Masters Running


Sat Feb 16 Daily Runs (Read 566 times)

The Jogger

    Morning Gang Out for an undulating 6 miler marathon pace in the nice crisp winter sunshine. Predicted MP is 10:30 today I did 10:08 Anyway: 6.05m 1:01:16 @ 10:08 AHR 162 79% Good Runs and Races All Roy
      Good Morning Roy----nice run! Happy Saturday all----today's run was a recovery paced 8.6 miles in 1:17 (8:59 pace). Yesterday's MoJo run didn't leave too many residual pains----just a little achy. I think I had pent up delayed race jets yesterday. I headed out today at 5:45 under clearing skies, 10F and calm wind. It was just me and the iPOD and a few runners out here as well. We have a rare no hockey game weekend for the kiddo, so what will we do? Go to the UMass vs. Northeastern hockey game! Can't get enough I guess. It's a clinch game for UMass if they want to keep going. My guys are making menu plans for tomorrow's Daytona 500 and I am planning out my 22 miler. It's also mid-winter recess for the schools here. Sigh----only MID-winter. I am not sure I needed to be reminded! Good runs, workouts and activity to all CNY
        4.07 quick miles this morning at a peppy 9:38 pace. Busy day today - I'll stop by and visit dear-old-dad on the way to work, then later this afternoon we've got errands planned. Looking towards tomorrow's 20 -miler with the usual trepidation.

        aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

        Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

        Marathon Maniac #3309

          Morning all. Stuck at work this morning and have a long run planned for about noon time....hopefully 16 miles, but will just go by how I feel. Nice runs Roy, CNY, and Predawn...hope your 20 miler goes well. Have a good Sat and weekend all.....burr, it's only 9 degrees right now. Tim

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

            Good morning! Nice undulating run, Roy! GL on the long runs tomorrow PDR and CNY.. I'm sure they'll go just fine. Good news on the knee/foot front. No issues today at all. Good to nip these things inthe bud and back off immediately! First took Tory for 2.2 mi warm-up at 9:44 pace. Since no foot/knee complaints, gradually increased pace for 6 miles Starting at 8:20 and ending at 7:43... no complaints Big grin Then did lunges, pushups and hamstring curls. Have great runs and races.. I'm especially rooting for our Myrtle Beach racers (roadhawk and afreeman) .... it's been a year since that wonderful experience. Still makes me smile Big grin

            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Looking towards tomorrow's 20 -miler with the usual trepidation.
              Me, too… Sad....I just loaded the last 2 disks of Tony Hillerman’s Skeleton Man on my MP3 player for tomorrow's run, in hopes of an exciting story ending to keep me preoccupied. CNYrunner – those pent-up jets came from running 2 days at MY turtle pace…Smile…I do appreciate it, though. I could never keep up with you, otherwise. 7.2 comfortably-paced miles in 20 degrees (ave pace 9:45, ave HR 137). Busy, busy this weekend, cleaning out closets and cupboards of nonessentials, packing and moving boxes to a storage unit, in preparation of putting our house on the market in March. Keeping my fingers crossed we’ll be able to sell quickly – keeping it spotless with my two dedicated mess-makers will be tough. Happy Saturday!

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Good morning! Good to hear perch, that your issues are no longer. Roy, nice sub-MP run! 22 miles, 20 miles -- I'm starting to think we're all nuts Smile 17 for me tomorrow, but I won't trepidate until tomorrow morning. 5 "easy" but hard miles for me today -- I felt sluggish the whole way through. I guess some days are just like that, no big deal. Workout: 4.1 miles, 8:25/mi, AHR 145 Overall: 5.1 miles 43:04 Go racers!

                Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                Hill Runner

                  Good morning all, Perfect running weather today 45F, sunny and no wind. 10.17 miles of hills @ 9:02 pace. Big house project this weekend/month ...pulling the remaining carpets out of 3 rooms and putting in hardwoods...woohoo, no more rugs. Smile Good running to everyone today.

                  Upcoming Races:

                  Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                  Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                  Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                  Marathon Maniac #3309

                    It's also mid-winter recess for the schools here. Sigh----only MID-winter. I am not sure I needed to be reminded! CNY
                    Very true.....but looking in the ads yesterday in our newspaper, they have Spring clothes out already....trying to be optimistic Smile Tim

                    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                      Back in the groove - 6 miles for me in 1:05:27. Also ran 4 miles on Monday and Thursday as well as 3 miles on Tuesday. I got so busy with work I didn't have time to post. Good runs all.

