Masters Running


40's on the Run -- Springing Forward (Week of 3/9) (Read 412 times)


    I'm feeling better. I went for a run tonight and had to breathe through my nose until I got warmed up-something about the cooler air (32 degrees) on my sensitive throat. I'm not stuffy which is good and the other good part is that my heart rate isn't going through the roof like it would if I was really run down and sick. So I'm going by that- I walked some hills, battled a northwest wind and made it home before dark. I'm not looking to set any land speed records on Sunday anyway. My best time at this race is 1:55:30 in 2005 (1:55:38 in 2006) so I'll be happy coming in somewhere under that. My best Half time is 1:54:34 last year on a way hillier course here in VT. I'm just going to have fun spending the next 4 days celebrating my birthday (40!) with a bunch of running friends and family and there just happens to be a half marathon in the activity agenda as well! Take care Everyone! As my business card says...Be Fit , Be Healthy...Enjoy Life! Kelly My Birthday starts tomorrow evening with my SO Jack telling me I need to be looking sexy by 6:30pm because we're going out somewhere-I'll keep you posted! Big grin
    If you never go fast, you'll never go fast.

    flatland mountaineer

      4 miles at our class last nite, with the time change it was in the daylight with some pretty springlike temps. Jonathan wants me to make one of my 3 milers into a tempo run. Heading to the field today, will get one rig set then turn it over to DW and I will run another one. Kelly good luck on your half! Arla hope u are getting over that crud Joe hope your injury turns out to be minor, u are doing the right thing listening to your body Leslie how did the sports massage go? Jewels did your toes get back to normal size?

      The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

      Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

      Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III

        Jewels did your toes get back to normal size?
        Too funny! Farmer Jim - Have fun with the tempo runs. The first time I did them I was like, "What??" . . . . but come to think of it, that's pretty much what I've thought about all my speed work. Tongue Hey - Have you heard that new Brad Paisley song, "I'm Still a Guy"? It's a hoot! Kelly - Good luck this weekend! Oh, and good luck tomorrow night with the bday dinner and sexy outfit. Wink Attempted a 4-mile tempo run this morning. I did my usual 5-minute warm up walk then stretched the hammies and hip flexors before I took off. Kept it nice and slow for the first 10 min, did a 10 min tempo, then brought it back down again, anticipating another 10 min tempo after a 5 min break. Well, at about Mile 2.75, my "problem" reared its head. I stopped and stretched again and tried to keep running, albeit at a much slower pace, and even switched between speed walking and slogging. I was at about 3/4 of a mile from my start point when I tried to slog again, lifted my right leg, and it went, "NOPE." Oh well. I made it home and spent about 15 minutes stretching, but I can tell it's just not right. I see the massage therapist at 10:00 today, and I hope she can work some magic. Hey - at least the whole dang thang didn't completely seize up on me like last year! See - I'm workin' on my "positive visualization." Have a good one, gang.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


          Just got back from a torture session with Tammy at CalCourts. I can already feel a difference! She said that the difference between my left side and right side was like working on two different bodies, the right side being so tight. She worked all through the hamstring, up through and deep into the butt muscles, through the IT band, and into my lower back. I had no idea what the IT band was until she told me, and she also said it was very likely the tightness of that is what's causing my knee to hurt. She did deep tissue massage and stretching, and showed me a couple of good ones for the butt. I'm going to see her again next Thursday for another session. I felt a difference as soon as I got up off the table and started moving, so I'm very encouraged. She recommended ice off and on throughout the day, and heat before stretching in the evenings (which I do anyway), and also said to get a raquetball or something like it and just lay on it on the different spots in my butt and hip that I know need targeting. Next week it'll be a full body massage. Boy howdy! I haven't had one of those in ages! . . . just sucks that I'll have to return to work afterwards . . .

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance


            Leslie, glad you got some encouraging vibes outta the massage today. Sounds like she "nailed" it right on the spot. Kelly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to, la, la, la, la, have one impressive running log! Woot, woot to you! Arla, those coughs are the pits...they seem to hang on of the gals at work came in to the office today to pick up some paperwork and was hackin' and coughin' all over the place, she even said she was running a fever. I told her I was gonna "spray" the office down with Lysol after she left. She laughed....(were co-workers/friends so she wasn't offended). r2, hope your tempo runs work out well with you. I don't do them too often as they always seem to flare up the bursitis in my knee. I would take an 8 mile 11:45ish pace over a 3 mile 9:45ish pace any day. Is that normal for most people or am I just wimpy with speed? joe, hope your knee thing is nothing serious and that a wee bit of rest is all you need. You are really doing great! A tad bit warm today....78 degrees....but got in a nice short run! Modified to add: Yep, the toes are back to normal! Jewels
            But in the end, I'm more afraid of not trying, than failing. JJJessee

            Queen of 3rd Place

              joe - you hang in there, we're rootin' for ya! Leslie - I thought massage was supposed to be pleasant - not when it's loosening up that really tight stuff, I guess - well, hope it does the trick! r2 - spring's finally coming for ya? Enjoy your tempo runs, but be careful, 'kay? Kelly - welcome to the 40s, officially! Arla

              Ex runner

                HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KELLY!!! Clowning around Clowning around Clowning around

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                flatland mountaineer

                  I did it, JB's prescribed run of slow 1.1 @1048 then .89 @8:54 then .1 walk then 1.0 @ about 10:48 again. I had a hard time regulating the tempo portion, was running 8:22ish for awhile(too fast), kept checking my garmin and adjusting. I probably need to slow down abit more, as I was dying at the end, hence the walk break. I did feel myself wanting to sprint at the end of my cooldown leg but resisted. NOt perfect but now I know how to pace it better. Easy 2 mi recovery tommrow. Happy Bday Kellly! Mtnchk is /was your NE trip? Good snow chances Sun nite, bright and clear here today(fri).

