Masters Running


Finally Friday, the last one in June....6/28/19 (Read 42 times)


    I don't mind a bit because the dog finds it very entertaining. She is the "Gladys Kravitz" of the neighborhood so she's in heaven.  I'm happy because I'm currently not the center of her universe.  A little free time for me.


    This ^^^ just cracked me up. Enjoy the free time, dnaff!


    Tammy! Don't spill the beans on what we do when "working" after hours! Sounds like you've got a great Saturday planned!


    Dg, hope thr ribs heal up ok. Don't do something stoopid, k? I like the bulk discount idea on the bubble wrap suits.


    Dave, throw in some Star Wars figures and you'd be a hero, for sure! And no, nobody is watching. Do your thing.


    So now Jlynne is missing too? It's like herding cats around here.


    Taking today off work and while my goal isn't like Deb's (I'm sure I'll talk to someone at some point...), I do want to stay home all day. Well, other than a run. But my ideal day at home is just that. Stay out of the car if at all possible. We do have forest fires all around so air quality isn't great, but not bad enuf to keep me in.

      A needed day off of sorts as I only went to the gym for a general strength workout. I did do a good mile run on the TM, mainly to test my leg a bit, and it came through A-OK. I might even do a short run on the trail tomorrow morning, assuming I can get out there no later than 8AM to beat the heat.


      Strange typing that since, in my working days, I thought it was late if I started after 6AM!

      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"




        got my buddy heading back home.


        had to

        revise my plans when he needed to catch his breath after climbing a flight of stairs


        I think he felt better

        after the visit than when he arrived




        ...90-degrees and no wind


        .........65-min RC at soccerfield......


        had to

        get 3-days of junk food and beer out of my system


        will work on sleep-depravation this evening



        ......Good Running to Ya.............hydrate......

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

        Singer who runs a smidge

          Howdy, all!!  This is my last workday before a week's vacation, and I'm so excited!  But of course so much to do in the next couple of hours ...

          Yoga done, biking done, fixing to go for a walk, but the bottom of my foot ITCHES!!  I pulled off my shoe and scratched it thoroughly, but it's still a little itchy.  Hoping maybe the walk will work it out.  See y'all in a week!

          When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.



            had to

            revise my plans when he needed to catch his breath after climbing a flight of stairs



            One of the ladies I went to dinner with last night is much shorter than us other three - we're 5'8-5'10" and she's barely 5-foot.  But when we're walking with her, we keep her short legs in mind.  However, I was unpleasantly surprised when she was out of breath at what was our regular slow pace with her.  She's working to get some much needed weight off, but still . . . . even up to a year ago, she could've kept up with no problem. 

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance



              Here’s a poem I posted in a Facebook poetry to which I belong. It’s getting a bit of response, so I thought I would share it.


              #Brave Like Gabe

              Running can be a lonely sport.

              You only have yourself

              As you traverse the roads,

              The trails, or the track.

              At the finish line

              You may have come in

              First, last, or somewhere

              In between.

              But you finished

              With or without pain,

              With or without that

              Joyful feeling of accomplishment.

              Gabe was an inspiration

              With only limited days

              In her life.

              She ran to the end.

              Some die with their boots on.

              She died with her sneakers on.

              Long live those who follow

              In her footsteps.

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Dg - my doc told me last winter "It won't hurt the ribs to run, although it may hurt to run."  


                No run for me today - had to head out early for the drive to Columbus to give our presentation on VA benefits.  It went well, and I saw several attorneys I know from other conferences.


                Heading out to golf now.  Since it is 94 degrees, we may just drive the cart in circles to catch a breeze....

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Don’t you love Fridays?  I have a rest day planned, good thing since there is a heat advisory until 9 tonight. We finally started the AC but I really am fine without it.  At our house it was 81° upstairs, 79° on the main floor and 71° I the basement ( I need a blanket to be comfortable there).  The humidity was way different too and we don’t even have a dehumidifier.


                  I so thank you all for the support.  I have really isolated myself over this problem for a long time.  My SIL is the best, she’s a friend from high school and calls it like it is. My pastor even said “Lon and Angela are grown ass people!”  Yeah, I gotta let them fend for themselves.  I do think he is on the right track.


                  I plan to relax this weekend and play outside.  My long run of 4 miles seems really long but I can always walk.  We really need to get the garden planted soon.  We bought plants on Monday after getting home from vacation.  He had ample time to do it but, well, what can I say… My flowers are doing well, I just need to move the pots and planters to where they are supposed to be.

                  “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich


                    Joe--simplicity is always what I liked most about running. It's also something I'm reminded of every time I, lights, helmet, etc. etc.

                    Deez--12 hour shifts must be tough. My brother does those exclusively in the mill he works in. Rough.

                    Spa--hope you're more comfortable now.

                    dg--no idea about return times but don't rush it; ribs have got to be delicate.

                    dnaff--I had to google "Gladys Kravitz" Guess I missed that one.

                    Henry--nicely done. (And klezmer can be cool!)

                    tet--that's still a Rule #2 violation. And that's a lot of stairs!

                    Tammy--that road trip sounds like a nice idea.

                     Starr - You're not throwing someone under the bus when you speak the truth. 

                    Leslie speaks the truth, too.

                    Dave--I hear bribery is quite effective.

                    HopesMom--enjoy the vacation!

                    Starr--that seems like a good attitude. Isolation is never good.


                    Feeling better again today and think I've turned the corner for real this time. Still decided to lay low and just get a couple of little projects done. Replaced the cartridge in my shower and (I think) fixed the drip. Yay. Also, popped 8GB of RAM into my aging desktop without incident. It helped. Yay again.


                    I am going to try a little modest exercise tomorrow to test things out. Probably just a short hike.


                    Have a great weekend.


