Masters Running


Thursdaily, 9.28.23 (Read 40 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Good job of struggling through 4.3 miles in some H&H, KSA. I'm glad the new Ghost Max shoes are winners. Good luck with the rest of the roofing work.


    Good work on getting in the loop de blocks in cats and dogs, Tet.


    Sorry you're feeling sick, Anne, and I hope it passes quickly. Nice 2-miler to test how you were feeling.


    Good park-circling walk with friends, Marj, plus work at the food pantry and Pilates. You do need some more down time, don't you?


    Good 20-mile ride, Tramps, with everyone and their brother out there doing stuff.


    I'm glad that MAT went well, Leslie, and I hope you continue to make good progress. My advice, based on recent experience, is to not PO the hammies.


    Sounds like a good, pondering run with DH, dnaff.


    Sounds like a good but tough and multi-lingual Peleton workout with the new instructor, Norm.


    Good luck with the new Garmin, Enke.


    Good 6.6 speedy-for-you crisp pre-dawn miles, moebo. You didn't wear the heels for your run, did you? 


    Happy 25th Anniversary, Tammy, and congrats on the surprise celebratory get-away.


    Welcome back, Lamerunner, new knee and all! Enjoy your new home in North Conway.


    Sounds like a good, colorful 3-miler, Wildchild.


    Nice 4.4-miler in some good Fall weather, Tammy.


    Nice Wednesday workout, Deeze, of a 30 minute PZ endurance ride, 5 min recovery ride, 2.7 miles of intervals, 2 miles easy, then a lot of stretching! I'm exhausted...


    Good 15K with friends, Twocat, after letting the animals out of the ark. Congrats on another losing Paris Marathon ticket.


    Good 2-miler, Steve, and good luck with the upcoming audited inventory. Great photo of one of the many good soccer players in your fam.


    I got out for my walk very late yesterday after a poor night's sleep, and then leading an early Zoom meeting. I had 5.5 hours of meetings yesterday, and was beat by the time the last one ended. However, the first 2 meetings were wonderful and productive. The last was a bi of a slog, but we got through it.


    I slept a little better last night, and got up and out on time this morning for 6.55 RW miles in nice 46° temps, under a nearly full moon that was sliding down the western sky before calling it a night. Then I did my usual 35 minutes of stretching and core work.


    Have a greta Thursday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Good morning Jay. Thanks for the start and another great recap.


      5.65 miles in muggy, overcast weather but decent temps for this time of the year. It was 65 degrees when I left the house at 5:15. Back to "blinky lights" again. 15 minutes of core and stretching after that.


      Off to the Salvation Army. Have a great day everyone.


        I'm taking today off work. Part of a 4-day weekend. I went to town (Gaylord) and ran on the North Central Trail. I put together a workout in Garmin Connect and did that. 10 minute warmup, 8 sessions of 2 minutes hard / 2 minutes easy, and then a 10 minute cooldown. I had to go an extra 25 seconds to get back to where I started because I was slightly slower on the return trip.


        Ended up going 5 miles exactly. Of course, Strava says I went 4.99.   I was thinking I'd like to do the hard sections at an 8:30 pace and eventually get my 5k pace down to 8:30. But that turned out a bit ambitious. Only one of them was 8:33. A couple other were sub 9:00 and the rest were low 9's.  But it is the first time in a long, long time that I tried to pick up the pace like that so I'll give it some time for my body to come around.  In my younger years, the pace I could run for the 2 minute hard sections would end up being my 5k pace. If I could string 10-12 of the sessions together in training then I could hold that pace for a 5k. I am not sure if that will work the same in my old age or not.


        I parked at a trailhead with a nice fire going and some facilities where I could change clothes and then walk half a block to a diner for some breakfast.





          Good Thursday Morning Folks!

          What a special group we have here to rally around those that are having tough times, or have had tough times and share their experiences in hopes of helping others, or at least letting others know they are not alone.


          I had forgotten about the tattoos - but yes, my same thoughts as Steve I believe mentioned at the end of yesterday's daily. It was my first thought also.

          Back to work today after my impromptu day and half off. I have shoulder PT in a few hrs and then I'm meeting up with the weekly run group at 6 pm. Will probably run 6-7 miles beforehand also so I can get in a 9-10 mile day.



            1500 m swim this morning.  Might sneak out part of the afternoon and do a short hike.  Schedule is better this week than it will be. maybe another run tomorrow. Knee doc is not super excited about me running, but I figure if hiking in the White Mtns (has he seen some of those trails??)  and skiing is "unlimited." I won't do much harm with an hour or so of plodding on a rail trail now and then. 

              Thanks, Jay.  Good work out there already this morning, gang!    Steve- love the pictures and I'm glad you've got some good soccer kids to watch.


              Went over to the path because I just couldn't face the neighborhood hills today.  Had a good 10K.  Dave- I ALWAYS add on the "Strava tax" of the extra 1/100th.  So 6.21 or 6.22 for a 10K.  I can't stand being short-changed.   I did pretty OK- HR crept up there a bit.  Saw 4 deer together in a field and this awesome bike rig that I keep seeing but never got a chance to take a picture.  The guy was helping a little kid riding to school fix something on his bicycle, so I got the picture.  The dog just sits there!


              No photo description available.

              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                That is a lot of weight on that bike - it would be hard to pedal!


                I agree with Tammy's comment - there is a lot shared and a lot of folks with tough experiences. It really is something.


