Masters Running


Friday 11/30/18 (Read 42 times)


    hoping for a check-in from Erika in Anchorage


    Well, I'm in Fairbanks, over 300 miles to the north. We had some good shaking that went on for awhile, but just the kind of rolling shaker you get when you're getting the outer waves of the action. Apparently there's some damage in Anchorage but I haven't heard of any injuries. It was "only" a 6.7 or so, and we're supposed to be able to withstand quite a few of those. The proximity to Anchorage makes it newsworthy as a similar quake out in the tundra wouldn't even be noticed by the news. We get a LOT of earthquakes, they're just part of life around here.

    Here's the link to our earthquake information center with details on the activity (you'll see a lot of magnitude ~4 as aftershocks in that area).


      thanks Erika. sheesh, yes, I do recall now you are Fairbanks, not ANC.  





        She drank Canadian whiskey
        Pure blended whiskey
        She drank it like wine
        Her eyes were the color of Canadian whiskey
        Pure blended whiskey
        So light brown and fine




        I've never been too much into poetry, but this is good. I'd read more if it was all like this.


        I did a few miles of walking today.  Took the route up the hill behind our condo so I could work a little harder than my usual stroll.


        Anchorage/Fairbanks who can tell the difference?  


        20 work days left in 2018 and at least 3 of those I'll be on vacation.  I wish management would stop trying to get more things done by the end of the year. 


        It's Friday afternoon and I have a pretty big software install on Sunday so my ability to do anything useful at work was fading fast.  So, I typed "Peter Frampton" into Pandora and up popped Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Steely Dan, The Doobie Brothers, as well as Peter Frampton.  It was like instant energy.  Not that I didn't already know that music aids computer programming work, but there was a recent article that backs it up:


        I vary the music depending on what I am trying to do and the time of day.




          IT Band improving...3.3 miles


          So much to comment on, no time now, will comment more to many of you later.


          Enjoy the connections.




          I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   


            A.m.  dog walking

            P.m.  dog walking


            one of of these days I’m going to wear my garmin when walking the dogs. I’m sure I put in at least 50 miles 😂.

            Trails Rock!



                So, I typed "Peter Frampton" into Pandora and up popped Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Steely Dan, The Doobie Brothers, as well as Peter Frampton.  It was like instant energy. 


              I vary the music depending on what I am trying to do and the time of day.


              Dave, you and I have almost identical approaches to music.


              I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   

                evanflein when I heard the news I did manage to remember you are not in Anchorage. But, from what I hear all of the buildings in Alaska are built to a very strict earthquake resistant code these days. I imagine you would be safe in your area with a similarly sized quake. In any case, I am glad you have not had to find out.


                I did "run" with my PT overseeing my activity. We went to the driveway next door to her facility. It is maybe 200' long. Yes, feet not yards! She had me run slowly a few laps. Maybe 5 all told. In the end, she decided she wants me to alter my stride to put less force on the hamstrings when I land. How do you alter the way you have run for say 56 years or so? (I have never had kids, when do they start running?) She is suggesting I get a pair of Hokas and see if those monster platforms will push me into a new gait. She said On might work as well. I have run in On and they were fine. There will be no runs next week since she can only oversee me on Fridays and next Friday I am off at a conference. My next run may take place the week after next.

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                  The earthquake is getting a lot of coverage locally - Erika - happy you're ok

                  great progress twocat

                  Jay - safe travels

                  waving hi  to everyone else!


                  brought the car in so 2 miles power walking in each direction. they offered me a ride home which i declined.  didn't realize that the downhill going home meant major uphill to get the car.  also several short walks in the 'hood - the final one for a pizza dinner.


                  super trivia - doc who operated on henry loves all music and varies from opera to rap to hamilton in the OR - at least according to nurse.


                  have a great evening!



                    Just popping in.  Once again killing ourselves over a $(**$& deadline.  This job is gonna kill me.


                    Erika - Glad you're okay.


                    Out ~

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                      Watching Alaska quakes-glad it didn’t affect Erika.

                      Walking the hood with Marj today. So far have been handling pain with a mix of Motrin and Tylenol- haven’t needed to fill script for narcotic.

                      cast off on Wednesday- would be nice to get back to running.

                      Have a good weekend all.

                        Glad you are well out of the way, Erika.   Scary.


                        1.7 miles on the trusty treadmill after work so 4.8 for the day and some uneven number for the month, but it's done.

                        Old doggie has a mass in her chest besides the lump under her jaw.  $550 later- xrays and biopsy.....  We'll get the pathology report back and see if there is some easy chemo pills or shots that we might try.  None of this is bothering her at this time.  She's glad to be home.  She's just so sweet and old.  I figure we are on borrowed time with her anyway.  She was over 13 when we got her 2 years ago.


                        We have a grand opening of a store tomorrow which will be the closest store to our corporate offices- it actually already had a soft opening.  Stores near the corporate office get a lot of "visitors" so they really have to be on their game.  They invited all the corporate office folks to come to the grand opening (900 or so of us) then realized that was not a good idea since the community is responding strongly and they don't want us to overwhelm the other customers, so they un-invited us.  I get to go anyway since I'm an officer and I want to because there will be free donuts!  So- my husband and I will watch the ribbon cutting and knock over small children to get to the donuts.

                        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                          4.5 more junk.


                          Faster avg pace, 7:57, but lower avg HR than yesterday. Go figure. Must be acclimating to running again.


                          We haven't had a notable quake here in a while, we're due. In typical CA blase, we guess on the scale and see who's closest when they happen. Internet ruins that game because cheaters will look at the USGS page to get the actual number. Last one we were in bed and I guessed 3.2, my partner thought 3.5. It was a 3.4 about 15 miles North and 2 miles deep. I haven't dived into the AK quake info yet, but from what I understand it's big but not many people hurt.


                          Dave59; oddly enough I had a dream about talking with Peter Frampton last night. I asked him wtf he did, and where, before "Comes Alive".

                          60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying



                            Henrun, glad the surgery went well and you're out walking today!

                            Twocat, YAY for the running!

                            RunnerKSA, $550 worth of xrays and a biopsy on a 15 year old dog seems a bit unnecessary to me - if she seems to be feeling okay, there's probably nothing major you're going to do for her at this point, right?   My two dogs are almost 14, and I'm trying to make their last months comfortable, but not sure how far I'd go to prolong their lives at this point.  You're sweet to adopt her when she was 13 already!


                            I met 3 friends for an 8 mile trail run this morning. It was overcast and mid 30s, but we picked a dry trail down in town and had fun.  It's so much easier to get motivated to go out for a run on a grey day when you're meeting friends!

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                              We were willing to spend that just to know with what we are dealing.  We won't do anything to prolong her life, but we wanted to make sure she wasn't in pain and what the signs of any advancement will be.  We needed to know where the tumors were.

                              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                                Glad to see that deez4boy had a fun 8 miler with her friends.

                                Erika, I had no idea you guys have that many earthquakes in Alaska. You is taper coming along?

                                Yipieee, Twocat ran today.


                                As  for me  no running,  I got the crud that is going around.  I worked on agency's budget,  attended 3 conference meetings and chat with a friend.  A day well invested if you ask me.

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
