Masters Running


Friday Dec. 28 Masters and Beyond Runs (Read 781 times)

    Hi All, Got 6.2 miles done on the TM. Last 5K was the "fun run" with hills. I am starting to think I'm crazy for signing up for Eugene. My knees start complaining anytime I top about 40 miles/week. Time will tell. Ribs - that cracked me up. Congratulations. I'm almost there with over 21 yrs wedded bliss, believe it or not. Erika, your picture was great. Now I KNOW I'm a wimp. Please don't get frostbite! I have been eating chocolate, drinking wine, baking banana cake, sleeping a lot, and the scales are now accurately reflecting my gluttony. Tongue

    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

      heading for 340 for december and 2450 for the year.
      Wow, 340 for the month and you are tapering.... For me...2182 for 2007... Today..out in the early afternoon, 4 easy miles with 5X100's..legs felt light and easy...a good sign...I had to keep slowing the pace and still ended up with a 8:53 overall when it should have been mid 9's. Even though this is the first week of taper I still have some tough quality workouts left. Tim, Ardmore, OK.

      Marathon Maniac #957

        For me...2182 for 2007...
        Hey Tim, you and I are neck-and-neck - I have 2186 for 2007 right now. I wish I could compare that to 2006, but the graph feature will apparently only graph the current year. I may have to go back to the CR log to find out how many miles I had in 2006.

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


          Popping in to say congratulations to Ribs and the Saint! I am sure there is a really good explantion for those missing years.... May you be blessed with many more years and miles!

            So, I see taht MC aka "The Sun God" did brake free from jail. 340 miles in one month? Wow man you a stud. Where is the bowing emoticon when you need one. Welcome back, we missed you around here. Congrats to Mr Rib and the Saint. We will expect a full blown report tomorrow. Enki, what kind of training plan are you using for your first mary? Are you running your sessions too hard, or too fast? I find out that by following the Mc Millan calculator helps me not to commit the sins listed above. My new coach also is helping me to stay fairly closed to what the calculator says I should running my different sessions. Just be easy on the miles for the first one. Just focus on the LR and try to stay injury free. You can do it sistahhh.

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

              Spareribs and Mrs Ribs Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Hope you have a wonderful time. Enjoy Tall DH and other posters...thanks for your pacing adivce but I like to think I am hmmm quite proficient.

              Recent Best times: None recently

                No running today, but I just got back from a good strength workout at the rec center. I'd like to do another run with the club tomorrow, but it's at 8AM and the weather looks a bit iffy. We'll see how that goes... Nice to see everyone else who got in some good runs today. And congratulations to the Ribs couple! Quite a milestone, and your 25th to look forward to in just a few years.

                Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                  Dear Butterfly princess, I was planning on an 18wk/55 mile Pfitz-ish plan, minus much of the speed work (It will end up being whatever I can handle, so probably won't look like any "plan" in the end). I looked at HH plans (you said you followed these) and a few things bothered me about them. The 20 milers are all 2 weeks apart, and preceeded by MP runs of 10 miles for the most part. I don't like the idea of doing a 20 miler already tired. The other runs in the schedule, well, some are just really short, like 3 or 4 miles. I think I'd be better prepared doing fewer but longer runs with cross-training 2x week. Oh, the one silly thing about Pfitz's plan is the short intervals later on in the schedule. I think he even talks about how pointless it is to do half mile intervals when training for a full marathon, but then includes them in the schedule. Ok, if you are a sub-3 guy I guess. I don't think I'm pushing that hard, but will take your advice and slow down a little. Any veterans want to chime in? I am doing about 30mpw, I had many 40mpw weeks last fall (8 of them). Two years on my feet. Can I build to a 55mpw week (in 8 weeks) when the most I have ever done is 44?

                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                    My mind got real active at the suggestion that Tall gives a "race report" for his hot date. Subjects like......Fashion report......getting rid of articles of clothing no longer needed....description of the race partner.......heart rate.....pacing......explanation of the course......finishing the race...etc...... It all would work but I am not going there. Congratulations to the Ribs.....that is simply wonderful and I trust your celebration is wonderful as I am sure it will be. The "carrot on a stick" when it comes to running can be a horrible thing. I finished my 1,000 miles for the year and had promised that I would reward myself by resting for the rest of the year. Well, I ran 505 miles last year, which means that if I ran another measley 10 miles I could be able to say I doubled my miles (for the 4th year in a row). The problem is, where does the carrot ever get taken down? Happy New Year everyone. I am off to Atlanta for a few days.


                      Ran just over five mile at 3:30 pm. Trails were a bit soft but gentle on the feet! Happy anniversary To the Ribs! Chris
                        ran 4.5 this morning legs are still recovering from the 50 + in Scotland last week. run long run well
                          Hey Tim, you and I are neck-and-neck - I have 2186 for 2007 right now. I wish I could compare that to 2006, but the graph feature will apparently only graph the current year. I may have to go back to the CR log to find out how many miles I had in 2006.
                          Looks like you will beat me this 2182 already includes my expected mileage. 2240 for 2006... So i am slightly less than 2006.. Tim, Ardmore, OK.
                            Happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Ribs! Well, we are definitely getting our snow fix in Milwaukee. Snow had started by 9:00 and just slowed down late afternoon. I'm guessing at least 8 inches by now. Staying at a nearby hotel with my sister and two nieces who are visiting from Minneapolis with my kids, sharing a suite (with pool, of course. A necessity). My eldest sister lives in a condo nearby with her daughters, 16 and 21. Mom is still here visiting, too. So, it's been a cozy few days. heh heh. Running helps. Smile Headed out on the Oak Leaf trail around noon. Perfect timing as a parks dept. mini plow was just coming back in the other direction and told me he'd gone up a ways. I ran 3 miles out on trail with maybe an inch covering, and then ventured into unplowed territory for another mile. Needed snow shoes but the ice grippers helped for sure. I'd have to periodically stop and stomp off clumps. By the time I turned around my tracks had disappeared... gorgeous, solitary, winter run -- field, forest and little bridges over creeks. This trail has it all. Milwaukee County has done good. We've been hunkering down all day -- kids have been outside enjoying the snow much of the day. Playing board games. My eldest sister reigned over Scrabble as usual...
                              How'd I miss this? Happy anniversary, to the happy ribs couple!

                              Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                                I did a fast 45 minutes on the eliptical AND got a great stretch from one of the trainers at the gym. Congrats to the Ribses--I wonder how many years Mrs. Ribs regrets? Evil grin charleygross, love the hat. yessirree, tall, we'll be looking forward to the RR on your weekend, with the splits! grins, A
                                Masters 2000 miles