                        Happy Saturday everyone! Roy, you may have to redo your MP prediction if you keep that up! CNY, winter unofficially ends at the end of February, so we're almost there! Good luck with your 22 miler tomorrow, the temps are supposed to warm up a bit I think. Predawn, good luck with your long run tomorrow too! It's always good to finally get those in the books. Tim, I have to work Saturday's every now and then too. At least by noontime it should be warmer for you. Have a good one. Perch, everyone should take your advice about nipping injuries in the bud. I'm glad you are back at it again. Holly, you need to rent a dumpster. Makes cleaning very easy! Watch your back carrying those boxes. Good luck with your long run tomorrow. WRFB, you were just getting the kinks out of the system today so that you'll have an awesome 17 miler tomorrow. And if running those miles is considered being nuts, I'm glad to be part of that group. Peter, nice run in nice conditions! You are gonna love hardwood floors, they make cleaning a snap, and you can slide around on them in your socks! Lois, welcome back to the groove! Cool Frozen eyelashes, frozen waterbottles and pastel skies were the theme of my run early this AM. 8.01 easy miles this AM in windy, chilly conditions. (That extra .01 miles was for you, Sue!) Legs were a little tired from yesterdays run, and tomorrow is a long run at a good clip, so we'll call today a recovery run. Followed up the run with a trip to the massage therapist for a much needed tune up. As the miles increase, so does the maintenance requirements for the body. I had that deep down chill from my run still, and was goosebumped the entire massage. A good weekend to all!
                          Glad I do not have a 20 or even a 17 on tap for tomorrow. Today was my "long" run day but it sure does not compare to what I see scheduled above! Worse yet, it is FREEZING here in CT. My plan was a 3 mile warm up then 12 at MP with some friends of mine. We did 3.13mi@8:16 together. Then it was off to the races! My two "friends" then abandoned me! My guess is they were running 7:20's. I went faster than my plan but I was not going to try to keep up with them. We all reconvened after 6 miles. One member of our group then dropped off to run with the local running club. The other came along with me for the final 6. Ended up doing 12.07mi@7:24 which is 14 seconds per mile faster than I had planned. Finished with a .74mi "cool down" at a mere 7:55! I guess this is what I get for running with a 22 year old former member of the high school track team. Sad Oh to be 22 again! Oh to have talent! Oh well . . . Smile Good runs all today! I hope wherever you are it is warmer than here. BTW-- btb1490 I just noticed you are running Boston for a charity. Good for you! I think it is great that people do that. I hope you raise a lot of money for them!

                          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                            Morning all!! Lots of good runs reported already today. Out for 13 miles this morning. It was really cold, but the sun was shining and it was quite pretty. I started worryiing about not having sunscreen on though - my dermatologist is instent upon it due to the procedures. I did have a brimmed hat on though. Took me 2 hours and 30 minutes. Not exactly lightening speed - but with road conditions I'll take it. Happy Saturday! ~Mary


                            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                              BTW-- btb1490 I just noticed you are running Boston for a charity. Good for you! I think it is great that people do that. I hope you raise a lot of money for them!
                              Great job on the MP run today, in these condtions no less. That's a tough workout. If you can get through workouts like this, just think how easy "actual" marathon pace will feel to you! Thanks for the note about the charity. Many of the charities for Boston allot a certain number of slots for runners who have already qualified for the race, like myself. After filling out a profile sheet and applying, I was one of the lucky ones to get accepted. So far it's been an amazing experience. I took the extra optional step of getting partnered up with a child patient from the hospital, a sweet 3 year old girl named Amy. I can't tell you how much of a bond I've formed with her, and how much of influence and inspiration she has provided me. I'm supposed to be the one encouraging her, but somehow it seems I'm the one getting all the benefit of this relationship. Like this morning, as you well know, the temps and the wind were bone chilling, yet I got dressed and headed out into the predawn darkness without question or complaint, because you have this child that you are running for now.

                                Morning Boomers. 10 miles on the dreadmill in 1:30:10 today. Note to self: don't go out for Friday fish fries the night before a long run! I'm ahead of the training schedule for the half I plan on running in May but could sure use a little motivation. Maybe it will be better when i can run outside on a regular basis. An hour and a half on a treadmill is PAINFUL. CNY Runner, I know what you mean about "midwinter." There's another snowstorm headed here with 6 to 10 inches predicted. We're already 15 inches above normal snowfall for an entire winter, and we still have two months to go. Sounds like lots of house projects today. Holly and Peter, good luck with your chores. My sister is a realtor and she always says the best thing you can do is "declutter." It makes everything look big and neat. Nice runs, Roy, Perch and TwoCat! Perch, glad your knee is okay. Some nice long runs for the wimmin today also. BTB1490, good luck with your Boston training. It's great that you're running for charity. Hope you take in big bucks. Who took our DarkHorse? Is he on a secret mission? Haven't heard from Tall for a while either. Where are you guys?! Good runs to all, Jeanne