                  The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

                  Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

                  Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III

                  Top 'O the World!

                    {{{{{ HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLY!! }}}}}} R2: "ran" DD & baby to NE yesterday...up @ 5am, drove to Scb/Ger area for the required "loop"..beautiful morning....didn't hit rain till outside of Morrill @ 7:30pm....then, out of it by Cheyenne.... now........BIG time winter storm stuff this am up in the central CO mtns....windy, 37* & have Abby home for Spring Break.....guess I'll head to the dog park for now & see what I can do later....if she'll ride her bike for a couple of miles..... gotta pick up a race packet after work tom afternoon....Runnin' of the Green 7K, Sunday am uptown....
                    Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group
                      55 min of cardio this a.m., 15 min or so of stretching and use of the foam roller. A bit sore, but not too bad. I wasn't miraculously healed overnight, but hopefully it's a beginning. Farmer Jim - I do the same thing on my tempo runs, run too hard at first. It's hard for me to regulate what's going to be "pushing it," but still allow me to get my full time in. Keep up the good work! Sapph - Aren't you the one who saves the smilies stuff to your photbucket? Can you email me when you have time and outline how you do it? I can't figure it out. And right now, everytime I try to put a smilie in here, it ends up being a weird box. My email address is my profile. You'll have to separate it from my blog address. Thank you! Kelly - Good luck tomorrow! You're gonna do great! How as the birthday night?!?!? Jewels - 78 degrees. Ah! It's raining and a high of 50 here today. I know it's not freezing like the mid West, but I'm still very tired of it. Tomorrow's the last trail training run before our 30k next weekend. Only 1 1/2 hours of running tomorrow Yea! Have a great Friday!!

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance


                        If this worked, I think smarter than I am . . . . And this is for Kelly! MTA: Okay - it worked for now, but now the one I posted before is working, too. Geez Louise!

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                        flatland mountaineer

                          2 miles easy this morn, winter is back. LR for tommorow looks interesting weatherwise with snow predicted, maybe I can beat the storm but we really need the moisture. Hitting some frost in the fields so spring tillage has come to a standstill, back to the shop to get my planter ready. BTW 15.1 for the week!! and healthy too woohoo!! Smile

                          The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

                          Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

                          Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III

                            Good for you r2....hope the weather doesn't get too nasty for your LR tomorrow! Easy 5 this to go help my sister paint my moms condo! Have a great weekend all......Jewels
                            But in the end, I'm more afraid of not trying, than failing. JJJessee
                              Jewels - Have fun painting. I like it. It's the prep work that sucks. Farmer Jim - Good luck w/the LR tomorrow. Hope the weather works in your favor. More snow . . . and I was complaining this morning about the rain. Although, as I'm driving to Arcata to go run, I look to my right, and unbelievable! There's snow on them thar low hills! I didn't think it got that cold last night. 1.5 hours of trail today. Karen's dog, Charlie came with us, and he had a ball. He's a very well behaved dog. When we were on single track trail, he stayed directly behind and just to the side of her and never wavered. Hip flexor started nagging about 15-20 minutes into the run, and it was bothering me some toward the end. Hopefully with all the stretching I'll be doing over the next few days and another massage Thursday, this won't be a problem next weekend. But hey! Guess what I've got conquered (knock on wood)?? My blisters! No new ones in 2 whole weeks! Woot woot!! Thank goodness something's going right this round. Well, it's off to finish some cleaning. I already vacuumed and picked up my portion of our bedroom. The rest is up to the hub. Oh - Bought a set of pet stairs for our old cat. Now I gotta get him to understand that they'll actually help him when he's getting off our bed. I've tried to get him to go up and down a couple of times, and he just looked at me like, "Are you nuts? What're you doing to me?" Confused Poor old dude. Hope the rest of your weekend goes well.

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance



                                Thank you for all the birthday wishes!! Jack took me to a nice little restaurant Thursday night for dinner-this was the start of a busy weekend. Friday I ran with my friend Aliza in the afternoon and Friday night saw "Spirit of the Marathon" movie. RunVt, the organization that organizes the KeyBank VT City Marathon brought it in since it wasn't shown anywhere in VT or within any reasonable driving distance of Burlington. I almost sent a nastygram to the film co for excluding VT. Saturday I spent 2 hours with 2 three year olds who were not really too interested in learning how to ski without their Mom or Dad around. My patience was a bit thin since I wasn't feeling well. By 4pm I was in a 12 passenger van with 10 men on my to New Bedford, MA. We stopped in Manchester, NH for dinner where after dinner the waitress brought out a cake and sang Happy Birthday. Jack had the cake stashed in the van with balloons and a gold tiara for me to wear! I did well at the race. I finished in 1:52:22-I was aiming for 8:30 mile pace and averaged 8:35-close enough! I finished 45/104 in the 40-44 age group. I took 3:02 off of my best time for this race from 2005 and 2:12 off of my best half time from last year on a much hillier course. I hope everyone had a good day today! Leslie-glad to hear no new blisters and the massage is helping. R2-hope the weather turns in your favor for planting. Jack got some of our veggies started last week inside. Take care and off to this week's thread! Kelly
                                If you never go fast, you'll never go fast.