                I did not sleep well last night and definitely have a cold/covid/some other mystery virus. I woke up overnight with body aches and it was hard to get back to sleep. I do feel better after taking some Tylenol this morning, and I don't have a fever. I will take a test at some point, but it doesn't really matter as I'll stay away from others the rest of the week at least. I had to cancel lunch with an ex-colleague for tomorrow but its fine...


                Fortunately I can do all of my work from home 


                  Anne, that's an e-bike. Love the dog!

                  I did eventually get out yesterday during a break in the rain for a casual 3 mile walk. Rain got me in the last 0.5 though.

                  Today I'll probably do the same. Hope to do a hike this weekend with MBE. He's been gone a lot, doing volunteer trail work.

                  I get my new Garmin Friday, and can spend the weekend playing with it.

                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                    Thanks for the start, Jay.



                    Fortunately I can do all of my work from home 


                      I'm grateful I can't do my work from home. 


                    Day 2 of no exercising.  Did another hot soak last night with Dr. Teal's soaking stuff.  Oh, and Jr. Mints.   My hamstrings are getting close to feeling normal, which is nice.  And I'm getting close to not feeling so run down, which is also nice.  Tomorrow I might try a walk after work.  We'll see.


                    Gotta keep it short.  I have a ton to do.  Later ~~

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                      Thanks for the start, Jay.

                      KSA---love that bike and dog! LOL!  That's gotta be an e-bike, right? It must weigh 150 pounds!


                      lamerunner--great to hear from you. Good post yesterday.  And I hope you're enjoying the North Country!

                      Jlynne--that sounds horrible. So glad you were able to move on.  Appreciated your post.

                      Mike--what a terrible thing for your mother to endure and for you kids to witness. Thanks for sharing, too.

                      Erika--Ugh. Another horrible tale but thank goodness for the happier turn of events.


                      If you'll forgive me for using my sociological hat for a of the basic points of sociology is understanding the connections between "private troubles" and "public issues," as one sociologist famously phrased it. That is, the things we experience as individuals and often think are "private," unique to our circumstances, or "our fault" are actually very often shared by lots of people and reflect broader social dynamics and power inequalities. Certainly the legacy of sexism and patriarchy (as witnessed by the stories shared the last couple of days) is one prime example. As many of you know, some 50 years ago, the women's movement used the simple but powerful tactic of "consciousness-raising" groups (or "rap" groups) to create a safe space for women to share their stories, see their common struggles, understand how "the personal is political," and begin to work for change. That sort of sharing and shining light on situations is typically the first step towards addressing them constructively. Nothing good ever comes from keeping such problems secret and hidden away.


                      On to running...I headed to the trailhead today and ran a nice 7.6 mile route, walking one particularly steep section. The dappled sunshine on the fallen leaves made it tough to see the small branches waiting to trip me up--a bit like camouflage--but I went slowly and stayed upright. A nice change from my usual routine.

                      Be safe. Be kind.


                        I’m so pleased that this group is supportive and willing to share some painful memories. Glad that these are memories shared by survivors. 
                        Lamerunner, welcome back.


                        Did some homework this morning for a weekly poetry course I’m taking online. Then my online stretch class followed by a 30 minute walk. Enjoying this early fall weather.


                        While many of you are playing with your new Garmins I’m becoming familiar with my new Apple Watch which I got primarily for the health apps.


                          Hey everyone and thanks for the start Jay.


                          This is a very open and supportive crew. Glad I get to participate and will try to be more present.


                          This is a true Norm story. Set up - if I ever invite you to go trail running and say it's ten miles, you can bank it will be at least 12. Last night I thought my workout was a nice easy 45 minute run. Nope, read the wrong day and my Garmin was having none of it. It was a 1:15 with 45 minutes of interval work. What I expected was 5 ish ended up being 9.3 in the rain. 


                          Grabbed a quick ride at lunch (hills was a brilliant choice ) and will run after soccer reffing tonight. Twocat - I get it. I enjoy being on the road but something about those classes is addictive. Frankly when the snow and cold weather hit, I can see my miles increasing dramatically.


                          Hang in there anyone and everyone who's having a tough time. These things too shall pass especially with the support in here.



                          "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                          "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                            Hey friends - chilly run with the SS crew this morning - I AM NOT ready for mid 40's yet!!!!


                            4 miles - 2 easy, 2 a little peppier, coffee with the crew, church, prayer group breakfast and some shopping - great morning!!

                            But even better - I felt a little tired after the morning adventures, came home and took a solid nap and I mean SOLID, like drooling and dreaming kind of nap!! Felt great!!

                            BUT - it gets even better - I have a 90 minute massage at 4pm and I am REALLY looking forward to being on that table!!


                            Thankful Thursday - I am thankful for this group too - like my real-life running group, we are so much more than just runners logging their workouts!!


                              Some days you go out for a run and all goes right. Other days . . . I had planned to do a bunch of intervals based on time. The second set were scheduled for 1 minute on, 1 minute off. I accidently programmed my watch for 1 mile on, 1 minute off.  Really not what I wanted. So I stopped redid the program in my phone and sent it to my watch. Started up again, and what do you 1 mile. What!  It was supposed  to be fixed! Resend the updated workout to my watch and yes this time it takes. Oy vey!

                              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                                Happy Birthday Doug (Roch)!  Have a great day.

                                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth

