Masters Running


Friday 1/26/24 Here Comes the Weekend Runs (Read 38 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning!


    I really wanted to go swimming yesterday, but Rosie's  7:45am vet appt (check up) didn't leave me enough time.  I'll try for next Tuesday or Thursday.


    Since this is apparently National Soup Month, we were encouraged to bring in a soup to share for lunch, so I brought in a Better Than Panera Broccoli Cheddar soup in a crock pot.  It's a pretty good recipe, very close to the real Panera, although I add a little extra chicken broth to make it not quite so thick.


    My son's fiancée's grandfather died and I will head over to the viewing for a short time directly after work, and we'll attend his funeral tomorrow morning.  He was a really nice guy, and we had gotten to know him a bit during the 8 years our son has been seeing this young lady.  He lived to 92, though, so not exactly a life cut short.  His death will be hard on his wife, who has some level of dementia and is in an assisted living facility.


    4 miles for me today in a windy 52 degrees.  Sweet!  That is the warmest it will be all day, as it cools down some for the weekend.  Still, love that temp in the middle of the winter!


    Only 5 weeks till March!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Quiet Friday, but thank you Holly for taking the reins.


      that is opposed to rains, which we have an abundance of.  I’m trying not to get discouraged as we were so dry all summer.  I just hope it soaks in more than it runs off.  The water table it’s up, my sump is pumping non stop.


      I’m trying to remember what I wanted to comment from yesterday but my brain doesn’t do that any longer 


      Todays plan is for yoga.  Yesterday’s practice tweaked something in my neck but I can just avoid that particular pose in todays workout.


        Happy Spring. It's a crazy 76F here right now. out for a 24+ mile ride.


        (Surly--I suspect you meant Pickles not Tribee.)

        Be safe. Be kind.

          Thanks, Holly.  I'm sorry about the grandfather, and it's good that you can be a source of support for everyone.


          I finally got back over to the path after almost 2 weeks of weather issues and did 8.1 miles for my weekend long run.  I have a church thing in Nashville tomorrow morning and it's going to be raining anyway, so this was my window!  50 and cloudy, and everything was wet but really ok.  I overdressed, since I don't seem to understand the temperatures these days.   It was good to be back on the paths/neighborhoods.

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



            Hi Masters,


            Thanks for the start, Holly, and good work on the 4 miles in Spring temps. Sorry to learn of the grandfather's passing. It's good that you'll be there tomorrow to support DS, his fiance, and her family.


            dnaff, we're getting a lot of rain too, but I'd rather have it over the winter than all summer long. Our sump pump is also getting a good workout.


            Crazy is right, Tramps! Enjoy the ride.


            Congrats on getting back outside, KSA.


            I was very glad to read about Pickles' good report. I hope it stays that way.


            Twocat, just think of the Paris Marathon as a longer nighttime segment of the Reach the Beach relay - you'll do fine.


            Sub7, my core work includes long and slow leg lifts (front and side), often with ankle weights, plus planks, dead bugs, bird dogs, and squats. I used to do them in front of the TV, but stopped that because I wanted to be more focused on form/body position, which I think is a good thing, at least for me.


            I had 3 long but very interesting and energizing meetings yesterday, so it was a good day. I also managed to get in about 1.5 miles of walking, which was also energizing, but in a different way.


            I was up at 4:05 this morning, and out the door by a little after 4:15. I wanted to see if I could beat the rain that was heading our way. I went 6.2 miles, almost all of it with EZ racewalking, and managed to avoid the rain till about mile 3.5. Of course, I was soaked when I got home, which just made the hot shower that I got to a little later feel a lot better. Even after doing some stretching when I got back from my workout, my legs are quite fatigued, and my knee is grumbling just a little. So I'm taking a break from my stand-up desk every 15-20 minutes or so for a walk around the house to keep my legs as loose as possible. Of all the problems I could have, this is nothing, so we're good here.


            Have a greta Friday.



            Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


              Good Friday Afternoon, all!


              Jay, I woke up about the same time as you today - 4:10 AM - but the get up and go just wasn't there.  I put together my usual pre-workout breakfast, prepped my bag, put my workouts together...then pushed the strength workout to tomorrow morning, and, eventually, the swim workout to today, after work.  I had a funeral on the to-do list for today (the one I thought was yesterday).   An 80-year-old guy that I used to usher with on Sunday mornings died this past Sunday.  He had Alzheimers and we suspected Parkinsons, as well, or something very close to it.  I had not seen him in many years, due to the diseases, I guess, but I just thought he was going with his family to a different church of the same denomination that was closer to his house. (I was sort of correct.)   I was glad to see that his family filled about 1/4 of the church sanctuary, and that there was a group from the Patriot Guard Riders providing an honor guard; but there were only something like four other people, beyond his family, in the church, including my good friend who delivered the message, and myself.


              Weather here is a balmy 39.   It rained and rained overnight but I guess we only got about a half an inch of rain, but with the associated snow melt, our creeks are quite swollen, and some of the usual suspect roads are closed due to localized flooding.