                    PS. Falconfixer--I have a former colleague and friend who grew up in Alabama and used to regale me with stories of the craziness there. (He's still in touch with lots of folks from there.) Anyway, he occasionally sends me little news stories about Alabama. Today's: "Alabama man accused of raising an "attack squirrel" and feeding it meth, is now behind bars. Police found Mickey Paulk in Killen, AL last night. Police say he took off on a motorcycle, rammed a police car, and had a gun when arrested. No word on where the squirrel is." Okay, then.

                    Be safe. Be kind.


                      Hey y'all, got up early and taught spin (sorry Tet, no streaming but if you're interested in profiles--with playlist--I don't mind sharing them).  Work.  Ran after work, just a bit over 4 miles (did a fair amount of walking at work).


                      Tramps, I'd say that's hysterical.....but I live very close to Killen (next town to our east)!  The race I do on New Year's Eve (starts before midnight) is run there.  DW hasn't mentioned that one, I'll have to ask her.


                      Have a greta evening everyone!

                        Western States starts tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m.!!  I can't believe I'm not there this year helping people not drown as they cross the river.  This sucks!!  But - The Hub told me he was proud of me for making the right decision and not going.  Pins and Needles.  I will be on pins and needles until the last official finisher crosses the finish line.


                        This year:


                        80 international runners

                        Kyle Robidoux - Legally blind runner, a first for WS

                        Dave Mackey - Left leg amputee - amazing story of perseverance


                        The front runners will be amazing, but my absolute favorites at the back of the packers, the chasers of the cut-offs.

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance



                          Western States starts tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m.!!  I can't believe I'm not there this year helping people not drown as they cross the river.  This sucks!!  But - The Hub told me he was proud of me for making the right decision and not going.  Pins and Needles.  I will be on pins and needles until the last official finisher crosses the finish line.


                          This year:


                          80 international runners

                          Kyle Robidoux - Legally blind runner, a first for WS

                          Dave Mackey - Left leg amputee - amazing story of perseverance


                          The front runners will be amazing, but my absolute favorites at the back of the packers, the chasers of the cut-offs.

                          Leslie, is that crossing the one named "Rucky Chuky"??  Or do I have that mixed up with another race?

                          Thanks for the reminder WS starts tomorrow.   I'll dial up the website to track it.   An amazing event, to be sure. 


                          Henry, thanks for the poem.   Very nice. 


                          Enjoy your sleep and your weekend all. 


                          I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   

                            10 trail miles 8:58 1120' elevation gain


                            Felt good to get out and run after a couple days of not very much.


                            Talkin' 'bout walkin':

                            My SIL is tall and walks fast (the one with stage 4 melanoma, finally started immunotherapy treatment yesterday). She walked a half marathon in 3hrs when my brother was running one several years ago. She wasn't racewalking, that's just her regular walking pace.

                            I've derived a steep uphill technique I call "cheating at racewalking" for long runs, ultras, etc. it would earn a "bent knee" red card AND a loss of contact caution. I've found this is the most economical motion to achieve the fastest/easiest pace combo when going up hills that are too steep to properly run.


                            Mrs Kravitz: many of you know I live in a marginal neighborhood that has both white collar professionals and generational urban poverty lifestyles. Well, the brothers at the end of the block inherited a bunch of money and bought all their friends/long time drug customers new cars. New Mercedes, Land Rover, Jaguar, Impala, etc. Well, that lasted about 3-4 weeks. Jag was in several wrecks, two of the Mercedes have been keyed and vandalised (brother's cars), and the Rover lost it's transmission in the middle of the street. Here's where our Mrs Kravitz comes in: the rover was eventually pushed out of the middle of the street to the curb, right in front of her house. She is covetous of the street parking in front of her house and used to put traffic cones out to stop people from parking there. The guy was living out of the Rover, and since it didn't move anymore, there was trash and pee and whatever on the street and curb in front of her house for a week. You can imagine how angry she was. The other day I see the City had come through and red-tagged about half the cars on the block, including the Rover. (This means that half the cars parked on the block did not have current registration tags) It's both a curse and a blessing to have Mrs Kravitz on your block.


                            Tramps: I read an article about that end of the season flu that took the CDC by surprise. Sorry you got it!


                            Western States tomorrow!

                            Prefontaine Classic RIGHT NOW! I think this is the first year I won't get a Pre shirt, my brother goes every year in Eugene and sends me a shirt. It's at Stanford this year because they tore up Hayward Field to build an abomination of a stadium. It's going to be like ants under a magnifying glass for people in the stands, and it doesn't even extend far enough to keep them out of the rain on rainy days! Worst of both worlds.

                            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              Here’s a poem I posted in a Facebook poetry to which I belong. It’s getting a bit of response, so I thought I would share it.


                              #Brave Like Gabe

                              Running can be a lonely sport.

                              You only have yourself

                              As you traverse the roads,

                              The trails, or the track.

                              At the finish line

                              You may have come in

                              First, last, or somewhere

                              In between.

                              But you finished

                              With or without pain,

                              With or without that

                              Joyful feeling of accomplishment.

                              Gabe was an inspiration

                              With only limited days

                              In her life.

                              She ran to the end.

                              Some die with their boots on.

                              She died with her sneakers on.

                              Long live those who follow

                              In her footsteps.



                                correction: I don't know why I thought Pre Classic was today, it's Sunday. I guess I'm used to the old schedule in Eugene.


                                Fun fact: I once red flagged PattiSue Plumer at the Pre Classic for deliberately moving out to cut off a charging Mutola and Suzy Favor. The disqualification was over-ruled by the rules committee, at the vehement request of Tom Jordan, mainly because they wanted Plumer to not be mad, and to come back to the meet in subsequent years.

                                60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying
