Masters Running


Tuesdaily, 7.31.18 (Read 37 times)


    Mornin' everyone, and good bye, July.


    Happy belated Birthday, Jeanne!

    Monday’s workouts:
    Marj & Henrun (a couple ‘a bike miles + 2 run miles for Henrun)
    RunnerKSA (4 hard pre-work miles + 1.5 post-work TM, butt & hamstring loosening miles)
    Tramps (5 miles)
    Pfriese (8 morning, post-thundershower miles)
    anneb (4.6 miles round the ‘hood)
    Holly (4 morning miles)
    Fatozzig (45 morning min. of core/ST)
    SPUNKY (5 post-work miles)
    Tomwhite (70 min. HH, 3-3s)
    C-R (10K at lunch)
    Surly Bill (theatre set packing cross-training)
    Mike (9 miles, including quick 6X800 on the track)
    Jlynne (5.75 morning miles + 30 min of weights/core)
    Evanflein (.7 mi. rest day lunchtime walk)
    Steve (4 morning miles with Tag)

    Fatozzig & KSA - I start all my workouts with an easy ¼-½ mi. walk, and it works for me. Of course, then I just keep walking, but at a little faster pace…

    C-R (and everyone else) - it always helps to know where there is new construction and porta-potties!


    Mike, Evanflein is right - you always seem to beat your workout goal times. If those times are there for a reason, then maybe you should back off a bit and stick to the plan. Otherwise, adjust your goals. But what do I know? I can barely drive that fast!


    6.7 tiring predawn RW miles this morning. I don't know why my legs got so fatigued, but they did, and I'll likely pay for it for at least the next few hours, despite having done my post-workout stretching. So it goes.


    Have a greta Tuesday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      4 humid miles this morning.


      I'm working half days this week because our granddaughter is back with us. I can get in a good 4 hours before she wakes up. Friday we'll be driving her back to her family in Florida so she can start 5th grade.



        Thanks, Jay.  I should definitely start out with more walking, but then I would have to be better at getting out of bed earlier, and that hasn't been happening.


        In fact, didn't sleep well and didn't get up in time to really do 3 miles, but I did it anyway.  We were supposed to have storms and I thought I would be on the treadmill, but we didn't.  It was just humid and awful out there.  Done and off to work!  Started SO slow, and butt felt really the best yet the whole way.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          I think it's funny we're all telling Mike to slow down. You're making us tired! 


          21 on the bike in a misty drizzle.

          Be safe. Be kind.


            Between the current hamstring/butt issue and varying arthritis aches and pains the walking warm up would be a good idea for me, but I don't do it either! I DO run the first mile as slow as I feel like, usually 11:30-12, I think it lets me check in with things and see how I'm feeling... given I just pop out of bed and run 10 minutes later.


            Well, it's been a nice several days but the heat and humidity is definitely coming back around for us. 68 this AM with dew point almost as high, and I think it's supposed to be around 90 again by Thursday. 4 easy miles in the forest preserve to end the month (~143). Lots of deer (many babies). Also, have any other early AM runners noticed the dark creeping back in? What's up with that??



              I usually start with a fast walk and then I switch to a run which is more of a combination run/walk. 3.5 mile run this morning in relatively low humidity. The humidity we experienced in DC is following us here stating tomorrow.


                Cool beautiful morning here, perfect for a 10 mile run thru town.




                  5.3 early morning easy miles with DD in the usual hot & steamy conditions.

                  Started running at age 60.

                  AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

                  AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


                  Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.

                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    I usually start with a fast walk and then I switch to a run which is more of a combination run/walk.

                    I'm like Henry too, . . . . except for the "fast" part

                    plus I never seem to get around to switching to the second part


                    Mike! - run as fast as you can while you can 'cause someday you can't.

                    ps - congratulations on Ryan's 5th OA out of nearly 500 runners

                    in the weekend's Torchlight 8K.  Maybe the practice drive helped, after all.

                    Next big ones are the Labor Day Half Marathon, then Seattle Marathon in November.

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)



                      Hi friends! I did get 5.3 post work miles yesterday. Last two were on the TM because a thunderstorm rolled in with lightning and winds! Then up and at em this this morning for another 5. It was 56 degrees!!! Very fall like feel. Traded shorts and tank for capris and long sleeve top. I'm not ready for that yet! Bible School was so fun. I had a 2nd grader in my group who wore a hula skirt with a seashell top! Our material is Shipwrecked, Rescued By Jesus, so her costume fit right in. Adorable kids!


                      CW - Good job on the 6.7 and thanks for the start!


                      FATZIG - I'll take that advice you are giving to RUNKSA. I'm fighting the same issue.


                      RUNKSA - I found a pad (at Marshalls) that has little jelly balls in it that can be heated in micro or kept in the fridge. I sit on it at work cold (when I remember to bring it). It really helps. I think it works as a massager as well as the coldpress.


                      DAVE - Have fun with the granddaughter.


                      TRAMPS - Good job on the bike ride!


                      HENRUN - It's forward motion for sure!!


                      ANNEB - Yes dark is moving back in. Ugh! The moon was bright and beautiful this morning!


                      FRIESE - Nice double digit run!


                      QUICK - Awesome that you can run with your daughter!


                      TETS - Yes forward motion is good!


                      Bless you all! Spunky


                        Mike - I ran that torchlight parade run once when I was living in Seattle. Such a fun race. But then all races I did up there for the one year I ran (back when I was 30) were fun. Especially the Beat the Bridge run.  It's just fun to run in Seattle.


                        Will head to the TM this afternoon. Got into work a bit after 7, so I guess I "should" be able to leave anytime after 3, right. We'll see what I can get accomplished today. Trying to get lots of done because I took all next week off. Provided we don't get elevated to a Level 2 evacuation, we are heading to the coast for camping and clean air. Although I imagine some smoke might drift over from the Redding fire but even a slight haze will be a huge improvement from what we have now.



                          FATZIG - I'll take that advice you are giving to RUNKSA. I'm fighting the same issue.



                          Spunky - We started a separate thread for hammy issues, if you wanna pop in and see what people are saying.


                          We have lots of fog, drizzle, and humidity here because it's so hot inland.  But I'm guessing many of you would laugh at our humidity, considering it's only about 57 this morning.


                          About 38 min of walk/run with strict 1 min intervals. Ended with about 3 miles. So far so good.


                          The PT I've been wanting to get into replied to my email this morning saying he wants to see me sooner rather than later.  Hopefully, this means I'll be able to get in in less than 6 weeks' time. 


                          Tammy - I hope you guys get to go on your camping trip.  The Carr Fire is over 110,000 acres and is moving west toward Trinity County.  We also have 2 more fires about 3 hrs south of us in Mendocino County that have consumed over 75,000 acres as of this morning.  

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance




                            FATZIG - I went to the hammy thread. I feel pretty fortunate after reading what others are dealing with. Mine is more like Coast Walker and feels better with massaging and mineral ice.

                            an amazing likeness

                              Prime numbers, should anyone need to head out and log a few extra for July...


                              2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163 ,167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293

                              Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


                                hmmm, decisions decisions. do I run 2.5 or 3.5 miles to get to prime? No way I'm running almost 10 on a TM!  Those days of double digit TM runs are over!

