Masters Running


T.G.I. FRIDAY!!! March 19 (Read 505 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    My DH told me he would leave me if I ever got fat.  


    My DH has told me several times that he would love me even if I got fat.  I think he says this mostly because HIS weight just keeps increasing.  He’s now at his all-time high.  Tender subject, because I don’t want to nag about it, but it does bother me, especially because of all his health problems that are related to it.  He's a wonderful husband, and I would never leave him because he got fat, but, being such a fitness fanatic, I really hate to see him gaining weight, and it angers me that he won't even try to change it.


    Dg – I was thinking that maybe this forced time off running might be exactly what you need to heal up those nagging hurt spots.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Nice to see us all racing again. Gives us something to talk about besides the weather, hair and spouses....two out of three I don't have.


      Slo, I really hope your DD recovers soon. It sounds really scary what you're going through.


      No run today, but I did finally lose the scary, purplish, bruised toenail which has been on my right foot for close to two years.....and in its place, a nice new one! (TMI? Sorry.) At least now I can dream of becoming a foot model.


      CNY and I are running the NYC half on Sunday...I hope this gorgeous weather holds out.




        . . . because HIS weight just keeps increasing.  He’s now at his all-time high.  Tender subject, because I don’t want to nag about it, but it does bother me, especially because of all his health problems that are related to it.  . . .  I really hate to see him gaining weight, and it angers me that he won't even try to change it.



        Holly - I feel your pain.  About 4 or 5 years ago, The Hub went in for a physical and was told that on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the worst), he was at about 7 for a heart attack.  High bp, high cholesterol, but will he do anything about it?  No.  Won't take an allergy pill during allergy season, even though he suffers greatly, but has no qualms about downing meds for bp and chol instead of working on losing weight.  His dad died of a heart attack at 49, and cancer is on his mom's side of the family.  *sigh*  I told him he just couldn't croak on me until the house was paid off.


        Slo - Doggone it.  Hope they figure out real soon what in the world is going on with your DD.  Very scary stuff.


        Ladies - My regular hairdresser has been trying to get me to cut my hair for years.  I should've listened to her a long time ago.  I say if you've thought it, just bite the bullet and go for it!!  It's hair!  It'll grow back!  Like I said, I don't have thick hair - not by a long shot, but my run yesterday afternoon felt so much cooler.  Regarding any DHs who prefer the long hair or whatever - they're not the ones who have to wear it and deal with it.  It's your head, do what you want. 


        Got home early yesterday and did my 3 miles.  Did a little forward running, a little backward running, a little grapeving, a little side running.  Felt good to work different muscles, although I'm sure the folks driving past me thought I was nuts.


        Tomorrow is my last looong weekend - 28/16.  Karen's out of town, but my coach has agreed to run 16 of the 28 with me, when I hit the trails.


        Have a good one~

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


          hopeful4ever I am going to second the drink away the issue tonight concept!  Heck, I have nothing to drink about and may try it!  More seriously, you might try just quietly looking for another job.  Worse comes to worse nothing appears.  But if it does think of how happy resigning will make you!


          Holly S. alas there is little you can do about your DH's weight.  It has to come from within.  Some people, like my late mother, just do not have the internal motivation to watch their weight, what they eat, or to work out.  Then there are those like all of us kooks around this forum who are on benders in the other direction!  At least he should be grateful you have not issued a "gain 1 more pound and I am outta here" notice!


          Yesterday DW went for a post-work run of about 4 miles.  That is very good news if she is going to keep training for her HM.  Having a running partner that she needs to keep up with, distance wise, each Saturday is a huge help.  It keeps her motivated to run mid-week so that she can handle the weekend run.


          For this weekend I have muffins set and for St. Patrick's Day (or at least the Saturday after) an Irish soda bread.  My guess is that with the terrific weather we have on tap for Saturday they will be big hits during the post run coffee klatch!

          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


            Leslie,  I'm glad you like your hair!     Good luck this weekend!!   ... how do you grapeving?


            Sue thanks for talking to your cardio path. friend!  That really is good to know.      ... here, we can make our own elliptigo.  simple.  Smile


            Long haired alien BQbyll,  (hmm, you are pretty tall.  maybe we're on to something here)  good luck hitting that high note!  How is Deb's back?


            Now my almost sleepless night is catching up with me, and i'm pretty useless at work.     I'm catching up with some old emails...      if you have time to kill you might like this.


