Masters Running


May 3 and back to the US (Read 53 times)

    Starr - My prayers for you and your family ~

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance


      Starr - my thoughts are with you.

      Steve, your post yesterday made me cry....

      Stumpy - I think I have Stumpy sympathy pains in my foot.  I was limping yesterday.  No idea what I did.  A bit better today so I might try a run later.  It is supposed to go up to 81 on Sunday and 86 on Monday.  Really hard to believe for this region, for this time of year, so we will see.

      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

        CNY, congrats to your son.  steve, I hope things work out for the best for Ramon.  You're a good foster grandpa.  henrun and marj, welcome home.  starr, my condolences to you and your family.  Tall, great job on best run in years.  lame, congrats to your daughter on her college acceptance.


        Nice long runs for mari and Twocat.


        This morning, it was in the mid 50s when I went out and in the 60s when I finished.  There was also some wind.  When I started, I hoped to get my routine 8 miles in and also hoped to keep it under an 11 min. pace.  Well, one thing led to another and I ended up with 13.1 miles at a 10:42 pace.  That's my longest run in 13-14 months.  Included in my route were some decent hills.  I'll feel it later today and tomorrow but, right now, I'm happy.


        A good day and good runs for all.



          ((((StarrRuns))))     I'm so sorry.   Robin's right... what a bittersweet weekend.


          Tall it's good to see you!    Glad you're doing well!   And thanks for the smile reminder.

          Karin I'm so glad to see you roar ; )


          Happy Birthday OM.    Have fun this weekend!!


          Bylll.... more triathlons???


          go everybody!   thanks for the listing Jay!


          6 miles this morning.


          safe travels henry & marj


          mta,  wtg TomS!!
          Kevin, foot hugs.

          Karin, wtg to the kiddo!

          I know I'm forgetting things.....

          mustang sally

          Bad faerie

            Peace to you and your loved ones, Starr.


            I know I've been away awhile, but I seem to be hearing a running theme of, "I am rebuilding" from many of you, my frens.  Now, when I bought a purple minivan, I suddenly saw purple minivans everywhere, and maybe this is the same sort of thing, for I, too, am rebuilding.


            So congratulations to those who are racing strong right now, and empathy with those who are digging out from injury, sloth, or Just Life.


            I look back a few years and remember when I'd get cross with Coach for sending me out for just an hour.  What a waste of a load of laundry that seemed to be.  I haven't run more than 10k since December - my "long run" is 45 minutes.  But it will come together slowly.  I still don't know whether I'll race much or at all this season.  The fire just isn't in me right now.  But I do love to move.


            So I run on roads and trails and ride my bike with friends, occasionally getting sucked into the Wednesday Night World Championship Sprint for the city limits sign.  And I swim (although under duress), and I discover new, creative ways to crash cyclocross and mountain bikes.  The woman who waxed my legs for me last night was simply horrified when she saw them, pasty-white middle-aged legs festooned with bruises and scrapes from my last few MTB Adventures.


            Hmm.  Time to run to the pharmacy for some self-tanner.  Smile


            p.s.  Bongler, you aren't a beginner.  Knock it off.

            Avenger Doggie

            protector of my dad

              Henrun, I like it when Mom and Dad get home and all of their clothes are dirty. I can tell where they've been and what they did.


              Starr, your mom sounds very nice. I bet she is happy to see so many friends.




              My roar isn't about speed anyway----just a roar of joy to go run run run!. :-)


              Time for exec-drag...

              FTFY...Is "Exec-drag" when a Dad dresses up like a Mom who works in a office? Because that happens here a lot.


              Stumpy, it is sad for me when I have a boo boo foot. It would really be sad if I only had two feets and one hurt.


              Wildchild, make sure all of you get ice cream of OM's birthday. And Cake.


              Two Cat, Did you chase any critters in Ireland?


              HHmmm Mustang Sally, Maybe Dad should get his legs waxed too so when we go run run run, his thighs do not smell like burning bacon.


              Some people have said nice things about Dad and that is nice of you. I see him every day and he freaks me out a lot! It's just weird.


              Me and Dad are going run run run more now!!! It is fun fun fun!! Today we went and got Honey and me and her were both on leashes. She was good a lot of the time, but some of the time she is a pain and I had to keep her from trying to sniff out critters. There is a time for sniffing and a time to go run run run. This is nice, but I like trails better because I can go all by myself and when I see a critter, I can get 'em get 'em and make them go run run run too! Me and Honey saw a big rock in the road. Then the rock stuck out a head and some legs and started to walk!!!! Me and Honey pulled Dad to see it and everything sucked back into the rock! I smelled it and good rocks don't smell like critters. Honey put her paw on it, but the rock just sat there. Dad picked up the rock and we took it to see deers whomp (Tag..It's a cedar swamp - SteveP) and he left it there. He said that kind of rock is a "Turtle".



              I thought turtles were made of ice cream. I sure don't like that kind! On the way back, one of the pretty women at the bank made Dad stop and me and Honey got treats. Honey took her treat and put it down so she could ask for another, so I dropped mine and ate hers and when she got sad, I ate mine too! It was a great time.

              Sniffing Butts, Tag


                Hi Everyone - quick drive by and I'll catch up later but I wanted to pass this along.


                My local runners club marathon here in Carmel IN is giving a deep discount through Sunday. $37 for the full. So for those of you close by this would be a deal. Its a great course and nice mid size marathon well supportive of the runners. I would be happy to host a party or even some folks at my house. Might be a nice Masters Meet UP (and yes it is a week before Boston but you need a long run anyway Big grin. I'm hoping to do both so there.)


