Masters Running


Wednesdaily, 5.2.18 (Read 39 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Tuesday’s workouts:
    Tramps (22 mi. morning bike ride)
    RunnerKSA (2 one-legged miles)
    Deeze (core class, 30 min on ARC trainer, 10 min on rower)
    Henrun (30 morning min of indoor cycling + elliptical & weights)
    Fatozzig (3 EZ morning miles with speed spurts)
    Pfriese (EZ 5 recovery miles in new shoes)
    Anzlo (5 morning miles at overall 10:30 pace)
    Holly (4.6 morning miles in 45° temps)
    Bioguy (8 bike miles)
    Catwhoorg (5 lunchtime miles + 7+ post-work miles)
    Surly Bill (4.25 mixed tempo miles before weekend track meet)
    Falconfixer (early 3.4 run/walk miles)
    Tammy (4 nighttime miles)

    Good runs & walks yesterday!


    I'm glad your vertigo was short-lived, Deeze.

    Lotta talk about time limits and teeth yesterday. Most of my back molars are gone, with no replacements, and I’m doing fine without them.

    Looking forward to more details, Falconfixer.

    6.6 fartlek RW miles this morning in 57° temps. My pace ranged from 12:28 (EZ warm-up mile) to 10:27, with an overall average of 11:12. I’m good with that. Clear skies this morning, and wild turkeys and owls having conversations in the trees.


    Have a greta Wednesday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Healing vibes and healthy teeth for everyone.


      5 mile on an already-warm morning.  Upper 80s today, 90 tomorrow.  For better or worse, it's here!


      If you didn't see it, a pretty cool game-winner for the Caps last night. 

      I know, I's just one game but still...

      Be safe. Be kind.

        I guess we are definitely an older group when our issues center around teeth and injuries.  We're still plugging away, though.  Kudos to us.


        2.5 miles on a sunny, warm morning.  I was prepared to just do my streak mile, but ran very slowly and gingerly and my leg did well with almost no tightness.  My 4 hour flight today won't help, but at least I had a more comfortable time outside this moring.


        1.5 miles after I got to San Francisco after s long travel day.  The Embarcadero was crazy crowded at 7:15 pm, but I wanted to get outside.  Now having a beer and dinner!


        Good day everyone.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Great win for the Capitols last night. No need to even play the next 2 games. Just give them the series now.


          My calves are really tight, so at the gym last night I used the ARC trainer instead of the treadmill. There seems to be less calf stress on the ARC trainer compared to running. I also used some weight machines in a futile attempt to improve upper body strength.


          This morning I went to the park and did some loops around the pond. The crushed gravel is gentler than asphalt and if something flared up I could stop any time.  I ended up with 4 pretty slow miles but no calf problems.


          I got out "The Stick" and I have been rolling and stretching.




            Windy, warm, & muggy here, we went to summer in a hurry. A nice sweaty 8.5 mile run for me this morning.




              An easy 3 miles this morning at 10:30 again.  At this point I just want to keep my legs fresh for Sunday.  Jaw is better but my tongue is still sore making it hard to eat.  I won't starve.


              Have a great day!

              65+ Bests: 5K-26:11, 10K-TBD, HM-TBD


              Marathon Maniac #957

                Howdy folks!


                The forecast for Sunday went from 10% chance of rain yesterday to 80% chance today.  I try not to look at weather forecast around here very far ahead of a race because it changes daily.  We shall see.


                4.8 miles for me this morning in 60 degrees.

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                  Hi all,


                  no run for me today, which is a shame since it's so nice out.  But I have a meeting at the HS this evening to finish up our last minute planning details for an all school competition event taking place this Sunday afternoon. The 3 area HS have a great afternoon of fun yet competitive events. some are physical like the obstacle course, or relays, and some are geared towards brainiac stuff like trivia contests,etc.  Each school  is also judged on school spirit, decorations, theme, etc. Our HS has won 4 yrs in a row, so the pressure is on to keep their streak alive. We have some fun things planned!   Hard to believe we are near the end. Seniors last day of school is just one month away - June 1st. and graduation ceremonies are 6/6. David is down to only about 16 or 17 days of actual school since he'll be gone for a few days for tennis Districts and then another couple days if he qualifies for State.  It all went by too quickly. 


                    10 min of stat biking this a.m. with 1 min hard, followed up with about 20 min of hip, glute, core strengthening.  Not too extensive since my race is Saturday, but enough to remind the bod that those things need to stay strong. 


                    The muscles in my left leg around my knee have been tight the last few days.  I foam-rolled it like crazy last night and it helped some.  I think I will be getting up close and personal with the roller again tonight.


                    I can't wait to get outta here for a few days!!  . . . .Wait . . . I already said that yesterday, didnt' I?  It's still true!!

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                      Windy, warm, & muggy here, we went to summer in a hurry. A nice sweaty 8.5 mile run for me this morning.




                      Same here...but I did 2.1 sweaty miles.

                      Trails Rock!


                        Windy, warm, & muggy here, we went to summer in a hurry. A nice sweaty 8.5 mile run for me this morning.




                        Similar here too, except it wasn't windy. 6.1 sweaty miles before daybreak.

                        Started running at age 60.

                        AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

                        AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


                        Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.

                          This going from 50s to 80s has been a shock to my system and I'm feeling a bit fatigued. Rode 23 miles yesterday with my usual Tuesday seniors' group and felt a bit beat up for such a short distance. Nothing hard today, but I did walk back home a couple miles kalong the trail after dropping the car off for some minor work.


                          After taking a demo ride last weekend it looks like my DW will soon be shopping for an ebike. I just hope she lets me borrow it once in a while; those things are a blast!


                          Have a good run everyone if you haven't already!

                          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                          Trails are hard!

                            This going from 50s to 80s has been a shock to my system and I'm feeling a bit fatigued.


                            Amen to that.  it was low 40's on Monday and 89° today.  Down in CT for a big project end of construction/start of startup cat herding exercise.  Spending a lot of time trying to figure out why our field supers have not killed several of the contractors. There is still time, though.


                            We're only working half days, but for some reason i have yet to find time to find the hotel TM.  Maybe by the end of the week.

                            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                              Question for all you computer gurus:


                              In Excel - Is there a way to make the height of a box adjust to the amount of dialog that's entered?  I know to make the box "wrap text" so it stays in that specific box.

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance


                              an amazing likeness

                                Question for all you computer gurus:


                                In Excel - Is there a way to make the height of a box adjust to the amount of dialog that's entered?  I know to make the box "wrap text" so it stays in that specific box.


                                I do think the 'wrap text' format is what you want. The cell height will adjust to accommodate all the text entered.  As you change the width of the cell, the height will adjust to fit the text.


                                Wrap text in a cell
                                Wrap text automatically In a worksheet, select the cells that you want to format. On the Home tab, in the Alignment group, click Wrap Text . Notes: Data in the cell wraps to fit the column width, so if you change the column width, data wrapping adjusts automatically.


                                Note -- if you have manually set the height of the row (that is turned off Auto-Fit), then the cell will not adjust height as needed for the wrapped text.

                                Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.
