Masters Running


Two's-day the 2nd Day of September Runs and Such (Read 548 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Good Morning! Out for 5 star-studded Brinkley miles this morning. Glourious morning with temps around 58 degrees with a cool breeze. 9:44 avg. pace - 158 avg. HR 300 crunches 25 push ups before getting attacked by a puppy. Cheers and have a Greta Day!! P.S. - I hope all goes well for Dark Horse!


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


    Marathon Maniac #957

      Good Morning! Mary – puppy attack sounds like a nice start to the day. 7 miles for me today in a muggy 72 degrees, ave pace 10:08, with miles #3, 4, and 5 at 9:56, 9:37, 9:54. Pretty darn slow, yet these are the fastest miles I’ve run since June. I can hardly believe the effort it took to run THIS fast. Still, it gives me a place to start from. Happy Tuesday!

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        Morning all! 8 mellow untimed miles for me this morning at 6:00 AM. It's gorgeous here and low humidity still---54F, clear skies and the school busses abound. My hips were a bit stiff in the first mile from yesterday's race and then all was well. I just enjoyed being out there trotting along. Have a great day. Karin
          I slept in today. Yeah, I know you all wanted to. But I really did it. Felt great. Bill

          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

            Good morning, all! Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. It was cool here this morning as well, but the humidity seems to be creeping back up a bit. 7.25 hilly miles @10:12 pace and 155 average HR. I had a nice wave from my lobsterman in the Sound. We installed a feeder over the weekend - to see if we can attract more turkeys. It's on a timer, so it flings feed twice a day right now. I walked out on the porch last night to take the dog out, and there was a very contented young doe standing under the feeder. I hope she shares with the turkeys ;-). Bill - don't rub it in. I was a stuggle to get up when the alarm went off at 4:50 this morning. Good runs to all!

            Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


              Good morning everyone. Back in the usual 4:30 wakeup (ugh) routine. It's pitch black outside! A quick 3.5 miles before school which puts me over the 1,000 mile mark for the year, a PR for me. It's supposed to hit 90F here today and high humidity - ought to be fun for all the kids in an unairconditioned school. Enjoy your short work week, everyone. Sue - you want turkeys in your yard? We saw about 10 or 20 of them on the golf course yesterday! Jeanne

              Hill Runner

                Good morning all, Boy, today sure feels like a Monday... I'm ramping up mileage this month in preparation for next month's Ridge to Bridge Marathon. 10.14 miles of hills @ 9:24...I felt a little sluggish for the first 6 miles but got into the groove by mile 10. Good runs to all today.

                Upcoming Races:

                Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13


                  Good Morning -). Mary, it was star studded, wasn't it. I was heading to the gym at about 5, & just stood & stared at the sky for a while. So much wished I was running outside. then I thought, I'd probably run looking up & run into a tree. Holly, glad you're making smart safe Wink progress & didn't have ill effects from your long run. nice runs, everybody. nice sleeping in, Bill. I got up with no problem. waking up was a different issue. So I slept in as I ran. Sue, it sounds fun to run by your own lobsterman in the Sound! At the gym, 4.36 miles, 9:39 average pace, 7:25 max. 169 AHR, 184 max. Miles: 10:28 9:52 9:16 8:45. So I liked that, but it sort of doesn't count because I had a couple of small breaks for socializing. A gym side effect. After that I did my first weight machine workout, which was recommended by my massage guy. (everyone should have a massage guy). These are to help heal my hamstrings, & just also are targeted for running in general. Just did 2 sets. I'm supposed to do 3, but time is a problem. Also wasn't sure about doing these after a run. the hamstring curls were a challenge. I think I like doing this, just have to figure out the best way & time. DH, I hope all goes well for you too. Keep us posted if & when you get a chance. TW. ... thanks for the suggestion. I'll try that! Twocat, wtg on your race. wt tromp the bunny. have a great day, everybody.
                    Late posting because our internet was down, but nobody posted yet -- what's with that? [Hmm, didn't see this somehow when I posted earlier. Sorry about that.] I have to leave for work now (at least it's only a four day week!), but got 5 GA miles in this morning with 4 20s striders in wonderful weather. I hope this weather stays for a while. 5.1 miles, 42:12, 8:18/mi, AHR 145

                    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


                      Certainly looks like NOLA dodged the big bullett..what a relief. Daughter's two "guests" are heading back this morning. True to the family tradition, my two nephews decided to stay & gut it out...they pulled an all-nighter at Rick's Bar in the Quarter..for those of you who remember 3 years ago, Rick's was the bar that stayed open 24 hours/day all through Katrina. They pilfered FEMA ice to keep the beer cold. TomWhite:
                      .......65-min HeavyHands run at trails, 2 1/2-lb boots, 2 1/2-lb hand weights......... .......very hot (80's) .........very tiring ..........VERY satisfying....
                      VERY nice...and sounds like it was VERY exhausting! Enke: Don't worry about one off've been doing great lately. Tet: I don't know...your pacing looked pretty good to me. Twocat: I think you had a fabulous race...jeez...temps were 13 degrees hotter than last year and your pace was only off about 15 secs/mile? That's terrific if you ask me. Nice job. Mary:
                      25 push ups before getting attacked by a puppy.
                      I know there's a great punchline in there somewhere...just can't think of it. Jeanne:
                      A quick 3.5 miles before school which puts me over the 1,000 mile mark for the year, a PR for me.
                      Congrats...that's great. You've already run more miles than I will for the entire year. 4 miles for me this morning on a very tough course...4 major hills & several minor ones...36:31 (9:08)..only had to walk once, about halfway up the final hill. Softball double-header tonight...I hate playing under the eyesight is bad enough as it is. DickyG
                        Hi everyone! I guess it is a rest day for me. And I need to write a RR. Teachers are officially on strike so no school for the kiddos. I think I'll tear my hair out if this goes on a long time, but fingers crossed, let's hope it doesn't. I enjoyed reading about Breger having slept in today. Now if only PDR and WRFB would report the same once in a while, I wouldn't feel like such a slug.

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          Houston, we've got a problem.. Ever since my 17 mile MP run 10 days ago, my left leg has been bothering me. I'm now convinced it is not getting better and is likely a stress reaction on the bone so I gotta shut down. I think I'm catching it early (compared to when I had tibia stress reaction in Aug 2006) so I'm giving it 10 days of no running to heal. Just elliptical and spinning until then. If this works there will be time to be in good shape for the Nov 2nd marathon. If I just keep trying to push through it will just delay and lengthen healing and recovery. 8 1/2 weeks til marathon. I've been injury free for 15 months and thought I could handle this intense training (288 mile month) but my leg says otherwise. There is ample warning that when you get into this phase of training the physiological conditioning is superior to the muscluloskeletal system and can lead to breadk down. It can happen so suddenly! My DD1 says "dad, maybe your getting too old for this".... don't think so!!

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            You've already run more miles than I will for the entire year. 4 miles for me this morning on a very tough course...4 major hills & several minor ones...36:31 (9:08)..only had to walk once, about halfway up the final hill.
                            Maybe not as many miles, but I just wish I was as fast as you.... Smile Perch - I am so sorry to hear about your leg, but you seem to be catching it early and making the right moves for quick healing. Wish I had been that wise earlier in the summer.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                              {{{{{{ Perch }}}}}}
                                (((((((((Perch))))))) Hang in there and I think you are doing the exact right thing---listening carefully to your body. You are such a smart and tough runner. I am guessing we'll still see you at the starting line on November 2. Karin