                2014 registration is now LIVE and surprise, we moved our date one week earlier to Saturday, April 12th, 2014 for the 4th annual Carmel Marathon Weekend!  The date shift is because of the Easter holiday being observed the 3rd week in April and we did not want to compete with the Kentucky Derby Marathon or Country Music Marathon in Nashville. 


                Here are the our Thank You! registration fees available only until

                midnight, Sunday, May 5th:


                Carmel Marathon = $37

                Half Marathon = $30

                KeyBank 8K = $20

                Marathon Relay = $120/team 



                "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                  Starr - so sorry to hear about your mom. It's nice that your family will be together to celebrate a life well lived and a joining of new lives. Take care of yourself.


                  Steve - thanks for all you do to make this forum better. You're a great person.


                  Hi Deb! Hi Karin! Hi Tall! Hi MS! I love it when people we haven't seen for a while come back and spend time with us every day.


                  Happy birthday OM and good luck with your marathon this weekend. And good luck to all our other racers.


                  Kevin, good luck with that sore foot.


                  Avenger Dog, quit fighting with your cousin.


                  Erika - sorry about your sucky weather. The northern part of Wisconsin got 18 inches of snow yesterday. Here? Well today it was 39° with north winds of 20-25 mph. At least I don't have to cut the grass.


                  First session with my new personal trainer this morning. Holy crap - tomorrow could be ugly...


                  Trails are hard!

                    well, apparently I have Peroneal tendonitis.  The foot doctor gave me a couple of prods and pokes and does it hurt HERE? tests and said that's it.  For you Red Sox fans, this is the tendon involved in the famous "Bloody Sock", but mine is no where nearly that bad. So the perscription is 2-3 weeks of PT with limited running.  All the discussion of one or two 20 milers is sort of moot at this point, but I'm VERY happy I have a couple of extra weeks in the schedule.  looks like there may be a lot more elipticalling in my future.  May also pump up the tires on the the bike.


                    haven't found out what PT will involve, but I hope that it will allow some running.


                    Enke--Sympathy is nice, but please, no sympathy pain.  don't need that much companionship. Wink

                    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      ((((StarrRuns))))     I'm so sorry.   Robin's right... what a bittersweet weekend.





                      C-R - I'm in.  I don't have an Indiana marathon yet, and this sounds like a good race.  Just about a 2-hour drive - not bad.


                      Finally home and trying to get caught up, at work and at home.  Hardly any running this week while at the conference and no time yesterday morning with a late flight in the night before and early dental appts for me and the kids.  Still, not a bad week to be taking it easy.  Except for the fact that the out of town conference didn't help with my already-scary weight.  I am not going near the scale until I do some damage control.


                      4 slow and gentle miles for me this morning in 62 degrees.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        Steve - burning bacon... LOL.


                        I left work early, well, very early and hit the trails for 5 miles with the dog.  Literally hit the trails.  The dog stopped abruptly in front of me, and I tried to maneuver around him but must have caught my foot on a rock.  Full body plant.  Sore shoulder and knee, but no blood!!!  How rare!  A full Enke minus the extra gore points.

                        It was 67F, sunny like no ones business, and at 2 miles I couldn't take it anymore and took my shirt off.  I only traumatized one hiker.  Foot was ok.

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                        Avenger Doggie

                        protector of my dad



                          Avenger Dog, quit fighting with your cousin.




                          Well there's a few things she's gotta learn:


                          You can't tug on Taggy Butt's cape.


                          You don't drool in the wind.


                          You don't pull the mask off my big ol' dad.


                          And she best not mess around with Tag.



                          MTA:+1 on the full Enke - blood

                          Sniffing Butts, Tag



                            Happy Birthday, OM.

                            We had time this morning before getting to the airport to run a couple of miles on the hard pack sand of the beach where we were staying- a perfect way to top off 5 great days of cycling. We arrived in Boston 30 min ahead of schedule only to find that the computers were down at customs (apparently nationwide). After 40 min of waiting they decided to screen US citizens. We were the lucky ones since there were 5-6 planes that landed right after us. Now we're home facing dirty laundry and jet lag. But happy to be home and back to running shortly.



                               I am not going near the scale until I do some damage control.




                              Hi Holly.  I was thinking about you a little while ago, wondering how you are....


                              maybe I can do this marathon!   (maybe is such an easy thing to live up to...)   I have decided Not to sign up for anything way ahead of time, that's come back to bite me 3 times.   And so I guess that limits my choices.  But, being on the come back trail with so many others, I want to try (yet again) to do it right.   Which I didn't do this morning as I ignored specific doc yoda instructions... however.  tomorrow is another day.

                              I was thinking earlier, come back to what?   Middle of the pack?   AG wins (& maybe socks!) in cherry picked races?   Yes to both!  So.... a prudent course seems prudent.   Esp. since that will increase the chance of socks.


                              Enke, ack!   glad no blood, my falling twin.   I have found that when you fall while skiing, there's less chance of trashed skin.   fwiw....


                              Taggy I'm so sorry I won't see you this spring.   Take care of Roman, ok?    

                              Steve, how long till this thing plays through the courts?    I've already told you this, but I am so glad that he has you in his corner.   He could not have done better.


                              ok back to dandelion digging.   it's really fun.  any takers?

                                Love Mustang Sally's post.


                                Tselbs - Nice run!!


                                Stumpy - PT will probably do ultra sound and some massage work and will give you some stretches.  But allow you to run?  I think not, my friend.  Have I introduced you to the wonderfully exciting "Mr. Stationary Bike"?  Invigorating, indeed.


                                And speaking of Mr. Stationary Bike, about 40 min this afternoon, followed by about 30 min of core/strength training.


                                Boss let us go at 1:00 today for a "Sun Day."  She is such a wonderful person.  I love my job!


                                Okay - Off to do some transcription.  Later, friends ~

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