              Trivia night was special last night.  My middle son, who is the big fan of trivia and does well enough to win solo against teams of seasoned adults, is on a cruise with his wife, so it was up to my DD, her husband, and DS#3.  Round 1 we did well enough to come in 3rd pace out of about 15 teams, and then we actually won round 2 - the big money round ($50 Gift Card to be used on a future visit) on the strength of DS3's answer to the tie-breaker question.   We and one other team were asked to guess the 2020 Census population of New York State.   The other team guessed 16.5 million people.  We went with my son's guess of 19.5 Million.  The answer* was 19,571,000 and change.   Son of a gun if my youngest son didn't guess the population within 3/10 of 1%.   Yes, he's the one that is getting his Masters in Accounting.  So far it has paid off to the tune of next Thursday's chicken wings and beers.



              *I don't get this same answer when I ask Siri.  I don't know if Siri or Trivia Guy is correct.

                Thanks for the start, Holly. My condolences on your future DIL's grandfather. I had a friend in similar circumstances in that his biggest worry about dying was making sure his wife, who has pretty serious dementia, would be taken care of.


                dnaff, I'll join you in the sump pump brigade. Ours usually only runs a few times a year but I don't recall it ever doing so in January. But, like you, we've had all that snow melt and days of rain. At least the 2" of ice on our driveway finally melted away with the warm temps and rain. Sun would have done the job even better, but...


                I'm going to have to start blocking Tramps's posts so I don't see any more of these rides in 76F weather for a while. Good job though!


                Swam 875 yards this afternoon according to my watch, but I think it might have added something. It's funny though that 25 meters isn't that much farther than 25 yards, but when you start racking up the laps the difference becomes significant. For example, my "measured" distance on the watch was 800 meters so when I saw it converted to yards on Strava it felt like I'd gotten a sort of bonus.

                Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                  If I'd known it was National Soup Month, we'd been utilizing our crockpot more at home!


                  Surly- Wowza! on the art collection.  Looks like your fake trophy wife's friend will be well-taken care of in his remaining years.


                  I got nuthin' so far today, but plan to do some mobility work after work.  I had a fantastic massage yesterday and even managed to get some mobility back in my right arm/shoulder, the one I injured in my fall last September.  I hadn't told her about the arm, but she commented that both shoulder blades were extremely tight.  I've scheduled 4 massages with her every 2 weeks to see how my hammies react, and then I've decided I'm gonna just suck it up regarding the cost and go to a maintenance schedule since they seem to be my regular problem.


                  Rain's coming in for the weekend.  Note to Self: Avoid mud holes! 

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance


                    Congrats on the trivia, BTY!

                    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth




                      60s and cool wind


                      .........40-min at soggy city soccerfields....................trailboots

                      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                        Did our morning walk of 35 minutes on a beautiful park on the island in mid 70 temps. Stopped for coffee on the way back while we rearrange our plans for the day due to family problems of my DGS. Will hopefully see him tomorrow. Despite the change of plans we’re enjoying our stay here until we leave on Sunday.


                          I'm not sure I can remember it not being rainy and gray and gross out. Maybe Monday, there will be some sun. It doesn't look good for this weekend though. I'd actually rather it be cold (and everything frozen/dry).


                          I managed about an hour of workouts on the bike today - but it was one of those days where your usual flat road feels way too hard and I had to adjust down resistance down a couple levels. I guess that's what I get for doing nothing yesterday 




                            3.5 ez miles at noon today. It's kind of disconcerting to have my legs get sore while running, I don't think I've felt that since jr high school, or when I decided to start running again at age 48 after several years off. This time I've only been mildly inactive for a couple months, although still running a few miles a week.


                            Working up to 5k a day by mid Feb, and then 5M a day in March. After that I hope to have my groove back. Intensity will vary.


                            Leslie; I haven't asked, I don't know if Rod will be the beneficiary or if the proceeds go into a foundation or trust. Regardless, he and his two cats are very comfortable in that house for their golden years. Rod was a milliner to the stars in NYC, and did very well at it. Also with his old house, the hangout for that group of friends from Parsons that they called "the castle" because of the way it looked. I never got to see it, he sold it before I could visit with the trophy fake-wife (not her real name). I'll see his new castle in Jersey next Fall, though.



                            I strongly dislike soups and stews, I cannot participate in Nationalist Soup Month. Does that make me a soup nazi?

                            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                              Shhhhh. Stop it.

                              Happy Spring. It's a crazy 76F here right now. out for a 24+ mile ride.


                                Holly, nice 4 mile run in 52 F weather, too bad about the wind.

                                Karen, great 8.1 mile run. The temp sounds good the clouds a little less so.


                                I got out with my buddy Brian to the FieldHouse track for a 5.5 miler. I've not been sleeping well of late and that has greatly affected my recuperation time so I made it a short one as Sunday will be either a 10, 12 or 13,1 miler. Have a great Friday all!
