Masters Running


40s 50s 60s+ On the Run - w/e 11/14 (Read 377 times)

    Leslie, I'm so sorry your having a painful time with that kidney infection.  I hope and trust that you'll get to feeling better very soon.  And about your report of the whole vo2 bod pod thing......I loved the report.....very informative and the pics are great.  Looks like you were having a fun time of it!


    BTW.......LMD loves Lady A too!


    Please get well soon.

    Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

      I did leave off the VO2 stuff.  (I went back and fixed it.  Thanks.)


      I stayed on the treadmill for only about 12 seconds more.  You'll probably understand this better than I do, Arla, and will have my coach explain it to me again, but the gist of it was:


      This time around when my RER (respiratory exchange rate?) reached the magic level of 1.10, my HR bpm were 163 as opposed to 176 last time.  This time it was 40.1 ml/kg/min v. 42.2 ml/kg/min last time.  Basically, I should keep my HR between 153 and 160.


      I was looking at it closer, and interestingly, at 5:00 last time, my HR was 170, this time 162, and the grade on the treadmill would've been about at about a 6% grade by then (if my math's right).

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance


      Hoodoo Guru

        Dallas - welcome! Those relays sound fun, I keep meaning to put one on the schedule somewhere. One thing I'm curious about is the expense - you have to rent a van and there's travel time, entry fee etc. - I assume this adds up?



        I got lucky.  Two weeks before the race a group which was sponsored by a local running store was looking for a member, so registration was taken care of and all I pitched in was $50 for gas and van rentals.  I think the registration for the event was $800 for a team.  Add van rentals gas and food and it gets to be a little bot of cash.  But it is divided by 12 people in this case.  So it may be a $150-$200 event for people.


        The other problem for me was that you had to sign up for a team months in advance.  I hate signing up for anything months in advance (I got married a week after proposing.)  So again, I got lucky that someone was looking for a runner so late in the process. 

        The tangents are moot.




        Queen of 3rd Place

          Leslie - ah, so they didn't look at VO2-max, they looked at VO2 at a predetermined respiration ratio - they stopped you when you were putting out more CO2 than you were taking in O2 (10% greater CO2 vs O2 - so you're going over your ability to exercise aerobically). What they saw is that a fixed RER, your heart rate is lower and your O2 consumption is lower vs. the last time you were tested - which means you're more efficient at getting blood moved around (your heart is stronger) and using O2 (at that point - so you likely have more capillaries and mitochondria etc. in your muscles). It's too bad they didn't look at where you maxed out, because VO2-max is a pretty good predictor of race performance. You can bet you're above 42! This means you could run, for example, about a 3:50-something marathon. On the other hand, VO2-max isn't just physiological, it's also mental (how hard will you push yourself?).  You can also, therefore, estimate VO2 max by racing on a flat course in ideal conditions, for example -


          You might also like to know that "normal" VO2 max for a woman your age is probably around 30 or 35! I'll bet for the average couch potato it's even lower!


          Ev - LMD and Lady A?


          Fun 10 miler yesterday with 3 sub-marathon-pace miles tossed in at the end just because it felt good. 



          Ex runner

            Leslie - ah, so they didn't look at VO2-max, they looked at VO2 at a predetermined respiration ratio - they stopped you when you were putting out more CO2 than you were taking in O2 (10% greater CO2 vs O2 - so you're going over your ability to exercise aerobically). What they saw is that a fixed RER, your heart rate is lower and your O2 consumption is lower vs. the last time you were tested - which means you're more efficient at getting blood moved around (your heart is stronger) and using O2 (at that point - so you likely have more capillaries and mitochondria etc. in your muscles).  


            Ev - LMD and Lady A?



            Yeh, that's pretty much what I figured.  I was gonna say the same thing, but you beat me to it.  Wink     You know some stuff, Arla!


