Masters Running


Tuesday 2/15 Daily (Read 469 times)

Renee the dog

    Tim - pardon my post, but ARE YOU FLIPPIN' CRAZY?!!! Do you know what kind of damage you could end up doing? You could end up with permanent nerve problems. Or - worse - this could affect your running gait and you could screw up your legs, your feet, your ....... The doctor told me that prednisone and/or pain meds are a TEMPORARY solution, and they shouldn't be used on a regular basis as a fix for pain. Your body is trying to tell you something is wrong. Please - don't mess around with this.


    I always knew I liked JLynne....





    Big grin


    Say what you feel Sister!


    GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

      ...tim// you may have gathered, not Big Fans of Masking Pain here.....


      so I'll digress....



      ....back in the 70's


      I worked at the Closest DrugStore to KeeneLand RaceTrack  in Lexington....


      the trainers

       put the horses on ''Bute''.......butazolidin Alka

      horse won the race,

      tore himself up doing it


      they shot the horse.




      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


        HI  Wink     I'm trying to catch up but can't. so far.   I started skimming Saturday (added it to my training log) ....      welcome HeeMee & winejunky  :-).

        wine is our friend. (especially if taken with water chasers... )


        Nono, wtg!!!


        tw, so happy about your boots.


        recent running, 7.125 this morning, with some weights after.    Sunday was 13, & outside which was really fun.   I felt like carp to start and then had a surprise happy run.  


        so sorry, I have to get back to work.     hugs to everybody


          Hello. Stumpy, very sorry for your loss. Your mother sounds like a wonderful woman and much loved.


          Tim, be careful. There are some exercises and PT you can do and still run with sciatia, but at some point it gets bad enough that you cannot run at all.  At the very least you may want to find out what is causing it. Some causes are more benign than others in terms of trying to keep running.  You might try some PT if you have not already. i would be leery of prednisone to control pain. ( also, prednisone at high doses can make you gain weight, not good for your quest against Slo...) 


           I went through sciatic issues in late 2008 and  ended up with a couple of months off completely and three steroid shots into my spine.  I confess I ran Boston 2009 6 days after the third one but I doubt that is the usual protocal.   I still have to be careful with my back.


          As for today, high winds daunted me this morning. I intended to go run at lunch but the day got away from me. Also, honestly I am tired. I did a lot over the weekend and my "rest day" hike on Sunday was a lot more strenuous than planned, so I may just go with the flow today and bag the run, get other things done.


          Happy Tuesday.


            I just went to lunch, sat down, unfolded the paper and there she was. Front Page Baby ! Headline reads…”Winter makes way for Spring”


            I wrote about her last year too. Last year she was wearing Red shorts with white piping and a white shirt with red piping to match. Her blond hair was in a long pony tail and pulled through the opening of a Nike ball cap.


            Today she was wearing what appeared to be brown aerobic type stretch pants that were just a tad too short (maybe a little too tight too) and a pink fleece top. A wide head band covered her ears. This time she had brunette hair and it was pulled back by her head band. In the back ground you could see a couple walking their black lab. The photo caption reads “Ashford Soph enjoys winter break”


            Every year we get a few days of unseasonably warm weather and every year the local photographer of the local Herald heads out to capture the signs of spring. Every year the sign of spring is some young attractive gal who has likely stepped outside for the first time since October and is caught in full stride. One arm pulled back, one arm thrust forward with a slight turn of the upper body at her waist. Picture Perfect! She’s probably about half way through her two mile jog.


            I’m glad that my favorite activity is somehow synonymous with spring. But maybe, just a little, I wish it were me in that picture. Maybe I feel somewhat slighted by seeing this “hobby jogger” on the front page. Really, didn’t I earn my right to be there? I’m out there day in and day out. In the rain and the wind and the snow, I’m out there. I keep a watchful eye out for those distracted drivers. I listen carefully to the sound of the car behind me, ready at any moment should I sense he’s crossed the lane and is heading towards me. I’ve taken my tumbles on the ice, out run unleashed dogs and even stopped to push a car or two out of a snow bank. Oh, and one time I chased down a couple cans of soup that got away from a lady bringing her groceries in.


            Then again, I’m not a story. There’s no trek across the United States in my future. There’s no cause that I’m raising 10’s of thousands of dollars for. I’m not an Olympic hopeful. I’m just one of those idiots that some people complain about. Running down the middle of the street in the pre dawn morning making the dogs bark while normal people are doing normal things. Like the guy on Perch's round-about.


            There’s no one else that I’d like to be right now at this moment than one of those idiots! And while I’m at it…let me acknowledge all of you, my Master Friends and Runners…you idiots!


            Trails are hard!


              There’s no one else that I’d like to be right now at this moment than one of those idiots! And while I’m at it…let me acknowledge all of you, my Master Friends and Runners…you idiots!


              It's like Slo is the most interesting man in the world.  He's calling us idiots, and I feel complemented.  Wink

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                Slo, maybe if you wore some tight little short shorts, and a skin tight top in a bright color, like neon lime green, with a matching headband you too could make the front page of the paper.


                  Dr. Byll:  "Come on in Slo.  Have a seat over there on that couch.  And by the way, feel free to lay down on it.  Make yourself comfortable."


                  Slo:  "Thanks Doc!"


                  Dr. Byll:  "Ummm, you don't mind if I take a few notes while we talk do you Slo"?


                  Slo:  "No, guess not.  Go right ahead Dr. Byllger"


                  Dr. Byll:  "Okay, Slo.  Now tell me.  How long have you been feeling this way?  And who is this "Bike" dude?

                  "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                     I’m just one of those idiots that some people complain about. Running down the middle of the street in the pre dawn morning making the dogs bark while normal people are doing normal things. Like the guy on Perch's round-about.


                    There’s no one else that I’d like to be right now at this moment than one of those idiots! And while I’m at it…let me acknowledge all of you, my Master Friends and Runners…you idiots!


                    Amen!!  Big grin

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo



                      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                        You know...I don't want anyone to feel left out.


                        You Idiots also include those that run in pools, try to break in orthoetics, spend hours with foam rollers, skip the 3rd glass of wine so you don't spoil your long run and post here on RA.

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Big grin

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                             Running down the middle of the street in the pre dawn morning

                            We got a guy around here that does that too.  I always wanted to ask him why he doesn't stay to the side of the road. 


                            Is it to stay off the slanted part of the road, or is there more to it than that?



                              Well I meet the last criteria.


                              {{{Stumpy}}}  I think it is good to post this stuff.  Even if it had been Valentine's Day.


                              My motivation to run is slowly dwindling, because it  just. won't. stop. raining!

                              I haven't been on the TM in ages, and I just. can't. do. it!

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                                We got a guy around here that does that too.  I always wanted to ask him why he doesn't stay to the side of the road. 


                                Is it to stay off the slanted part of the road, or is there more to it than that?


                                Yes.  If you run on the camber all the time, it creates problems, i.e. if you're on a two-way street and running against traffic, you'll always be low to the left.  I run right next to the yellow line and move when cars are coming.  If I'm on a one-way street, I'll switch from side to side every now and then.

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

