool!




                    Not worthy!!   Not Worthy!!


                      Good afternoon, runners!


                      Posting last night's swim and this morning's strength and stretch workout, plus the palpable anticipation of tonight's swim.


                      Swimming is sort of like when I had to run laps around a track and would lose my count on lap umpteen.  So last night my plan was 1.25 miles of swimming, alternating 1/4 miles of backstroke and crawl.  I wanted to go with no rest between 1/4 miles.  I met my second goal but not my first, because my 2nd and 3rd 450 yard intervals were only 400 yards long.  I'd left my HR watch at home accidentally, and instead of being able to check it occasionally, say every 200 yards or so to see what my pace was, I went off of the big sweep second-hand clock on the wall.  Big mistake.  Just something little like using a clock that has a big 0 on the top instead of a digital watch was enough to derail my mental capacities!!  So the first 1800 yards wound up only 1700 yards in all; and when I tried to stretch that mile workout out to 1.25 miles, it proved too much on my back and I experienced some cramping in my upper back - if I had to guess I'd say it was in my lats - and that was enough to convince me to stop there and then.  On the bright side, I continue to improve in that I didnt need a rest of any kind for heart rate or breathing, albeit I did have to stretch out a cramp in each foot at different times during both the crawl and backstroke repeats.  Probably a dietary thing.  One thing I never got when running was a cramp in the bottom of my foot.  

                      This morning was a back/biceps/rear deltoid (shoulders) workout and even though those seemed to take the brunt of the workout in the pool last night, I had a good workout this morning.


                      Finished up the morning's festivities with a trip to the Dept of Motor Vehicles at a mall in a neighboring county.  The clerks in my own county, in the downtown office, are so unfriendly that I gladly drive 35 minutes both ways to avoid the hassle.   Even on those occasions when I've made a point to be extra kind to the folks in the downtown office, it just seems to make them crabbier.  Can't wait to see what my new license photo looks like! :      


                      I haven't decided what to do about tonight's swim workout yet.  Having the two nights back-to-back was good for the first couple of weeks but now that it's starting to be work, I want to do something different than swimming a mile and change - like maybe I'll swim some 100 yard IM (Individual Medley) repeats, just to get an idea of what my times might be.  It used to be Butterfly/back/breast/crawl when I was a lad.  Will be good to find out if the order has changed since the Ford administration.



                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Leslie - I don't understand - why would the partners not be interested in the paralegals' concerns?


                        Nancy - that is the first race I have heard with a 5-hour marathon cutoff time.  Make sure you bring your butterfly wings and you will be fine....


                        The attorney who is helping us with DD's traffic charges got a call from the court.  They are adding on criminal charges for possession of marijuana and paraphernalia.  While they "may" have belonged to one of the other teens in the car, it was DD's car, so she will have the charges.  (sigh)


                        5.15 miles for me this morning in 33 degrees.  My foot is a little tender, but not bad.

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          Swimming - I can dog paddle . . .


                          Leslie - I don't understand - why would the partners not be interested in the paralegals' concerns?


                          The attorney who is helping us with DD's traffic charges got a call from the court.  They are adding on criminal charges for possession of marijuana and paraphernalia.  While they "may" have belonged to one of the other teens in the car, it was DD's car, so she will have the charges.  (sigh) 


                          Because they haven't listened for the last 3 years, at least not to me.  Smacks of an amazing amount of pessimism, I know, but I've been feeling a bit pessimistic the last few days.  *sigh*


                          And I was wondering what was going on with your DD's case.  Hang in there.

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                            Twocat- you are making great progress and your attitude is superb!  (mine is not always such....)

                            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                            Marathon Maniac #957



                              And I was wondering what was going on with your DD's case.  Hang in there.


                              Court date is next Wednesday, 10/24.

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                                It just seems wrong that your DD is carrying the responsibility for everyone that was in her car that night. How do they prove possession exactly?  Nice friends to make her the scapegoat for this whole nightmare 🙁