            LMD=Lovely Mrs. Day (my DW)   Lady A=Lady Antebellum (country music group.   

            Leslie had commented on her blog about being a fan of Lady Antebellum.

            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

            Trails are hard!

              I stuck this in the marathon thread and then realized that he was wearing a Vermont 100 shirt.


              Frazz - November 11, 2010

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                Hope you're feeling better Leslie. That is some kind of write up you have.


                Giving the legs a rest today after an 11m @ 8:38's hill workout yesterday. Don't know how to copy the elevation profile to here but last night's route is my version of going up and down 90- 98ft "hills". Hey, it's all I got!









                  Hey Stump.


                  Joe.....there were 90 hills that were 98' high......or there were hills between 90' and 98' high?


                  3 easy miles for me this afternoon.  Nice and cool with a touch of drizzle.

                  Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                  Queen of 3rd Place

                    Stumpy - good catch - and funny, too!


                    Joe - you went up and down the same hill for a total of 11 miles???


                    Ev - oh I see...duh...I'll have to give Lady A a listen, I'm so very behind on the world of music - as in maybe 30 years behind...


                    Thanks for the info Dallas - so it ends up being about the same as a major big city marathon (I think New York is up to $150). I think that's going to be another 2011 goal.


                    Tempo workout today, with 2 mi at 7:50 pace - not so many weeks ago I could barely manage half a mile at 8:15, so I guess it's working.

                    Off to San Antonio this afternoon. I have not been there so am looking forward to some sightseeing on Saturday.


                    Happy Friday everyone!!!

                    Ex runner

                      Enjoy your trip arla


                      3 easy miles for me this afteroon.  Brisk fall temps with some rain.........nice!


            's the front end of the weekend, so get out there and enjoy.  Or stay in and enjoy.

                      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                      Top 'O the World!

                        Hey Gang!


                        Just a quick check in from a cool (28*) Fruita, CO....Doug is running Rim Rock this am...start was just about 37 mins ago....I'm on deck @ the finish liine in a few...Since we had enough volunteers on deck, I didn't have to do parking enforcement @ O'dark-thirty Wink so, after I dropped Doug off at the shuttle buses, I ran around the park for a quick & easy 3 ....  I can't go watch him on the course & I don't expect him in very quickly....we drove it yesterday Shocked Holy Crap Batman!!!  2,000 vertical feet climb, run continually rolling hills around the bluff, then 2300 descent!!!!  hmmmm.....will check in with youse laters 'bout this one!



                        Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                          Congrats to Doug and you to Mtn....


                          3 easy miles for me this early afternoon.  Settling in for some OU football, followed by OSU later tonite.


                          I see evryothr post is from me........where is evryone?


                          MTA.......3 easy miles this morning.  Beautiful weather.


                 gonna take it easy on us today?  The Giants and the Cowboys that is.....

                          Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM


                            Ha Ev! That was the kind of game that can turn a season around,and send another into the tank. Complete with a blackout, a pretty exciting show!








                            Trails are hard!

                              Hi all.  Guess I've been sort of silent this week.  I think it might have been what passed for taper.  I had my half today and it went very well.  Started with perfect weather (40s and not much wind)  Ended up with a 2:07:21 for a 21 minute PR.  I stuck with the 9:30 pacerr until about mile 9 and then dropped off a little.  I think if I hadn't missed a couple weeks of speed work and a long run I might have hung in a little longer.

                              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                                I may not be making myself clear on what we did at the VO2 max test, which is not uncommon on my part.  They didn't stop the treadmill without my authorization - until I felt I could not go any further.  Then they looked at where I had maxed out then figured out where my HR should be without going anaerobic.  Are you interested in seeing the reports?  If so, email your fax number to me at fatozzig at yahoo dot com.


                                I'm really tired from conference.  This is my first time on a computer since Wednesday.  I'll have to go back and see what you all posted.


                                Right now . . . *yyyaaawwwnnn*

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