            Holly, I was wondering about that too.   keep reminding me, ok?   I was thinking I should take time to stretch, use the tennis balls etc., things that I almost never get to.     How are things coming along with your ktchen project?


            I wonder how Nono & Renee the dog & Bayside & the kids are doing? 


            this morning my average hr was 162 & the max wa 184.  officially not an alien.   ;-)


            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              Well, no one has to tell me twice to drink ...... the assholes have been gone since 11 a.m. and won't be returning today.   SO, I went to the store and got some margaritas and popcorn for our afternoon treat!   Big grin    We always have something on Friday's, but when it is just the two of us (the worker's) we enjoy it so much more!!


              Dg - you and I have about the same HR levels.   I don't think you should run Monday morning.   The nurses usually tell you straight up - plus you won't be able to rehydrate yourself. 


              Walt - you don't have weather where you are?  Wink


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



              Marathon Maniac #957

                    How are things coming along with your ktchen project?




                Dg - we hope to have the existing kitchen tile chipped and scraped off by the end of the weekend.  We've finished removing the tile from the two landings and the carpet from the stairs and hall, but the kitchen stuff is proving to be more stubborn.

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949


                  Got home early yesterday and did my 3 miles.  Did a little forward running, a little backward running, a little grapeving, a little side running.  Felt good to work different muscles, although I'm sure the folks driving past me thought I was nuts.



                  Leslie.. sounds like more than 3 miles Smile

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                    I can't wait for all the race reports. I suspect theres going to be some pretty nice finishing times to be reported.


                    DD's hands, feet and lips are starting to come out of the Cartoon zone and look more human. I've seen allergic reactions own included....I've even seen a person go into anaphylatic shock.....this one is a new experience for me where she just kept getting worse each day. Usually the Prednisone puts it to bed pretty quick.


                    dg.......The sign of a true runner......"Uhm....Miss Surgical Nurse....Mind if I get a quick 6 in before surgery?"


                    Ok......better get back to it. I snuck into to work to get caught up and get some things laid out for my contractors tomorrow....times-a-wastin.


                    Later All !

                    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                      good news Slo!!


                      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                        Slo - Fantastic news about your DD!


                        dg - I meant "grapevining." This is the grapevine in eeexxtreemmeellyyy slow motion.  I don't have speakers here at work, but me thinks the demonstrator is talking way too much.   I stick my arms out in front of me for balance do some good upper body twisting.


                        Perch - It was suppose to be an "easy" 3, but how boring.  


                        I think we need to go to Mary's work for afternoon treats!


                        Well, it's absolutely stunningly gorgeous here for the last day of winter.  And since I'm the only one at work, I'm getting a few things done and closin' up shop!

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance





                          Well, it's absolutely stunningly gorgeous here for the last day of winter. 

                           It's kinda pretty here, too, and it looks like winter.

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                            Wildchild, we have the opposite of that here today.  Blinding sunshine and spring everywhere.  Temperature supposed to hit 63 but that seems optimistic to me.  I hope you stay warm enough with the woodstove.


                            I did an ez 5, was supposed to be 6.2 but I (no joking) was getting too much sun and had to cut it short.  My face looks a little sunburned now.  That's what I get for running without sunscreen at high noon.


                            Greta news SloHand!

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              I'm actually envious of all that cool-looking snow! 


                              Thanks for all the well-wishing.  Unfortunately, it's gonna be a hot one tomorrow; could be warmest day of the year so far.  I'm scaling back goals accordingly.  It would be suicidal for me to shoot for a PR.  In fact, I think I'll have to play it by ear, ease into it, and just see whatever the day brings.  I'm guessing somewhere in the 3:30's but who knows.


                              Now that Byll and I have both used up the too-hot-marathon mojo this Spring, we should be all set for for a cool Boston!

                              Be safe. Be kind.



                                Well, it was in the 60's in town yesterday, and is supposed to warm up again by Sunday, so this storm is just a minor issue.   And I could use a few more days to rest my leg so this weather is more helpful than warmth and sunshine.


                                The wood stove is keeping the house toasty warm.  Very hard to call someone to look at my furnace/hot water heater  because we live in the middle of nowhere and have a foot of snow in the driveway.  DH will fix it when he gets home. It's a pretty minor inconvenience for just a few days.  After all, DD and I are "mountain women."


                                I feel bad for those of you with "chubby hubbys."  Nope, you can't change 'em.  Mine's not chubby but I can't change his other bad habits...


                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
